2010.11.18 AB/EB Court Dates - Other Charges [MERGED]

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Thank you for all your research borndem.

I just checked media reports and the charge regarding utilities was reported as "identity theft and obtaining property by false pretense." Hopefully this will help you search the legal site. You are great at this :)
Thank you for all your research borndem.

I just checked media reports and the charge regarding utilities was reported as "identity theft and obtaining property by false pretense." Hopefully this will help you search the legal site. You are great at this :)

You're welcome, my WS Friend -- I'll take a look. I do know that "they" really don't like identity theft (what a pity, huh?) And your details should help a lot.
Hickory Born

ID theft for someone with no previous felony points ranges as follows:
Class G Felony:

Obt. Ppty - False Pretenses, if value is LT $100,000 (and I assumed it was) - Class H Felony:

Pretty small stuff. But maybe the charges will add up to a couple of years -- and I wonder if they would give probation to an "illegal"? There's always that leg bling-bling, I guess.

With some cases, after an "illegal" is arrested, the LEO's notify or turn the offender over to the immigration authorities. It may have to do with our tax money -- who knoze? That's all pretty foggy stuff to this English major???
EB's charges are a lot more serious. I wonder how many people she will turn on to save her own tush.....
EB's charges are a lot more serious. I wonder how many people she will turn on to save her own tush.....

..yep.....count 1 alone:

1. Conspiring with others to distribute and possess with intent to distribute Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Alprazolam in Caldwell and Catawba counties from 2006 until 2010. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison a $1 million fine or both.

..she wasn't dealing this stuff to herself.

..adam wasn't in the picture until 2008-----but AY was, in fact she was 'married to' and living with him---adam and elisa didn't attempt to run BB and her husband off the road ( and pull out a taser ) over 'milk money'---it was something "a little more serious", since BB says they went home and GOT her the $$$'s owed.

..i think a few more heads are going to roll over the drug charges ( a la' the croslin-cummings clan ) before this is over.

..and if any of the parties involved kept quiet over what they (potentially) saw happening to Z b/c OF the drug action-----then i hope for the max punishment for the lot of them.
..yep.....count 1 alone:

1. Conspiring with others to distribute and possess with intent to distribute Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Alprazolam in Caldwell and Catawba counties from 2006 until 2010. Maximum penalty: 20 years in prison a $1 million fine or both.

..she wasn't dealing this stuff to herself.

..adam wasn't in the picture until 2008-----but AY was, in fact she was 'married to' and living with him---adam and elisa didn't attempt to run BB and her husband off the road ( and pull out a taser ) over 'milk money'---it was something "a little more serious", since BB says they went home and GOT her the $$$'s owed.

..i think a few more heads are going to roll over the drug charges ( a la' the croslin-cummings clan ) before this is over.

..and if any of the parties involved kept quiet over what they (potentially) saw happening to Z b/c OF the drug action-----then i hope for the max punishment for the lot of them.

Any chance they will get MR AB on any of this? I don't buy the dumb and dumber routine! (as in he was dumb and got dummer) Nah!

There was something in it for him to keep his mouth shut and his eyes closed.

I wonder if he did a lot of talking in order to get himself off. Seems so strange to me that they don't have anything on him and someone talked as far as the drug charges. imo
If the DA made a deal with Adam, it is only fair to the public for Jay Gaither to share that information, IMO.

Why didn't Adam tell police on the morning of Oct 9th that the kidnapped note was in his wife's handwriting. Not for one second would I believe he ddn't notice this! IMO, that is Obstruction of Justice.

Why wasn't Adam charged with a marijuana offense? He admitted being smoked up for at least 5 mths (how convenient). Wasn't there drug paraphernalia reported in one of the first searches?

A law is a law and police officers take an oath to uphold the LAW. Why not in this case?

Did LE question him while taking the lie detector test about that fake 911 call? IMO that was Obstruction of Justice.
Hickory Born

ID theft for someone with no previous felony points ranges as follows:
Class G Felony:

Obt. Ppty - False Pretenses, if value is LT $100,000 (and I assumed it was) - Class H Felony:

Pretty small stuff. But maybe the charges will add up to a couple of years -- and I wonder if they would give probation to an "illegal"? There's always that leg bling-bling, I guess.

