2011.01.05 Hearing TES Volunteer Computer Subpoena

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"thwart" is the word you are looking for.
JB said that Joe J. was trying to "thwart the defense" and then implied that JJ's attorney was also helping to thwart the defense by being at the Hearing today!

and yes ... JB had NO problem whatsoever with JJ's illegal recording of his interview with the Defense investigator when JB wanted a COPY of the recording ... but now that JB wants to get more records from JJ, now JB highlights how JJ committed a "felony" by making the recording. I guess JB was trying to say that the Judge should allow the issuance of a subpoena for JJ, because he is a "felon"??? But JJ was never even charged with the felony.

Which is sooo ironic, because his client IS a felon, and with multiple felony convictions :)
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

Could this be tied in any way to that retired judge (Evans?) who left abruptly during the sanctions hearing? Someone said his specialty was death cases, and it was speculated that perhaps he was there to assist in a possible defense complaint against HHJP.

ETA: This has already been discussed upthread- sorry! Note to self: MUST read before posting!
This is a man who did not pay child support. That is about as low as one can get.

Graduated from St Thomas Law School in 1998. Was not permitted to practice law for 8 years. The FBBE(Florida Board of Bar Examiniers)and the FSC(Florida Supreme Court)issued an order that outlined his offences:
-unpaid bills
extravagent spending and other financial irresponsibility
(writing bad checks)
-did not pay child support payments on a regular basis and neglected to purchase and pay for his childs’ insurance needs (life/medical)
The FBBE and the FSC said about J.A.B.(Jose Angel Baez)
overall behavior: he shows “a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system”.

Oh, I agree. As the child of a man who would not pay child support and seeing my mother struggle financially - deadbeat parents that don't pay for their children is the lowest of the low. That right there tells me all I need to know about Baez and the contempt I feel for him knows no bounds.
Mr. Mason was putting on a show for the judge, hoping the judge would infer, the learned, experienced Mr. Mason, is as shocked and disappointed as the judge is. Hello....come in Tokyo....take the lead Mr. Mason, that is what you are on the case to do!!


The fact that he can't or wont is a concern. Does anyone have that clip of Kathi Belich's report from some time ago about mom, pop AND BRAD going to see the criminal defense lawyer, wanting to replace Baez, whom they told they had NO MONEY to pay, but would cut him in on media deals they were working on? Since Mason reads blogs, I must re post that!

posted by WS Aug 10, 2010
"What Mr. and Mrs. Anthony fail to recall is that it was THEY who approached another lawyer about replacing Mr. Baez, Mr. Buonauro, who said NO! Guess what, they told him they could not pay him, but rather it would be a contingency MEDIA deal for later!!! "

Feb 17, 2010 - in a site that posts articles about Caylee "Daily"
article - "Casey Anthony's Parents Tried To Replace Jose Baez"
comment on page 4
"Casey Anthony's Parents Tried To Replace Jose Baez .... It seems Cindy and George think of their daughter as a Juvie … a child, ..."
What in the world was up with Cheney Mason in today's hearing? The post about Weekend at Bernie's was pretty accurate! He sat in the same position, hand up to his mouth, turned sideways, slouching and didn't move. It appeared to me that at least twice JB turned to him as if to ask for help or get some input from him and he didn't even acknowledge him. It was bizarre to say the least!

Seems he just ran out of his quota of 'Fun.' :floorlaugh:
In addition, I'm wondering if that's why Mason had his judge friend in court Monday?

Do you think they're fishing for another judge?

IMHO, it's a possibility.

Don't think it would ever work, though. Judge Perry knows the rules!

It was very interesting how HHBP interrupted CM to say Judge (can't recall is name right now) just left. It was almost as if he knew there was a purpose for Judge So and So to be there, and was letting CM know.....he knew what was going on and with the judge abruptly leaving the courtroom, evidently the mission failed.
"thwart" is the word you are looking for.
JB said that Joe J. was trying to "thwart the defense" and then implied that JJ's attorney was also helping to thwart the defense by being at the Hearing today!

and yes ... JB had NO problem whatsoever with JJ's illegal recording of his interview with the Defense investigator when JB wanted a COPY of the recording ... but now that JB wants to get more records from JJ, now JB highlights how JJ committed a "felony" by making the recording. I guess JB was trying to say that the Judge should allow the issuance of a subpoena for JJ, because he is a "felon"??? But JJ was never even charged with the felony.

Thanks, I heard him say it, but then I just went blank, lol. Getting old sux. :crazy:
In addition, I'm wondering if that's why Mason had his judge friend in court Monday?

Do you think they're fishing for another judge?

IMHO, it's a possibility.

Don't think it would ever work, though. Judge Perry knows the rules!

I asked AZ to chime in about this on the atty. thread.
Originally Posted by Kimmer
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

I think he was definitely alluding to some "problems" with getting the reports. I'd be interested to see Baez push Judge Perry a little further. Maybe Baez thinks he is setting Judge Perry up for a fall? Maybe Baez will try to show in the future he was discriminated against by Judge Perry.

I got the impression that JB is challenging Judge Perry's authority to force the Defense to make their Experts write reports and give those reports and notes to the State within a certain time period. JB said today "we do not have to do that ... but now we do" ... and JB looked to Mason for confirmation and support (but got nothing but Mason's back).

