2010.12.22 Prosecutors Call for Sanctions Against the Defense

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IMO While CM could be a part of the solution, being the veteran experienced DP-qualified attorney ... I fear that he is actually a part of the problem.

As we know, CM is about to retire and has already made statements to the effect that this trial will be 'fun' (???) ... I think with JB wanting the Lead that CM is just playing along ... literally.

CM is having some pre-retirement fun and buys JB some latitude with HHJP since CM is a member of the 'old boys club' in his Golden years.

CM knows better and can do better but he is playing with the Legal system because there is little to lose and everything to gain in this case. He is the Joker, a Wild card.

If they can trip up or throw the SA off their game then they might just get a technicality issue or two and/or a mistrial. He is stealthily throwing the wrenches into the works .....

Seriously - I recently read CM was sitting on a beach some where tropic for three weeks.....So maybe this last week can't be put down to him specifically. Although he did write those motions before he moseyed out of town.
Seriously - I recently read CM was sitting on a beach some where tropic for three weeks.....So maybe this last week can't be put down to him specifically. Although he did write those motions before he moseyed out of town.

I can't help but wonder if he was drinking Florida Orange Juice at the time. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

As far as him being somewhere "tropic".........there are 24 hours in a day....AND SKYPE is available for each and every one of them....as are landlines, faxes, and Blackberry emails.

If the tropic locale was "aboard Geraldo's yacht" then we may be safe to assume a message delivery error.

Wonder if he asked Amy H. about any communication issues within the Caribbean waters? If not.....he has no excuse for being "out of pocket".

Ha Ha..."out of pocket".....kind of like the defense purse strings eh????
I can't help but wonder if he was drinking Florida Orange Juice at the time. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

As far as him being somewhere "tropic".........there are 24 hours in a day....AND SKYPE is available for each and every one of them....as are landlines, faxes, and Blackberry emails.

If the tropic locale was "aboard Geraldo's yacht" then we may be safe to assume a message delivery error.

Wonder if he asked Amy H. about any communication issues within the Caribbean waters? If not.....he has no excuse for being "out of pocket".

Ha Ha..."out of pocket".....kind of like the defense purse strings eh????

LOL How true! I have a feeling if we all stick around tonight we could get dangerous - LOL
Oh, Jose definitely thought he could "muck up" justice and trip up the SA causing them to require extensions on deadlines ... which of course would get Jose more time to ... screw around and delay the inevitable
It DOES make one wonder WTH Mason is doing. HE'S the experienced DP lawyer .. why isn't he advising Jose?

I liked how Ashton said, at the hearing to clarify the previous order, if they can't get the defense's experts reports/information they need to do depos that they will "soldier on" and get it done through the depos ...
It just showed how seriously the SAs take the deadlines and trial schedule and by comparison, how the defense doesn't take them seriously at all and thinks it being a DP case that they can have free reign and extra privileges ...

Sounds like the leniency is ending and Judge Perry WILL keep the trial on track ... YAY


I am probably wrong but I think M.is telling B.,he isnt listening.To me it is clear NO ONE tells B. what to do or how to do it.I lived with one!!!! M doesnt speak as much as he used to either.I hope they" roast someones" A@@.
Just noticed this from the highly anticipated motion;

Ashton says the state will reserve its request for specific sanctions until a hearing is held, but noted that any sanction should enable the state to prepare for trial in a timely way; ensure that the defense will "refrain from future violations of discovery;" and protect Casey Anthony's "right to a fair trial and an adequate defense."

Seems even Ashton feels badly for Casey and the poor representation she has. Can't help but laugh too at this broad reminder to Baez about the no doubt eventually to be filed appeal for inadequate representation by counsel, which we all know is coming down the line no matter what occurs at trial.

I was oddly amused that JB is listed by the FL. Bar under the "Young Lawyers Division". Hmmmmmmmmm



He was automatically enrolled bottom of this page, he was admitted 9/22/2005, shouldn't they be kicking him out?: http://www.flayld.org/about/

All under-36 lawyers and new Florida Bar members for the first 5 years in good standing are automatically members.
Oh, Jose definitely thought he could "muck up" justice and trip up the SA causing them to require extensions on deadlines ... which of course would get Jose more time to ... screw around and delay the inevitable
It DOES make one wonder WTH Mason is doing. HE'S the experienced DP lawyer .. why isn't he advising Jose?

I liked how Ashton said, at the hearing to clarify the previous order, if they can't get the defense's experts reports/information they need to do depos that they will "soldier on" and get it done through the depos ...
It just showed how seriously the SAs take the deadlines and trial schedule and by comparison, how the defense doesn't take them seriously at all and thinks it being a DP case that they can have free reign and extra privileges ...

Sounds like the leniency is ending and Judge Perry WILL keep the trial on track ... YAY

Certainly, Jose doesn't think he can stall past May.....right?
Will we be able to watch Baez get what he deserves or will it be in chambers?

My guess is nothing is gonna happen to him. I wish something would but I seriously doubt anything will.
Oh, Jose definitely thought he could "muck up" justice and trip up the SA causing them to require extensions on deadlines ... which of course would get Jose more time to ... screw around and delay the inevitable
It DOES make one wonder WTH Mason is doing. HE'S the experienced DP lawyer .. why isn't he advising Jose?