With some cases, after an "illegal" is arrested, the LEO's notify or turn the offender over to the immigration authorities. It may have to do with our tax money -- who knoze? That's all pretty foggy stuff to this English major???

I am thinking that may be a consideration. As well I thought I read some time back that he was being investigated in his homeland for securing a passport for Zahra. It may though just of been rumour as I am simply going on memory here

Wonder why his family recently left Giru and moved to XXXXXX? Population of Giru is less than 400 people. Population of XXXXXX is around 300,000. Are they trying to hide? Or are they going to try and hide Adam, IF he ever gets back to Australia?

I agree...bring on a trial.

..as for the "time" he could be looking at on the charges-----i don't know----but did email a reporter working this story to see if she does.

..didn't KB say that she and her husband moved back to XXXXXX b/c he had retired from the sugar factory?

..she (KB) was quoted as being in XXXXXX right from oct. 2010 when zahra was "missing."


In all due respect ... I want to point out that the family concerned is a "victim of crime". These people are not responsible for the crimes against Zahra. They've been going through tough times, and no doubt continue to do so now, and really don't need their residential location, movements or motives being publicised or speculated upon by us. They deserve our respect and compassion. Please be fair to them.
Has media announced who will be Elisa's defense attorney regarding the drug charges?
To the best of my recollection, Adam's next court date is Nov. 3 in Caldwell County. The media has not followed up on this recently and I am afraid there could be deal making going on this month and the next thing we hear is "He is back in Australia."

I think he should go to trial. I want to hear him explain why he was intimidating people with his car and trying to hit them.

IMO, justice for Zahra will not come until Adam is held accountable for his actions (or lack thereof) as her father.
According to the federal court judge, Baker is facing a maximum penalty of 115 years in prison and a $4.2 million fine if convicted on all charges.

Baker’s trial has been continued to Jan. 9, 2012, at 10 a.m., said Carolyn Bouchard, docket clerk for the US Clerk of Court, Statesville district


115 years sounds just about right to me!

btw, that picture of her is absolutely creepy.
I'm relieved she's not going to ever get out. What a mess she is.
Put her in a small, small dark cell please. I hear she likes that darkness.
I have posted several articles in the media thread tonight. Below is one which states how many misdemeanors in Caldwell County. If he is convicted on all 9 and sentenced to serve the 120 days for each, he could spend 3 years in jail...and that is not counting the FELONY charges in Catawba County.

Judge grants a continuance in Adam Baker's trial



"The father of Zahra Baker is facing charges of failing to return rented property, two counts of communicating threats, assault with a deadly weapon and five counts of writing worthless checks"

"If convicted Baker could face up to 120 days in jail for each count, but his attorney, Shell Pearce, says probation is more likely."

Adam Baker plea deal hearing postponed


Wednesday morning, Baker, his attorney Mark Killian, and lawyers with the District Attorney's Office met behind closed doors to work out the details of the plea agreement. It's unlikely Baker will face any jail time.

"[Adam] hopes to get back home so he can get back and return to work, and do things any normal citizen will do," said Killian after the meeting.

IMO Adam Baker is NOT any "normal citizen." He is a deliquent father who thought more of his OWN wants and desires than his own flesh and blood.
Elisa Baker to get 20 years in plea on drug charges
Zahra's killer pleads guilty to one count

Hickory Daily Record

" CHARLOTTE --Elisa Baker pleaded guilty in federal court today to one count of selling prescription drugs and is expected to receive the maximum 20-year sentence. The plea agreement disposes the last pending charges against Baker, who is serving 14 to 18 years for the murder and dismemberment of her step-daughter, Zahra Baker."

"...Six other drug charges were dismissed. "




eta: And more disgust to come with AB's "pleas"
Elisa Baker to get 20 years in plea on drug charges
Zahra's killer pleads guilty to one count

Hickory Daily Record

" CHARLOTTE --Elisa Baker pleaded guilty in federal court today to one count of selling prescription drugs and is expected to receive the maximum 20-year sentence. The plea agreement disposes the last pending charges against Baker, who is serving 14 to 18 years for the murder and dismemberment of her step-daughter, Zahra Baker."

"...Six other drug charges were dismissed. "




She gets more time for selling drugs than killing an innocent child.....:scream:
That's usually how it works. Drug charges carry more time than violence against children. It's horrible!

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