2010.12.20 Hearing

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I was at the hearing today too. I don't think Ms. Finnell is a great speaker. I could hear everything she was saying, but she spoke in a low almost monotone. She was not animated at all. That could be a problem if she does this in front of a jury. I thought Cindy looked very tired and not well. KC's hair did look like it had not been washed and had been put 'up' quickly and haphazardly.

I will be interested in how JP rules on this. I do want to say that when he went to his computer, he was not ignoring Ms. Finnell. It looked like he was looking up the newpaper or journal that she cited towards the end of her time at the podium. It was in reference to a trial in some other county. He always seem to have all the relevant case law at his fingertips and this one seemed to surprise him a bit, so he immediately went to look it up. At least that was my impression.

Finnell had just mentioned Sheppard vs Maxwell, right before HHJP turned to his computer. Anyone know how Sheppard vs Maxwell might affect the judge's ruling on this motion?
I attended the hearing today. Jim L. and Holly arrived together with CA, but when it was over, CA had a lot of whispering to do with Baez and they were on the elevator together with the cameramen. Jim L. did not ride the elevator down with Holly or CA. CA went to the parking garage completely alone, not followed by cameras or reporters, just by herself. Her purse has a luggage tag type photo holder on it and inside is a photo of great grandpa holding Caylee on his lap in the nursing home. ICA did not seem to be wearing ankle chains today. CA sat in the courtroom with her attorney and Jim L and Holly sat on the prosecution side across the aisle from CA's attorney. Those two are quite the pair!

BBM... hmm. That's unusual, no? Was the defense side filled up? I can't imagine so. I wonder why she wasn't sitting with Cindy.
ITA ZsaZsa! I'm betting the defense is having a hard time finding anyone willing to speak up on casey's behalf during the penalty phase, and are trying to get the list sealed to conceal the fact that NO ONE other than her parents really cares much one way or the other whether she lives or dies. Either that, or they don't want G&C to know who's on the list, in case it might affect their support of ICA. Jmo, of course.

That is a very good point. I bet they're more worried about GA and CA hounding their penalty phase witnesses than the media. I mean, God FORBID someone say something bad about them to make Casey look good! I almost don't want the names released to protect the innocent from GA and CA, especially if it's their own family members!

ETA: Oh wait, I forgot, they are committed to no distractions from the case. So they obviously wouldn't bother anyone testifying in the penalty phase or speculate as to what they will testify to. My bad, Mr. Lippman. *huge eyeroll*
I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.

Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, eh?
I think she looks like a troll.
Seems Biaz was annoyed with Casey passing him notes today. Like a little kid that tells on themself... complaining about media photographing her while she is passing notes and then subconsciously trying to take her paper away from her when she is done and he's read what she had to say until she pulls it back towards her and keeps the paper in front of her. Wonder what she was scribbling down so quickly and why Baez doesn't want people to be able to photograph and review it (ie Lindsay Lohan).
BBM... hmm. That's unusual, no? Was the defense side filled up? I can't imagine so. I wonder why she wasn't sitting with Cindy.
The media was invited in the courtroom before the public. Jim and Holly went in and CA followed them and sat with them. Initially she was sitting on the prosecution side, too. She switched seats before the hearing began. Oddly, in this room the defense sits on the left. The courtroom is smaller than the one on the 23rd floor and it was full today.
Thanks for presenting that slideshow - I laughed my fool head off at a couple of them.

Such as pics #4 and #5 which clearly show that neither mother nor daughter has had a good undergarment fitting in quite some time?
Isn't the family responsible for the clothes for court? You would think that CA would make sure KC had something newly pressed for the hearings. Last week the clothes were brought in on a hanger and they still looked unironed. Plus the ruffles when Mom knows KC hates ruffles. So if the shirt were pressed do you suppose it became wrinkled when KC saw it and said, "Not this shirt again" threw it on the floor and then stomped on it. lol No "mother of the year" would let her child wear a shirt that looked like that, you would iron it for heaven sakes. jmo
Did you miss what CA was wearing?? She looked like she was about to go on a fox hunt. Either the money is running out or she has reverted back to her former crappy clothes. With taste like hers we can't expect too much for the inmate.
HJBP: "Let me let you in a little secret, this week was supposed to be my vacation... unfortunately, I'm here working." *camera pans to a shot of Casey's unamused face*

Ah, I love irony almost as much as I love inside jokes.
I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.

