2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing (Summary Thread)

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Fox 35 - The video in this article is the only video I have seen of the defense after the hearing today:


Loving JB's shades!!

Bon nuit mes amis/amies, a la prochaine.

Good night my friends, until next time.

ITA!! First thing I thought was, "He's THE MAN!!!""
Second thing was "He's got cataracts."

In addition to a thanks button I need a ROFLMAO button.

So, his Honor will rule on whether or not Casey's sexual promiscuity can be brought up at trial after the state files their response to the motion?

Bet some of it is coming in...motive maybe?
Okay, who called Mason and Idiot! He wants to confront you..LMAO..he also thinks LOL means Lots of Luck...silly man...

No big wins yesterday for the defense, anthing that got supressed the state agreed to. The state will write their response within 15 days and His Honor will rule..The tatt, myspace, diary of days, bella vita tatt and the jailhouse video of prisoners reactions to a small childs remains found at Suburban...

Mason said he has never been held in contempt of court in his entire career...so, His Honor ruled against the "lead" attorney on the sanctions...

Baez has been held in contempt of court for not filing on time. His Honor asked if he thought of asking for an extension, Baez replied no. So, Baez will be fined, amount to equal whatever money it took the state to bring this forth, each day, until those reports are in. The experts should have written reports on their findings and opinions. If he doesn't get them in, he will not use them at trial. His Honor said, this prevents trial by ambush, so there are no surprises come trial..Baez asked for clarification and wanted 30 days to get those reports in, NO way you will get 30 days, Mr. Baez..You have until Wednesday to get me that extenstion but you will not get 30 days..Baez got sarcastic and said the state will take from the big $3.00 he gets an hour, I guess Baez recovered that quick, after that smug smile vanished from his face after he was told the sanctions are on him, as lead attorney..Way to go Baez. Show the prisoner what you're made of..rebellious, just like her. I said for awhile now, Baez has not learned a thing since being held back for those 8 long years. For goodness sake, he's playing with someones life, he needs to get serious and drop the glibness from his face...He seems to have gained lots of weight, I wonder if he's stress eating...for he's got nothing going for him as he talks smack and expects this to never make trial or she will be aquitted and walk away...NO WAY JOSE..time to get really serious and tell prisoner, how bad this looks for her..stop giving her empty promises, be real..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
And no one will ever type "LOL!" again without :lol:.

Cheney Mason thought it meant "lots of luck". :rolleyes:

oooh, that one has lasted me the past 8 hours and it ain't going away anytime soon.

my friend thought lol was lots of love! she wrote back love you too- n ow thats lmao funny
As a rehash for today -

The restriction on telephoto and audio was kept as previously ordered with the attorneys reminded to turn off their mikes. HHJP offered the table across the courtroom with the defense backs to the wall and CM said they would take that table.

HHJP said he would pay for the transcripts (approx $2500) which is $860.70 over JAC guidelines but told CM to get a contract next time before getting the depositions

HHJP is ordering on the motion for Kronk as it is filed. HHJP brought up Hitchcock v. State and Prof 'earhardt' (sp?) as the attornies would already knew how he would rule.

HHJP is waiting for 15 days (state to respond) on the following and then will write the order (no addl hearing):

Sexual interrogation of Lazarro
Sexual Interrogation of Rosciano
Neighbor and Shovel
Character Evidence of Stealing and Lying
Defendant MySpace "Diary of Days'
Cindy Anthony MySpace

The state agreed and the defense was granted the following motions:

Speculation of Defandant knowledge by TES
Table Knife
JibJab Cartoon

Frye hearings will be held on:

Decomposition Chemical
Root Growth
Post Mortem Banding
Stain in trunk of Car

evidentiary hearings will be held on:

Jail Interview of Defendant by Agents
Jail Video of 'announcement'
Joe Jordan
K-9 Alerts (must establish dogs have appropriate training)
motion to preclude phantom hear sticker

And last but not least I don't know where they left the Universal Interview that CM added this morning - I think the state was given the 15 days to respond but not sure.

