2010.12.17 File Turned Over to D.A.

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"what charges, if any" sounds like legal terminology to me (as opposed to 'emotional' speech). With people presumed innocent until proven guilty, there needs to be adequate evidence available to indict. They can't just work on a hunch. I don't see any reason to feel discouraged by that comment.
I will get freaked out and upset if EB walks out of jail on the more minor charges without any charges relating to her treatment of Zahra and participation at the very least in the disposal and coverup, let alone my own personal believe she had a direct hand her death.

However . . .

I refuse to be discouraged til that happens. Until the time she walks out of jail a free woman, I have hope that the DA is simply quietly going about attempting to build the best case possible in which to levy those charges I want so much to see.

The District Attorney's Office says it is still waiting for the file from the State Bureau of Investigations.

Not that I blame them , I certainly want all the i's dotted and t's crossed before this thing is submitted, but it looks like the wait is on the SBI at this point. As long as it's as thorough as can be, waiting a bit longer doens't seem so bad(but gosh, am I impatient!)
As long as the delay is the result of diligent evidence inerpretation and prosecution, I can be patient.
I agree with you both.

It's tough knowing that things move one step further down the legal track, and then we hear nothing. I keep reminding myself that the DA's office has a huge amount of material to process, and in my heart and mind I really need them to take all the time they need – the longer the better – so nothing is rushed or overlooked. In reality they've only had the files a couple of weeks, and it took the police months to collate it all, so I have to expect the DA's office to take weeks if not months too. If they had received the SBI and FBI files already (have they got the FBI ones yet???) they may not be able to process the great pile of material any fast than they are now. I presume if the SBI and FBI haven't handed over their files then this indicates they are still processing information.

Same goes for the autopsy – I gather this has not been signed off yet either? The mind just boggles doesn't it?
A little O/T but not that much....

Last month I watched a program on CNN entitled "Rogue Justice." It covered an investigation into the NC SBI that revealed the use of shoddy science and/or withheld evidence in more than 200 cases in NC. It stated that the entire department had been put through an audit and that resulted in a complete overhaul of the department. (Really good documentary...if you get a chance, watch it.)

So having said that, I'm *sure* that the SBI are taking the time to ensure that all tests they're running and all reports they're generating are completed using exact accepted procedures.

ETA: Clip from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/crime/2011/01/27/siu.rogue.justice.ron.cnn
Yes, let us all pray for all i's to be dotted and t's crossed. We don't want anyone involved escaping the wheels of justice.
In addition to my questions above, can anyone explain to me the difference between the FBI & SBI, and also why both would be involved with this case? Is this customary or does it have something to do with the Australian and UK connections and the issue of AB being an illegal resident?
I understand the DA is working towards making a case to take to the Grand Jury. Is that correct?
In addition to my questions above, can anyone explain to me the difference between the FBI & SBI, and also why both would be involved with this case? Is this customary or does it have something to do with the Australian and UK connections and the issue of AB being an illegal resident?

The FBI is the federal division and the SBI being the state division. I would assume the federal got involved due to the australian connections. Also, the federal division had the US Marshals looking for Zahra when she was only considered missing.
In addition to my questions above, can anyone explain to me the difference between the FBI & SBI, and also why both would be involved with this case? Is this customary or does it have something to do with the Australian and UK connections and the issue of AB being an illegal resident?

IF the FBI comes forth with indictments, this will be completely separate from Catawba County, NC indictments and will be prosecuted in a Federal Court versus a State Court. I would like to see this in the Feds hands, punishment is fierce and long standing...in other words, if they say Life in Prison, they mean it - no parole. There could be two different indictments/trials, depending on what evidence has been found. The Catawba County DA would not be prosecuting the Federal charges.......to the best of my knowledge. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Wish MSM would give us a report on FBI findings.
Flakes, I have not seen or heard autopsy results. We are waiting on those.
I am so saddened that it has taken as long as it has to start to bring justice for Zahra, but I am enlightened that the SBI and FBI are working hard to make sure to not allow a reason for the perps of this horrific crime to slip through on a technicality. How many days did Zahra have to endure EB? At this point, at least EB is still sitting behind bars and doing time - so I can wait on the professionals to wrap up the entire case and tie it with a bow. As long as we get Justice for Zahra.

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