2010.10.29 Status Hearing

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What fascinated me was how organised and articulate Baez was in the beginning which then quickly turned to hell in hand basket as he tripped up over his statements. Seriously, this guy couldn't lie straight in bed.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. Baez's shoulder shrugging, neck tweaking, cheek chewing, bobble headed mannerisms were in overdrive. Baez needs to practice his poker face because his display today was frightening.
What is so sad about this whole crime, IMO, when she gets convicted, it will be tossed out per "Ineffective Counsel" and then we get to start all over again.

We have (IMO) witnessed Baez and Cheney and feel they are bumbling idiots, (OR ARE TRYING TO APPEAR THAT WAY)..........Can you imagine starting over from scratch? It does appear to me that ICA has had a reality check...Lawyers and experts dropping like flies..........I hate to say it, but I will anyway......She has had ineffective counsel. MOO
Well I finally heard a few truthful words from Mr.Baez.He stated near the end of 4th tape that this is a monster of a case.IMO that is because he knows he has a MONSTER for a client.I do like this Judge, he will keep Mr.Baez on track.KC when she stared into the camera in the first part ,her eyes look blank , dead, chilling IMO.
What fascinated me was how organised and articulate Baez was in the beginning which then quickly turned to hell in hand basket as he tripped up over his statements. Seriously, this guy couldn't lie straight in bed.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. Baez's shoulder shrugging, neck tweaking, cheek chewing, bobble headed mannerisms were in overdrive. Baez needs to practice his poker face because his display today was frightening.

Exactly !!!
You know at first I am thinking What a PUTZ (sp?) Then watched JB in a few of his moments before the Judge and he was indeed like a school boy .. fumbled around with items on his desk .. tapping his pencil .. looking down .. then nodding yes and at one point had a sheepish look on his face. .. I was really waiting for him to scuff his foot .. you know like kick it a little and say "Aww Shucks Your Honor..yuck yuck"
I watched most of it:

- ICA looks to have lost some weight
- the school marm look doesn't do much for her
- crazy talk about skittles, mail, visitors. JB wanted all squelched - DENIED
- Cindy looks to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown (someone get her a cupper stat).

Then I couldn't take it anymore. I hate nonsense talk, and when JB brought up skittles I wanted to throw my drink at the TV.


This is the first time I can recall that at the end of a hearing, ICA didn't 'strut' out of the courtroom at the end. Her shoulders looked drooped and she looked very tired. She also glanced toward mommy and daddy more than once on her way out. When she got back to her 'room' I bet the covers went straight up over her head. Might be a good time for a little soul searching,...but I doubt she'll find it.
Moo,Casey's money train ( jail account)is gone .Nobody wants their names out there for the public to see.
I wasn't able to watch, (some time real life gets in the way) but I had seen some points from InSession...I thought I heard His Honor tell Baez something about playing "semantics" with him when they were speaking of the $1000 given for public records...ICA put her hand over her mouth as if to say YIKES! He went on about copies, money for copies and His Honor said, have you used all that up...He doesn't even know how much money is allotted to him that has been spent, I saw Baez turn to his paralegal who shook her head NO....JMHO

I also loved that HHBP told him that he would not give him money to go on a fishing expedition...Love it...Also loved when he told Baez about his media interviews..I love HHBP's voice just resonates when he raises it in contempt of what Baez brings to him...I love his judge, he is on this case, he will reel them in when they go off court...Caylee's justice is on it's way...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Watched the hearing again and I think Ann Finnell is competent and seems like a nice lady, imo. I got the impression that she was a bit misled by the defense, because of the way she turned and looked at Baez while HHJP was talking to her. I predict she'll jump ship soon.
What fascinated me was how organised and articulate Baez was in the beginning which then quickly turned to hell in hand basket as he tripped up over his statements. Seriously, this guy couldn't lie straight in bed.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. Baez's shoulder shrugging, neck tweaking, cheek chewing, bobble headed mannerisms were in overdrive. Baez needs to practice his poker face because his display today was frightening.

I couldn't get over his expressions when using his IPad.....rocking his head back and fourth.....then when he would shut it....bam.....kinda disrespectful....jmo
I watched most of it:

- ICA looks to have lost some weight
- the school marm look doesn't do much for her
- crazy talk about skittles, mail, visitors. JB wanted all squelched - DENIED
- Cindy looks to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown (someone get her a cupper stat).