IMO this hearing was a doosie and needs to be watched several times as there are a myriad of subtelties that many have already alluded to (Curtis Jackson, try it 2 times, etc).

MOO - please correct my list if I got something wrong!!

Respectfully Quoted eaglemom :cool2:

:tyou: :takeabow: :gthanks:
Chiquita, to make it short, the defense asked the state to be restrained from doing things that they would never do, would never have been allowed to, things that are well settled to be outside of the rules, the rules these prosecutors have worked under for low the past twenty years. It was a waste of the court's time to bring up matters such as Joy's cartoons and asking that they not be allowed into trial.
Check out Mrs. Drane-Burdick in action, she knows how to get what she needs from a witness, well within the rules.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUOKwVgEAy8

The second part is they asked for hearings on other matters, the state is going to file simple responses, the judge need not hear any testimony, he is simply going to make a quick ruling on them, much the way it took him two seconds to laugh and shoot down the Kronk prior bad acts motion. Roy Kronk and his lawyer already celebrated this victory. Last week!

Again, trying to reinvent the wheel they asked for Frye hearings on the cadaver dogs. Reminded that is not required, it is indeed admissible. They were explained to the difference in evidentiary hearings and frye hearings. Three times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWMuJ5oZx34

Jose got assigned to be designated microphone engineer at the defense table.

Cheney tried to argue that the media is using special lenses to zoom in. He was basically told life is tough, get a helmet. Ms. Fugate was back home in time for dinner with her family.

Wrong on the facts again, Cheney filed a motion saying Casey was under arrest and taken to Universal therefore her statements to the detectives should not be allowed in the trial. This is despite written and full audio recordings reflect she was told repeatedly she was free to go, and her admitting they were there at her invitation, and .....because she lied. Literally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_SyH8-6Pho Cheney wants a hearing and to call the three detectives to the stand. Oh boy oh boy, will that be a disaster for Casey, of biblical proportions to bring that to the judge's attention again, all the lies they catch her in in those audio recordings is astounding!

Cheney and Jose want mom, pop and Lee deemed to be agents of the state.
Yeah, they were really working for the state, that ship wont sail, I do not care how outraged Geraldo Rivera got that they went to visit their daughter while Jose was out of town! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oGQ1-otlD0

Baez was sanctioned for his smart Alec, asenine non response answers to the experts discovery the judge ordered, then clarified already. Cheney barely even argued against the sanctions as if to say I am as shocked about this as you are, your honor. He informed the court that in forty years of practicing law he had never been sanctioned and was not going to start today. This explains the fact that he pointed out, often, it was he that prepared these motions and how purposeful he was at taking a lead position. The inference I drew was, alright...now this is harming me personally, so I am taking over, Jose...as to his thought process. I am just guessing.

Let me remind us the Florida bar's opinion on the little matter of Mr. Baez,
"His overall behavior, they wrote, showed "a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."

The best news out of the long hearing is the defense was ordered that each and every defense expert will prepare a report and explain the reason for every single thing they opine. Moreover, if it is not divulged in their depo or these reports, they will not be bringing it up, at all, at the trial. The very thing the defense maintained they are not required to do, give a script of what they are going to testify to, Mason called it.....that is what the judge ordered. It was a cokes are in the ice box, popcorn is on the table....we are having a party moment.

If they still don't follow the court orders the judge may excersize Mr. Ashton's suggestion of fining them five hundred dollars a day until they do. Yes, American dollars.
The state got the sun, the moon and the stars and the defense
they got spanked.

