2010.12.22 Prosecutors Call for Sanctions Against the Defense

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I find Baez' attempts to cirvumvent rules and get one up on JA just despicable.
It is as if it's a game to him, he has forgotten that there is a dead child at the heart of this

I agree-thank God JA and LDB haven't!!:angel:
As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . or the most brilliant. Time will tell.
I've come to the conclusion...Baez, and his client, are seriously missing a few screws.

Baez HAS to know what he's doing is not right, it borders insanity.
As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . or the most brilliant. Time will tell.

Forgetaboutit!! And wash your keyboard off with soap for even typing that!!!:eek:
Am I wrong in suspecting that the bulk of the judges ire on this one will probably come down on CM? He is the required DP qualified attorney. he is the one that has experience in these cases and is supposed to know how this all has to go. HHJP is not himself going to force changes to the defense team. Rather he is going to slam CM, not JB . It is probably all but pointless for the judge to directly slam JB as he does not seem to really take the hint. But if he slams CM it will force him to step up and take charge of the mess or face personal consequences. A good opportunity for some skillful human engineering. Force somebody else to solve your problem rather than waste time waging the fight yourself.

I think CM is a very competent attorney, I also think he chose an opportune moment to get out of Dodge..I am sure he wanted no part of what JB was doing, I bet the beach seemed like a good place to escape to.

It seems to me that no one, not even CM can control the ego driven JB, I bet he wishes he had never joined the "team", I wonder if he is having fun yet...

I think the judge will come down on the team not just one member, they are both responsible for whats happening.
I find Baez' attempts to cirvumvent rules and get one up on JA just despicable.
It is as if it's a game to him, he has forgotten that there is a dead child at the heart of this

I completely agree, Zsa Zsa.... but quite frankly (as JB would say), I don't think he has ever cared about the child that died at the hands of his client.

It all makes me so sad, then angry... then sad again. :(
As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . or the most brilliant. Time will tell.
Respectifully bolded by me. IMHO if he was brilliant...he would have asked for a speedy trial when she was indicted for first degree murder (she was indicted before the baby was found). Instead, he's dragged out this process with ridiculous motion after motion, seeming to be totally unprepared for what lies ahead. IMO, he's very far from brilliant, bordering on stupid. BUT..........that's my opinion.
I completely agree, Zsa Zsa.... but quite frankly (as JB would say), I don't think he has ever cared about the child that died at the hands of his client.

It all makes me so sad, then angry... then sad again. :(

I think, though, that defense attorneys are somewhat like LE. They have to detach themselves or the grief would be overwhelming and they could never do their job. jmo
Maybe this is partially a ruse on Mason's part, with the help of his buddy the HHJP, to have JB sanctioned in front of ICA so that Mason can work on her to produce a plea? I posted more about in the Questions for Verified Lawyers thread...by all accounts Mason and HHJP are friendly out of the court. I can think of no benefit for Mason to refuse to comply with an order from the Court, unless it is part of Mason's strategy to have JB be sanctioned in front of ICA...just again, my opinion.
As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . or the most brilliant. Time will tell.

Brilliant!!! How many times did it take for him to pass the bar exam again :loser:

Perhaps KC is the driving force behind this, did you see her barking orders after the last court appearance:bigstick:

My vote is on dumbest:giggle:
OMG where is this motion!!! It's 5:39am here, I checked at 4am and thought 'Well, maybe it will pop up around lunchtime Orlando time.' but now it seems it will not pop up today.

I would like to know how the Orlando Sentinel got this when no one else seems to be able to, I can't believe how focused I am on this motion, it's like life has ground to a halt.

As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . . or the most brilliant.Time will tell.

Not in this lifetime. :D
As we all would agree, yes, JB's behavior has been laughable at best.

But that is what makes me nervous . . . . he is either the dumbest attorney on the planet . . . . or the most brilliant. Time will tell.