I will agree that ICA is a very phsyically attractive young lady. But I think most jurists will see past that to her actions and fall on the side of pretty is as pretty does. Once all the evidence is heard, IMO, those looks are not gonna make one iota of difference in keeping her from the DP. Nothing pretty about what she's done.
I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.

Hi there Solace. You want to know what image is going to resignate with the jury? This one:

She is going to sit there with her flat affect and there will be nothing pretty about her. Moreover she may as well have a sign above her head...THIRTY ONE DAYS. When they look at her they are not going to be thinking what a lovely girl, these will be hard working, taxpaying parents or brothers or sisters or daughters or aunts or uncles, the only innocent beautiful thing they are going to fall asleep on thier minds with is the little helpless, defenseless two year old baby. If you line up one hundred impressions the jurors say kept them up at night, I bet Casey being attractive would be 99. We are not talking about a cop letting a pretty girl out of speeding ticket, we are talking about a baby being murdered and moreover the murder being planned. Evil. If anyone on that jury seems to be facinated with her, or seems to forget that for one minute, remain calm, Jeff Ashton has a way of bringing it home, what we are here for. Check him and Linda Drane Burdick out in action...you will know. They know how to redirect a focus. They have got this!!! In any hairdo, in any outfit, with any makeup, at the end of the day...a baby is dead. That wont be lost on the jurors. Some of the jurors in the Scott Peterson trial commented on him being a good looking man, nevertheless....they did the only reasonable thing. People have an amazing capacity, have faith!

Remember this little gem?

They have got this my friend!!! Have good faith! If she doesn't get the death penalty, it wont be because of her looks, it will be that the jury thought life was more just for whatever reason, imo.
Nothing says "bought testimony" like, Dr Lee being unwilling to be deposed until after he receives payment.

Oh and I think the JAC rules say that Dr Lee can't charge the State more than he charged the defense.....so JB is going to have to disclose some contract finances for that (maybe? please? say it's so?)

Actually, most expert witnesses require you to pay them in advance. A state expert witness I deposed a few months ago required me to pay in advance; so it works both ways.
I think she is a very funny, smart, spirited gal, one that sure has been a breath of fresh air compared to the softball interviews the defense and family get from others. I love that quote in your signature. Let's get this straight according to her, her mother is a bit--, her brother and father are child molestors and ...what...therefore she can't help who she is? Can you imagine having only two people on this entire planet willing to come see you, seeing your mother cry, she is clearly a shaking nervous wreck, at her wits end, practically leveled to the floor begging you for clues, knowing she is literally ill and depressed and barely holding it together and rather than be grateful for her devotion, you call her a bitc=, a name others would NEVER ever use against their own mother? It tells us who she is.

May is coming Casey.
Although this hearing was sooo short, it was a treasure trove.
No Andrea
No Linda Kenney Baden
Casey's BFF Jeannette Barret is getting benched
now possibly no Dr. Lee
Baez better break out his Lexis Nexis free umbrella....
the rain has set in.

And no George either - yikes!
Actually, most expert witnesses require you to pay them in advance. A state expert witness I deposed a few months ago required me to pay in advance; so it works both ways.

Glad you stopped in. The issue is that he wants payment for last July right? Casey wasn't indigent then so shouldn't JAC be out of this one and Jose needs to pay him?

Or do I have this wrong?
I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.

Ummm,..er... - pot dressing kettle!!!!
I was thinking more along the lines that Baez finally told the truth to Casey, "Hate to tell ya chic, but we're screwed without a kiss in this case."

NOT-A-CHANCE would he use that expression (which made me laugh) because ICA would give him the wide eyed look and say "oh no, we can't be because I'm willing to do both..."
I'm thinking of Susan Smith. I don't think the sexual abuse by her stepfather came in at all until the penalty phase because I remember it being a big shock. And in that case it was admitted to so I don't know if it could come in without an admission or without Casey testifying. KWIM?

I think it was heard and admitted because the stepfather testified to it being true during the mitigation phase. Made about as much difference as a hill of beans to the sentence though.
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