2010.12.17 Doc Release

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Warning: interview is over an hour long. Here are some tidbits based on my interpretation.

link: http://www.wftv.com/video/26171628/index.html

Listening to Joe Jordan's interview. TE searcher who said he was at the site before the body was found. He said the water was knee deep and he saw a pink baby blanket and a cooler. He didn't go any farther than that. Going over TE sheets (field activity reports (FAR) that he completed in September, 2008). He was in a team (with him at the time).

We searched the area (about 5 feet from the road). Over time if people had to leave, their name was crossed off the FAR.

Lori Cree (sp) found what she believed was a mound (pointing 5 feet from the road before it ditches down -- and Lori wanted us to look at it. Near that mound we found a bag with some towels (cloth of some sort), male shoes. Item was flagged and later on in the day there was another team searching behind the school (with a cadaver dog). He took the dog to smell the baby blanket, cooler, and bag.

How far did the group go down the ditch. Only 2 people went into the water, along with sherriff deputy and dog. How much water? about knee deep in water. Dog and sherrif went into water (dog had water up to belly).

Bag was in entryway on the side of the road -- not in water. He can't say if someone else came back from TE to check the flagged items. He was told not to touch or pick anything up.

He wrote on the form to go back when the water receded and re-check. Most of the searchers (on that day were searching behind the school).

Said dog wouldn't be able to "pull anything" because of the water.

More soon -- lot's of I don't knows and parking questions...

Latest WESH 2 Tweets:

Here's all of the Derkovic material: www.wesh.com
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 11:33 AM

We don't remember seeing the audio before.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 11:34 AM

Believe that's new.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 11:35 AM
12/17/2010 Doc Dump - 10 folders on a DVD-R.

Folder # 152 - Lori Cree audio interview 8/20/2009 (already released?)
153 - Lori Cree video interview
154 - Joe Jordan audio interview with LDB 11/05/2009 (released)
155 - Melissa Earnest (Cindy 'friend') - audio, emails, texts from Cindy
156 - Joy Wray - JibJab video, pictures, arrest reports, Best Buy audio, video from TV
160 - Deputy Anthony Whitmore audio interview (2 min) about River Cruz/Crystal
161 - Samsung cell phone exam - River Cruz/Crystal
162 - River Cruz / Crystal video interview at OCSO
163 - More River Cruz/Crystal stuff including audio interview of gate guard
Robin Adams stuff - letters, audio interviews of her Dad and friend Tracy Neally
164 - Camera forensic exam - River Cruz/Crystal


MM - is there anything new in the cell phone and camera info from Crystal/aka River?

No one was allowed to take photos or talk to the media. One searcher was talking to news media, so he asked her to leave.

He now says he smelled something (further West), and added stuffed animals he saw. Now he says grave which he earlier referred to as a mound of dirt. The water was clear and you could see sand on the bottom. He wasn't comfortable bringing his team into the water because of alligators or water mocassins. Used walking sticks to search through weeds and brush.

Man this guy is rambling. I'm not sure if you want to take the time to listen to this. They're jumping all over the place. Ughhh....

Latest WESH 2 Tweet:

Bob Kealing will have some highlights from the evidence release on our noon newscast. You can watch live online here: www.wesh.com
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Jomo
Latest WESH 2 Tweet:
Here's info on the photo from the phone that shows George and the woman who claimed an affair: www.wesh.com
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 10:32 AM

I have to wonder if the CA was given a heads up about this release/doc dump and that is the reason for the "marriage is fine" comment. :waitasec:

Actually, this photo was released a long time ago.
It is NOT a private setting with George and River - it is the CHURCH where they did the balloon release for Caylee's birthday. River and her sister Skye attended the balloon release.

River is in the same purple blouse, with the same headband on. Right side of photo.


  • river george at balloon release.jpg
    river george at balloon release.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 102
River and George in same purple shirts, as in the balloon release photos


  • George and River WESH Dec 17, 2010.jpg
    George and River WESH Dec 17, 2010.jpg
    24.7 KB · Views: 78
It is going to take a lot of willpower on my part to work tomorrow. I can take 15 minute breaks every 15 minutes, right?

absolutely! We don't want you so frushtrated you can't schwollow.
lol how do I spell that?
cocoa mom mentioned in joe jordans interview...websleuths mentioned
Bond James bond mentioned as well on joe jordans interview!
Bond James bond mentioned as well on joe jordans interview!

sumbunny thank you so much for the updates--so cocoa and BJB are mentioned by screen name? In what context? Are they referring to specific posts of theirs?
They aren't mentioned in detail..cocoa mom was mentioned as someone he talked to on websleuths..shared messages etc.

BondJames bond ...same.

No details :)
Joe jordan mentions visiting here, posting things..also at scared monkeys.

No huge details on what his postings consisted of. Just that his screen name was changed.
I remember references to the Halloween video from JWs interview, but we hadn't actually seen it before had we?

ETA: I can't find a link that will run for me here at work.
Just listed to jail inmate Maya Derkovic's interview. She seemed pretty sincere - though it bothered me that it took 10 months for her to come forward. Maybe she wanted to wait until she was out of Caysey's earshot before coming forward - who knows (now that she's in prison). Doesn't seem like she had anything to gain or lose by talking to Melich. Anyway, my hinky meter didn't go up listening to her.


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