Mason said in the last Hearing that there is NO law forcing the Defense to give info on their Expert opinions, short of a "script". He had said that before also.

I do believe there is something up their sleeve, to challenge the Judge's authority on the Expert opinions and reports.
Those pictures were definitely taken at J. Blanchard Park. I remember them well! There was a long discussion on these pictures - BondJamesBond provided the link to that thread. While at first glance we thought there was a match between the halter Casey was wearing in this picture and the panties found by JJ at J. Blanchard Park, we determined that the halter was very similar but not a match:


JJ called LE who sent a car/LE out to pick up the items found. If JB is trying to insinuate that the items found that JJ photographed are from the site on Suburban where Caylee was found, he's very wrong. LE will be able to verify where the items were found and what LE bagged and took from J. Blanchard Park that day.


Leila, I caught that... and I was waiting for JJ's attorney to clear up that little detail when the Judge asked him if there was anything else. I was surprised that he did not mention it.

BUT JB was DEFINITELY insinuating JJ had found and turned over to LE items from the recovery site.

Thank goodness HHJP denied the motion! :rocker:
When Judge Perry said the visiting judge was bailing, Cheney said no, he isn't supposed to go yet, as if he had a very specific section he wanted that man to hang around to hear. I laughed myself silly.
He had the nerve to ask another judge to sit in to peer review Judge Perry, as he is very, very excited about his plan to make one to twenty one federal lawsuits stemming from issues he disagrees with in this trial. Indeed the blaze of glory to retire on is very present in his thoughts. He makes reference to it just about every hearing in a sentence he mumbles. The judge knows it does not even warrant a response, so guess what? He doesn't give him one.
They are not pals, imo.

My guess only.
How Cheney behaves in the courtroom is very clear and intentional, it is unbridled hubris, of biblical proportions.

No worries!

In order to offend me, I have to have a regard for your opinion, and I simply do not...is the look on the very unphased Judge Perry's face. Love him!

I about peed on myself when HHJP said " I see that Judge Eaton is leaving." How great was it that Perry even mentioned that? And then Mason standing there with his hands in there going the WTH to Judge Eaton as he walks, walks walks out that probably as fast as he could!! That was a darn good moment. Downright hilar.
Like JWG said, those images were taken at B. Park. Will the defense have to cough up atty's fees for this (frivolous imo) hearing?

I would think and hope the defense was preparing their expert testimony instead of wasting the Court's time on something so irrelevant. I know..I know..

As a Florida Taxpayer I would be very happy to see that

Florida has a 12% unemployment rate and is 4th behind, Nevada, California and Michigan...
Too many Florida residents are without jobs, ..trying very very hard to find a job, any job in order to support their families....and here is the Defense wasting out tax dollars when they could be better utilized.
I think Baez or which ever flunkies he used for his internet research did not do a thorough enough job. They obviously did not find what they needed on the forums from JJ's comments - or the information was not there because what they are asserting is in fact not true. Either way it is a lose lose situation once again for Baez.

Did ya'll hear when Baez stated that on some "blogs", you have to register?

Me-"Dude, so register!!!" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Those pictures were definitely taken at J. Blanchard Park. I remember them well! There was a long discussion on these pictures - BondJamesBond provided the link to that thread. While at first glance we thought there was a match between the halter Casey was wearing in this picture and the panties found by JJ at J. Blanchard Park, we determined that the halter was very similar but not a match:


JJ called LE who sent a car/LE out to pick up the items found. If JB is trying to insinuate that the items found that JJ photographed are from the site on Suburban where Caylee was found, he's very wrong. LE will be able to verify where the items were found and what LE bagged and took from J. Blanchard Park that day.

BBM Could someone point me to that please? TIA
It was very interesting how HHBP interrupted CM to say Judge (can't recall is name right now) just left. It was almost as if he knew there was a purpose for Judge So and So to be there, and was letting CM know.....he knew what was going on and with the judge abruptly leaving the courtroom, evidently the mission failed.

That's exactly what he was doing. There was a WHOLE lot of gamesmanship going on in that hearing. And Mason wasn't the only one doing it.

I get the feeling nothing gets bast His Honor.
Originally Posted by watergirl
JB: we will be filing papers in reference to these issues - several issues have come up with the requiring of reports

In other words, he's still not wanting to hand over the expert reports. JB better be careful or he's going to be paying that $500 a day fine that was discussed at the last hearing.

Baez - have papers to file shortly on these issues - multiple issues that come up - asking experts rush put report together - we are not required to do so, but now we are
issue of State saying this is all you put together as a report in cross exam - several other issues - research in process of doing
I put together the 20 days because court asked for answer Wed - turned down for 30, so requested 20 days

Ashton - don't know what mysterious papers are

JB is saying there will be "issues" with Expert reports because the State will cross examine the Defense experts and say to the Expert "is this all you put together as a report?" I guess JB thinks this qualifies as an excuse to not have the Experts do a report of any substance? Or he is saying that forcing the Experts to write a report will subject the Expert to criticism by the State on cross examination?

It will be interesting to see what law the Defense comes up with to challenge Judge Perry's authority to require the Expert Reports!

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