2010.12.20 Hearing

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Anyone else think Dr Lee is getting cold feet?
I mean if he was a signifigant factor in casey's defense, you'd think the defense would be working harder at helping!

I don't think he's got cold feet - but he knows he won't get money out of Baez so he wants it in hand from the JAC before any depositions or testimony.

No paycheque, no talking. Pretty simple.
OKAY: Did I hear correctly?:truce: That HCL MAY NOT testify????????

Yeah, there's an issue with the funding for expenses BUT I thought I :waitasec: heard an off comment from the ?defense? side that he might not even testify at trial!........There was significant "over-talking" but...the discussion of the "CT hero" (ahem) makes my radar go :woohoo:

No, the judge made the comment
Is that one of Cindy's attorney's sitting next to her?

I think that was him. Here is a photo of Lippman.

Anyone ready to post pictures?
someone needs to put Cheney masons statement "Dr Lee has been known to give his testimony for a box of oranges" on a loop, and pipe it into the courtroom.
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I kept going back and forth, finally got the feed but it took a while.

I had three windows open with all three links going in Firefox, none would work...then went over to IE and tried opening them there and nada.:furious:
Very overcast here today though so that could have something to do with it.
I think that was him. Here is a photo of Lippman.


Yes, I was quite sure that was him when I saw him. I read their announcement when it came out and looked at their website. He's usually there during a hearing but this is the first time he's actually sat with Cindy - no friends with her today I guess.

Cindy looks in rough shape. She knows how close May really is.
I don't think he's got cold feet - but he knows he won't get money out of Baez so he wants it in hand from the JAC before any depositions or testimony.

No paycheque, no talking. Pretty simple.

so much for crate of oranges.....pro bono and whatever bs they stated....think Websters needs to publish yet another version of that term....
It will be interesting to hear how the courtroom felt in reality.
Was it Amil that said she planned on going to the hearing this afternoon?
I don't think he's got cold feet - but he knows he won't get money out of Baez so he wants it in hand from the JAC before any depositions or testimony.

No paycheque, no talking. Pretty simple.

I totally agree. But I thought it was proffered as travel expenses being the problem. :waitasec:
Richard Hornsby informed us months ago that the expert may only charge the state what they are charging the defense, so if Dr. Lee is pro bono for one, he may not charge the state. So the only matter is the travel expense? That makes no sense since the judge has made it ABUNDANTLY clear he endorses the depos being done by Skpe or like transmission electronically.

In the words of Dr. Lee himself, "Something wrong".

found it:
Richard Hornsby says:
December 29, 2009 at 10:38 am


...the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.
2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez."

Nothing says "bought testimony" like, Dr Lee being unwilling to be deposed until after he receives payment.

Oh and I think the JAC rules say that Dr Lee can't charge the State more than he charged the defense.....so JB is going to have to disclose some contract finances for that (maybe? please? say it's so?)
Can't they depose Dr Lee by skype? Cheap enough.
Also, isn't it a fact that the expert witness can only charge the prosection what they charged the defense for their service?

Cheney mason claims it was Zero. Shouldn't the prosecution get the same FREE service?
I had three windows open with all three links going in Firefox, none would work...then went over to IE and tried opening them there and nada.:furious:
Very overcast here today though so that could have something to do with it.

I was so happy to finally get back in the courtroom!
I just wish I could lip read better. :(
Anyone else think Dr Lee is getting cold feet?
I mean if he was a signifigant factor in casey's defense, you'd think the defense would be working harder at helping!

IMHO, in this case, where the defense is concerned, helping = delaying.
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