2010.12.21 Stream of Motions - General Discussion

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These motions are a joke. Full of the usual spelling and grammar errors, "Passed sexual relations", etc. Anyway, what kills me is how at the end, he asks Perry to order the prosecution to respond "within 30 days" and set a hearing, etc. But the deadline for these to be heard is in just 3 days, right?

LOL. . . When I read the above (RBBM) in the motion, I had to reread it 3 times before I understood what they were trying to say. I thought, at first, that maybe it was some baffling new trend in sexuality ~ like sexting or something. . . Oh, the horrors of getting old!!! :blushing:
ON the knife.....all these references to burglaries in the motion have me thinking did she use the knife to break into the shed, did she use the knife to break into Tony's neighbors apartment....as always every time Baez attempts to have something excluded you just end up thinking 'Well I wasn't interested in this item before, but I most CERTAINLY am now!!'

..no kidding.

..i had totally forgotten about the knife and had it written off completely.

..now that cheney is bringing it back up, in it's own little motion, suddenly brings some importance to it after all....(thanks cheney.)
What puzzles me is why there's no motion regarding her other paramours - like Ric or Jesse
What puzzles me is why there's no motion regarding her other paramours - like Ric or Jesse

The defense hasn't got that kind of work ethic....I mean seriously they would be working all the way through Christmas to put motions in on all her paramours!
question re the motion about sex with tony lazarro: JB says throughout the motion that he wants Perry to exclude "prior sexual relations" "past sexual relations" "previous sexual relationship" between tony and casey, does he mean prior to caylee going missing? It's weird and makes no sense. If he means that he wants to exclude any mention of the fact that they ever had sex, including after june 16th, good luck.

I'm still trying to figure out where on the timeline "passed sexual relations" falls.

Hookt on Fonicks werkd for mee.
I'm still trying to figure out where on the timeline "passed sexual relations" falls.

Hookt on Fonicks werkd for mee.

she passed herself around?
I'm confused by the thinking behind these motions. Are they just trying to clog the pipes so to speak and hoping they'll frustrate His Honor so much that he'll ok a few to avoid appeal issues? I don't think that would work, these just don't cut it and should be denied.
I think these are people she REALLY doesn't want to see testifying 10 ft away from her face.
I am patiently waiting for the lying and stealing motion. Capn' n Coke at the ready. Bring it!!
I know they put in their motion that they want to give the state 30 days to respond and then give themselves an additional 10 days after that but do these all have to be heard before the end of the year???

If so, I hope BP schedules a hearing for after 5pm and they end up being there half the night just for trying to push all these in at the last moment.

I wonder why Baez didn't sign any of them. Has Mason gone off on his own and filed these without JB's blessing?
The defense seems to be asking for both a written response from the State and to have the court set a hearing. Wasn't there an earlier discussion in court about this, resulting in either a hearing and no written response, or a written response and no hearing (and judge would rule on the pleadings)?

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