Then I couldn't take it anymore. I hate nonsense talk, and when JB brought up skittles I wanted to throw my drink at the TV.



It looks to me like she's not sleeping...She's been in lockdown and should have looked refreshed, yet she looked like she's been haunted...hopefully she has been haunted by her nightmares and precious Caylee. I do hope she realizes she's in a fight for her life and there's nothing funny even when His Honor says something funny, I'd not be laughing...I'd be scared chitless to say the least..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I'm thinking Finnell wants to go to Ohio to look into Cindy & George and the way they were as parents to Casey more than what Casey was like as a child. As in, did Cindy/George do something to her to "damage" her way back then...

Gotta love HHJP :)

I was thinking it was about loading up the bus headed towards GA with bs....:banghead:
Right! I thought the defense might have a chance with getting the personal calls restricted but I was wrong. The Sentinel atty said they were appealing the ruling to the Florida Supreme Court. So I guess it can't be used as precedent yet.

Here's an interesting quote from R. Hornsby in a blog (http://blog.richardhornsby.com/2010/10/caseys-public-record-exception/) he wrote about the ruling and how it could pertain to KC:

"what ultimately will need to happen is the defense act like real attorneys, and instead of whining to judge Perry, they instead file a Writ of Certiorari (basically an interlocutory appeal) like the “defense attorneys” in Bent did and ask the Fifth District Court of Appeals to define what is a public record as it applies to the Casey Anthony case."

I think Baez should start reading Hornsby's blog. If they file a Writ of Certiorari next week we'll know why, lol.

You can't convince me that Hornsby blog is where they came up with this idea of Bent....can't for the life of me think Baez thought of it on his own....nope not gonna happen
I just re-watched all 4 videos. Random thoughts & observations:

  • Especially in the 1st video when Baez is arguing his motion citing Bent, Casey is thisclose to hyperventilating. Obviously, this privacy thing was a very, very big deal to her. I thought she was going to lose it when Judge Perry was denying the motion. She had a rough time controlling her emotions.
  • Baez really, really believed he was going to win the Bent argument. It was still disjointed and scattered - not a great presentation at all, but it was by far the best argument to date he has made before the court. He actually cited case law and you could tell he had at least studied the case law, even if he interpreted it with a sweeping defense slant. I didn't even hear one "umm" during the entire argument.
  • Ann Finnell needs some good listening skills. She interrupted HHJP far too often. Other than that, I liked her. In fact, part of me felt sorry for her. I think she got blindsided by a few things today (prior defense stuff, stipulations, orders, etc.) that JB and CM had not made her aware of. She was respectful of the Court and didn't ask for ridiculous amounts of money. She even said, "should this Court choose to deny my request, I will remain a part of the defense team." She seemed reasonable enough to me.
  • The TES records are EVERYTHING to the defense. It is insane how obsessed they are about those damn records. It is unbelievable how many times I heard them referenced and they had ZERO to do with THIS hearing. How is TES relevant when the motions heard were in re. privacy (Bent argument) or with JAC funding?
  • Cheney Mason.....I am still trying to figure out how to express my feelings about that man w/o getting a time out or banned.:angel: I'll just say that JB may be ignorant, but CM is filthy dirty. I don't like either one but I can stomach incompetence better than evil.
  • It was fun to see the fiesty side of LDB. You go girl! I was proud that she finally blew and exposed the defense (CM's) lies and misrepresentations to the Court. I believe every word she said about the defense posturing that the deadlines weren't enforceable. I'd bet my last cent that came straight out of CM's mouth.
  • Judge Perry certainly got my attention today. His demeanor was not lost on me. I think the SA got it. Pretty sure Ann Finnell got it, too. If JB and CM still they they can push him any further, they are fools.
Thanks for pulling this together. It allowed me to piece together some thoughts I had watching the video of the hearing last night. Please allow me to use your post as a springboard.
HHJP and CM have a history and I think HHJP likes CM :waitasec:. At least he likes sparring with him. I was a bit taken aback when HHJP said "I don't believe they said that " and smiled,when LDB explained what took place concerning scheduling depositions. IMO CM is counting on his friendship with HHJP to see them through some of their monkey business.
I love HHJP ,and was thrilled to see how firm he was during the hearing ,BUT(don't hate me) I wish he had gone even further :truce:
You can't convince me that Hornsby blog is where they came up with this idea of Bent....can't for the life of me think Baez thought of it on his own....nope not gonna happen

LOL ! ICA was doing a lot of scribbling and intense whispering . I don't know what media material she has access to,but I wonder if she said "AHA! here you go JB. Use this to stop the jail from ignoring MY PRIVACY RIGHTS!" The girl feels entitled.She has her entire life.
In some of her letters to another inmate she said she was helping JB with the case and reading law. Maybe she really does believe she knows enough to be the teams paralegal :dance:
Wow! Judge Perry was none too happy when Ms. Burdick told the tale of "someone" from Baez' office telling their clerk that it was okay to schedule depositions on a date AFTER the time limit for taking depos will be expired.