Rather than 'dumb' or 'brilliant,' I would guess either sloven/slipshod or crazy like a fox. I am leaning toward the former but there may be a method to his madness. JMO.
Rather than 'dumb' or 'brilliant,' I would guess either sloven/slipshod or crazy like a fox. I am leaning toward the former but there may be a method to his madness. JMO.

I feel any benefit, if any, that JB gets from his "throw it all at the wall" defense, will be by accident not design. I'm sorry I can't even give him crazy like a fox.
Maybe this is partially a ruse on Mason's part, with the help of his buddy the HHJP, to have JB sanctioned in front of ICA so that Mason can work on her to produce a plea? I posted more about in the Questions for Verified Lawyers thread...by all accounts Mason and HHJP are friendly out of the court. I can think of no benefit for Mason to refuse to comply with an order from the Court, unless it is part of Mason's strategy to have JB be sanctioned in front of ICA...just again, my opinion.

I don't think Mason has at any point himself deliberately refused to comply with an order of the court. I think he just left this to be done by JB, and did not review the work in question. and that is where he is going to bear the brunt of the judges wrath. HHJP knows JB is a clown. But state law requires that in a DP case that the defendant has a qualified DP attorney on board to make sure that everything is up to snuff and meets all standards. As HHJP says "Death is diferent". CM is the one with the actual substantial DP case experience that is there to insure that what must be done will be done. I don't think he will risk sanctions over JB's childish antics and unprofessional filings following this. At least I would hope not.

My further prediction is that it would not surprise me to see AF bolt for the door after this. She obviously had no idea exactly what she was in for with this clown party. Look at the looks of shock on her face in the various motions hearings, when her fellow attorneys obviously have not been giving her the needed information on things like budgets, prior rulings etc. But to just come on board and be facing such a motion to sanction because of JB? Because he rather clearly really does NOT know what his expert witnesses are going to say. he has no idea. That's ultimately what this is all about. It isn't that he is seeking to hide the answers to the SA. i strongly suspect that he really and truly does not know. He does not operate that far ahead to have worked this out yet. he operates in the immediate and grasps for the low hanging fruit. That is the one thing that been the one clear pattern to all of his motions. The defense plan is not to cause confusion. The defense plan is simply that thye are confused and seek to spread it to others. Why would AF want to stick around for this?
Respectifully bolded by me. IMHO if he was brilliant...he would have asked for a speedy trial when she was indicted for first degree murder (she was indicted before the baby was found). Instead, he's dragged out this process with ridiculous motion after motion, seeming to be totally unprepared for what lies ahead. IMO, he's very far from brilliant, bordering on stupid. BUT..........that's my opinion.

That is what worries me. Has he been going for "incompetent counsel" from the beginning? How do we know he isn't intentionally screwing this up?
Certainly, Jose doesn't think he can stall past May.....right?

I guarantee that he will try. At some point JB WILL ask for a continuance of the May trial. As sure as the sky is blue.
I think, though, that defense attorneys are somewhat like LE. They have to detach themselves or the grief would be overwhelming and they could never do their job. jmo

I know you are correct about that, and it even makes sense that they would have to do that. But I just don't see JB caring about anyone but himself.... not even the client he says is 100% innocent, much less her murdered child.

I feel any benefit, if any, that JB gets from his "throw it all at the wall" defense, will be by accident not design. I'm sorry I can't even give him crazy like a fox.

I'll give him the crazy.

Just not the fox part.
That is what worries me. Has he been going for "incompetent counsel" from the beginning? How do we know he isn't intentionally screwing this up?

Respectfully BBM

I know I have seen many people question this. But why on earth would JB risk his reputation and future livelihood for this girl who is supposedly nothing more than another client? IMO, JB thinks of himself FIRST and his client second. No way would I ever believe he is intentionally screwing up. IMO, he is just not a quality defense attorney. Certainly not one I would ever hire were I in need of a defense attorney.

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