2010.11.04 Fund Shuts down

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Dec 1, 2008
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CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - A group raising money in Zahra Baker's name canceled that effort Wednesday, citing negative publicity about the fund. At the same time, the North Carolina Attorney General's office announced concern about the fundraising .
...good news that the fund was shut down--------but, they are still using the zahrabaker.com , now it links you directly to their "spiritual counselling" website.

...they should not be allowed to use that domain name.
I agree - maybe we should email the attorney general - he could suggest they abandon the domain name to this group.
They shouldn't be using Zahra like that. :no: They need to just shut down the site all together.

I wonder if they where being investigated, seemed like the public was calling for it. I don't really trust these people do to the right thing on their own.

ETA: Just as I thought... (Oviedo's link)

The Spiritual Counseling Network's co-pastor, Brandon Greeson says the group is cooperating with the Attorney General office's inquiry. Greeson says the Attorney General's office wants to see their paperwork on donors, donations, charity status and tax records. Greeson says all of the money raised in Baker's name will go to charity.

I like how they blame the public for having to shut down and not the fact that they are dishonest and are about to get caught.
The Attorney General's office wants to see their paperwork on donors, donations, charity status and tax records.

BBM... I love that part... cuz that means the Federal Government IRS will get involved...
This makes me sick. They should demand they take that websight down immediately using Zahra's name.
It seems curious to me that LE wants to hear from anyone who may have donated to this fund? Is that pretty common in these situations? I'm clueless.
Soooo glad to see these, er, people, shut down. Nothing about them felt good, especially after the little bit of googling I did. Fraud, IMO, all the way.
Wonder if they had the 5013(c) status (I think that is the one). Anyone should be able to contact the fund to get the information & also see how the money is being used & where it went. Should all be public record.
I hope this is OK.... here is a link to a forum that is discussing the Spiritual Counselling Network and the two guys associated with it. Apparently, they are really upset with the site over something.... There is apparently some pictures associated with the Spiritual Counseling Network somewhere that are infuriating the people over at this "Mock Forum" site.

I don't even slightly get how anyone who has a clue about the story of Zahra, could type her name with a dot com behind it and expect anything but a scam. But that's just me.
I hope this is OK.... here is a link to a forum that is discussing the Spiritual Counselling Network and the two guys associated with it. Apparently, they are really upset with the site over something.... There is apparently some pictures associated with the Spiritual Counseling Network somewhere that are infuriating the people over at this "Mock Forum" site.


Oh.My.Goodness, that is the funniest site I've ever been to! (Well, you know, it's irritating hearing about the scam and using Zahra's name, but... such losers!). I have face-ache from trying not to laugh at work now.
I was happy when LE spoke out about this, and now to see that the state's Attorney General office is casting a concern eye on it, makes me all the more happier. I wish every state was as attentive when it comes to missing children cases and questionable fundraising in the child's name.
This makes me sick. They should demand they take that websight down immediately using Zahra's name.

They have taken the site down... the reason the Zahra URL flips back to their main website is because they have "parked" the domain on their main site... which is legal, given that they are the legal owners of the Zahra domain. :(
I hope this is OK.... here is a link to a forum that is discussing the Spiritual Counselling Network and the two guys associated with it. Apparently, they are really upset with the site over something.... There is apparently some pictures associated with the Spiritual Counseling Network somewhere that are infuriating the people over at this "Mock Forum" site.


Actually it is these people who found out all kinds of things regarding these men.


If you read their blogs, you will pretty much get the idea of what they found. Seems these two guys had some (thinking of how to put this ) questionable sites that had nothing to do with God. I saw the links that were placed before the guys cleaned them off and let me tell you I was floored! One of them even included 2 videos that they made in their home!

I would say these two guys have a lot of explaining to do. Not just in regards to the money they got through donations but also how they are claiming to be ministers when they have sites like the ones I saw.
I was happy when LE spoke out about this, and now to see that the state's Attorney General office is casting a concern eye on it, makes me all the more happier. I wish every state was as attentive when it comes to missing children cases and questionable fundraising in the child's name.

It's my understanding that the people at the social exploitation site I linked above, are the ones who contacted the Attorney General among others regarding what they found out about these two guys. From what I have read over there, I don't think it is over for these two. Looks like they will have a few visitors to answer to.
Is anyone else having a déjà vu moment right about now?

This is soooo reminiscent of the whole Kidfinders/ Dennis and Sherri Milstead fraud down in Florida. They swooped in on Caylee's case quicker than you can say "Scamthony".
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