Respectfully Quoted TWA


Thank you so much for these posts. For everyone's posts. TWA, this post should get some gold stars or something...you made things very clear and it was an fun post to read, if the word fun can be used to describe anything about this case. CM used the word fun. :rolleyes:

Thanks again, your information is just what I needed to understand.
The motion wasn't so much TES as it was Tim Miller related. The defense wanted it stipulated that TM could not voice opinion on the stand when discussing the interactions with KC concerning the map. The prosecutor did not challenge the motion and basically stated that they had no intention of soliciting opinions from witnesses and would be following standard rules of testimony as always. yeah the defense won it, but they won it in the same way they won the kinife motion and the JibJab video. the prosecutors said "sure! we don't know why anyone would bring that in at trial anyway?" So the defense won them in much the same way they would have won a motion filed to prohibit the prosecutors from "juggling live cats in front of the jury as being too prejudicial". they staged a fight and nobody else showed up.

I used to call it "borrowing trouble". When my younger son would tattle something that his brother hadn't done and wasn't going to do anyway I'd tell him to "stop borrowing trouble".
The defense was borrowing trouble with the knife issue, the jib-jab issue, and the telephoto lens issue. The defense tattled that little Tommy or Susie might copy from their paper so the Judge moved the defense desk to where no one can copy their work (who copies a failing student's papers anyway?) and in effect now the teacher can see the defense all the better.
In effect they gave the world a clearer picture of Casey's demeanor and expressions during trial. Seated at the new table her expressions, or lack of, will be clear for all to see.
Maybe he is taking fashion tips from his girl!

When we were teenagers, my Gram had all of these little quirps...if we were cold busted...she would shake her finger and tell us, "You better hide your face from the light". That is what those glasses remind me of, someone hiding, like someone in mourning may wear not wanting folks to see their swollen, puffy eyes and the tracks of their tears.
Ironically, this case is going to be the best thing that ever happened to him. He will have learned more about correct procedures, nuts and bolts of criminal law procedures, what works and why from Judge Perry and these prosecutors in these three years than some lawyers learn in their entire careers. It is actually a learning opportunity, although somehow I trust he does not recognize it as such. Perhaps one day when he grows up, he will reflect that this was why his career turned around , and why working with them and the judge's high standards was such a defining moment in his career path.

You'll thank me later, type of deal.
Okay, who called Mason and Idiot! He wants to confront you..LMAO..he also thinks LOL means Lots of Luck...silly man...

No big wins yesterday for the defense, anthing that got supressed the state agreed to. The state will write their response within 15 days and His Honor will rule..The tatt, myspace, diary of days, bella vita tatt and the jailhouse video of prisoners reactions to a small childs remains found at Suburban...

Mason said he has never been held in contempt of court in his entire career...so, His Honor ruled against the "lead" attorney on the sanctions...

Baez has been held in contempt of court for not filing on time. His Honor asked if he thought of asking for an extension, Baez replied no. So, Baez will be fined, amount to equal whatever money it took the state to bring this forth, each day, until those reports are in. The experts should have written reports on their findings and opinions. If he doesn't get them in, he will not use them at trial. His Honor said, this prevents trial by ambush, so there are no surprises come trial..Baez asked for clarification and wanted 30 days to get those reports in, NO way you will get 30 days, Mr. Baez..You have until Wednesday to get me that extenstion but you will not get 30 days..Baez got sarcastic and said the state will take from the big $3.00 he gets an hour, I guess Baez recovered that quick, after that smug smile vanished from his face after he was told the sanctions are on him, as lead attorney..Way to go Baez. Show the prisoner what you're made of..rebellious, just like her. I said for awhile now, Baez has not learned a thing since being held back for those 8 long years. For goodness sake, he's playing with someones life, he needs to get serious and drop the glibness from his face...He seems to have gained lots of weight, I wonder if he's stress eating...for he's got nothing going for him as he talks smack and expects this to never make trial or she will be aquitted and walk away...NO WAY JOSE..time to get really serious and tell prisoner, how bad this looks for her..stop giving her empty promises, be real..JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Well, don't look at me! I didn't say that at all. I called him a Buffoon and a Boring Stuffed Shirt, but I've never said he was an idiot.

I mean, I could if he really really wants me to.....y"know - to prove his point or something - and LOL with that Mr. Mason!
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