I liked how Ashton said, at the hearing to clarify the previous order, if they can't get the defense's experts reports/information they need to do depos that they will "soldier on" and get it done through the depos ...
It just showed how seriously the SAs take the deadlines and trial schedule and by comparison, how the defense doesn't take them seriously at all and thinks it being a DP case that they can have free reign and extra privileges ...

Sounds like the leniency is ending and Judge Perry WILL keep the trial on track ... YAY

Bold is mine

tipping too many bottles imo
I must find the video but I recall Judge Perry saying "I believe in sanctions".
Jeff Ashton .....way to go...spot on!! It was absolutely outrageous and spitting in the face of the judge the filing that Baez and Mason . I think the judge is going to let the defense know they WILL respect the rules, and his rulings are orders not gentle suggestions, in no uncertain terms. It was just so blatant what the defense did, it demands action. There is no alternate inference to draw.

Looking forward to it.

Mr. Ashton is right, the real threat to Casey not getting a fair trial is her lawyers pulling these dumb stunts instead of getting serious. If they miss deadlines and her experts cannot testify....who does that hurt? The defendant. It is a very serious and present problem. If Casey Anthony does not get it, that does not mean it will be lost on Judge Perry.
I do think we are going to see the judge get very concerned over this. There is nothing , absolutely nothing about the defense actions here that serve their client.

You just can't make this stuff up!!!

I remember two years ago in the very beginning of this trial, Mr. Ashton had to point out this huge problem of Casey's own lawyer harming her case. It was the gag order hearing and Mr. Ashton was pointing out that Baez had appeared on Dan Abrams show and admitted his client had lied to police and divulging attorney client talks he had with Casey. As outrageous as that was....it was merely the beginning. This surpasses all of the asenine things that we have seen so far. I literally was shocked reading the childish, nonesense typed up about the experts and what they will say. It was , hands down, the worst we have seen to date. I know the judge is going to let Baez and Cheney know it will not fly.
They better "Bring them some lunch"; because they are gonna be seeing some late nights with the judge. That is my take on this. He has been patient and reasonale, extending deadlines where needed, etc., but this is wholly different, this was purposeful and with utter and complete disrespect to the court.

Mops, anyone?
Check it out...it got hostile. At that time Jonathan Kassan was her lawyer too ( another one in the revolving door ). Even the mild mannered Judge Strickland got loud.

http://www.wftv.com/video/18147900/index.html two minute mark

Baez handed Ashton 150 pages of stuff, at the hearing!!!! Of course he did not have time to read it. Then he objected to Jeff supplying the court with three papers. Oh friends, this one was heated!!! Can you imagine the field day Jeff is going to have with the defense in this coming hearing?
OK...Muzikman...cue up for me...the Gap Band
"You Dropped A Bomb On Me"!!!!

This was from 2008 and it was clear then, Baez was making some very very serious misteps.Some chalked it up to his inexperience. Now, with the learned Cheney by his side, Baez cannot in the words of Jeff Ashton, "Feign ignorance". There is no chance Cheney Mason with over thirty years of trial experience did not know theire recent experts information filing was improper and unacceptable. I just do not believe for a second it wasn't willful deliborate disrespect to the court. MOO

Remember when Mrs. Drane Burdick advised the court that Cheney Mason's office said the court's deadlines were unconstitutional and they would schedule their depos whenever they like. Judge folded his arms and said "I don't think they said that", as if to imply....I know these guys could not have lost their damn minds. It was funny. Look for more of those eyebrow raising looks from the judge over this.

I am really enjoying rewatching this video TWA. Thanks for posting it. I'm waiting for the part where Cindy stands up and wants to be heard.
This may be a dumb question but if mason is the dp attorney why is baez sitting first chair in all the hearings? Something that I have been curious about for a while now.
If I disobeyed a Court order I could be held in contempt of Court, right?
So, will that happen to Baez?

I really hope so. Time to choke Baez with all that rope HHJP has given him. I swear on all that is holy if he walks away with a handslap, I'm going pull all of my hair out.

God, PLEASE let this motion be heard at the Jan. 3 hearing! And please let Baez be led away, side by side with Casey with matching chains and cuffs!!!!! That would be the best start to a New Year I've ever had!
This may be a dumb question but if mason is the dp attorney why is baez sitting first chair in all the hearings? Something that I have been curious about for a while now.

JB's ego, imo.

I can't speak to the technical definition and specific responsibilities of the attorney who sits "first chair" in a DP case. I'm gonna leave that for one of the attorneys. I do know they (the defense team) have the option of choosing between themselves who is going to argue in front of the bench, which witnesses each attorney will question, etc... Judge Perry spent a lot of time trying to engage Cheney Mason leaving not-so-subtle hints that HHJP wanted him to take a more active role. I think he has given up that battle; as have I.

Especially the last few hearings, it becomes more and more apparent to me that Baez doesn't want to delegate the parts where he can have his mug in front of any camera - even the one in the courtroom. He baffles me.

Then ya have Cheney Mason. DP qualified or not, the man does not know the facts and evidence of this case. It is a proven fact. I don't even get the impression he cares enough to challenge JB. He seems to be willing to just suffer the embarrassment. I don't get it.

And to tie this all back on topic :angel:, I think the same thing Ashton allegedly said in this Motion for Santions, "protect Casey Anthony's "right to a fair trial and an adequate defense."
Oh yeah, I forgot to say: I agree with 'Beach. Something happened in a depo and JA lost all patience with JB's games.
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