When the Judge raised his voice a little and interrupted her by saying "Oh, no, no one said that!" you knew that he believed every word that she had just spoken! And did you notice how his tone changed? He became very... measured... in what he then said. That he would "take over the case" himself.

This Cheney dude, I honestly think there is something wrong with him "upstairs". I noticed that at one point during the exchange about the "missing" paperwork from the George and Cindy interviews both Cheney and Baez were standing. The judge was addressing them and then the judge asked Baez a question. I don't know if Cheney didn't like Baez's answer or what, but he literally turned his back on Baez as he (Baez) was answering the judge's question. Very bizarre.

It is appears very clear that this judge is aware the defense in this case is in way, way over it's head. He outright told them that they need not worry, he will guide the case. Wouldn't Mason theoretically know how to run a death penalty case? The judge directly admonished him to get the Frye hearing motion filed "very soon". Surely Mason is experienced enough to know to do this on time without having the court nudge him, yet he has not filed it yet and just comes up with a lame excuse.

I think the real underlying problem is they HAVE NO DEFENSE. Which I guess is not their fault, it is their client's fault because she did it.

Very interesting hearing.


I had not thought of it that way !!! Thanks for giving me another way of looking at that exchange.
What fascinated me was how organised and articulate Baez was in the beginning which then quickly turned to hell in hand basket as he tripped up over his statements. Seriously, this guy couldn't lie straight in bed.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. Baez's shoulder shrugging, neck tweaking, cheek chewing, bobble headed mannerisms were in overdrive. Baez needs to practice his poker face because his display today was frightening.

Can you imagine when he gets in front of an actual jury! LOL

I had not thought of it that way !!! Thanks for giving me another way of looking at that exchange.

And I took it as he would not say that because if he did the judge would have to deal with it in an unkindly manner towards the defense and CM, specifically. It was a warning. Next time I would imagine the judge will not be so kind. So what I got from it was CM was saying the judge's orders really do not matter, cuz KC is so special. jmo
I watched most of it:

- ICA looks to have lost some weight
- the school marm look doesn't do much for her
- crazy talk about skittles, mail, visitors. JB wanted all squelched - DENIED
- Cindy looks to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown (someone get her a cupper stat).

Then I couldn't take it anymore. I hate nonsense talk, and when JB brought up skittles I wanted to throw my drink at the TV.




AF is going as far back as ICA's birth in Ohio,maybe even further. She is going to be delving deeply into the family dynamics to try and save ICA's life. GA and CA will be served up on a platter for the entire world to see. Even after every horrible thing about this family is exposed , ICA may still get the death penalty.
The very fact that the penalty phase is being is being discussed in court ,as though it is a foregone conclusion, must be difficult for CA to hear.
She has risked her own reputation and possibly her own freedom (if she should be charged ) in order to save ICA. It was all for nothing and i think she realizes that now. She sees the bus that is headed in her direction and knows she is about to get run over. She put herself in it's path for that ungrateful child.
I have not a spot of sympathy for her as she is still denying Caylee justice,love and concern.
Just an aside,looking at GA and CA in the video ,they have the same mouth. Kind of freaky.
Watched the hearing again and I think Ann Finnell is competent and seems like a nice lady, imo. I got the impression that she was a bit misled by the defense, because of the way she turned and looked at Baez while HHJP was talking to her. I predict she'll jump ship soon.

She will if she's smart,but she may hang in,believing she could make a difference. She strikes me as that type of person.
I'm surprised she didn't look at past rulings in this case before she made her motion. She actually said she knows nothing about this case. That doesn't seem very prudent to me. I bet she's studying everything about this case ,now. Her reputation is on the line and after this hearing ,she won't be so willing to leave it in the hands of JB and CM. JMO

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