2011.01.05 Hearing TES Volunteer Computer Subpoena

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Was MN ever awarded his attorney fees?

No, not yet, but I've got a feeling we haven't heard the last of that request.
I believe we will be hearing from Mark on other matters as well, such as the antics of the defense investigators toward the TES volunteers.
I love to watch Mr. Nejame in the courtroom. I love when Mr. Nejame points out the various and sundry problems with their motions. I have noticed that not only do the prosecutors do this, but each and every lawyer for the county, the OS, Tony...actually everyone who takes to the podium mentions how poorly prepared and wrong on the law the motions are. It is an ongoing problem. I would be mortified if that happened once, let alone each and every time I file something. Today we will hear of the flaws in the defense motions from Joe Jordan's lawyer. They just never learn, imo.
In the words of the Honorable Judge Strickland "Guys, this is getting old!"

Defense Expert Bill Sheaffer has sure got Baez's number! "The defense in this case has to attack every piece of evidence the state is going to offer, they have to try to raise reasonable doubt".
Kathi Belich, "Do you think that is going to happen?"
Mr. Sheafer, "No".
Kathi's follow up question is priceless!!!!! check it out:

"That motion is going to completely test the patience of this trial judge," Mr. Sheaffer explained. I think that sentence applies today just as it did then, with a cherry on top.

Can you imagine, Joe Jordan, having empathy for the little Caylee because he has a daughter, wanted to go help out, as a community service and ends up having to pay a lawyer , likely get his background checked by the defense, have to miss work, and get pulled into court? In his own words, "I am an honest person. I am not the one on trial!"
I belive this does have what Mr. Nejame described as " A chilling effect on future volunteers". Big time!__________________
I just want to give a special thanks for all the posting of the video's it really helps me to catch up. I knew some things only from TV but never watched or heard about any hearings since she was arrested.
Please note the updated sticky here in the main forum.

Will be handing out Time Outs for members that engage in namecalling.

Thanks. Looking forward to a productive discussion of the hearing & TIA to those providing commentary to the members unable to watch it live.
IMVHO...this is getting absurd. The defense, their client, the family did ABSOLUTELY nothing to find Caylee. They should be kissing the volunteers' very feet for their time and excruciatingly hard work to bring this child home to rest.

POST OF THE YEAR!!!!! You are soo right, there was never even a thank you, indeed they disinvited Mr. Miller and company from the funeral. In the words of Roy Kronk," I kept calling; because,well it was the right thing to do, so the baby could have a proper burial, at least".

Joe Jordan if you are reading here today, THANK YOU!

From all of us to the volunteers, you are American heroes!!!!
JB just made sure the mic was shut off, what happened to the table on the side of the courtroom, he must have already forgotten they were going to use that.
I can't watch, I'm at work, so please give updates as needed. Thanks so much!!!
Mr. Nejame: "It baffles logic, it is incredulous to suggest that those who are going out to find the remains of a child would not report finding the remains if they did.
There is an internal inconsistency in their logic that just immediately slaps one in the face."

You just can't make this stuff up!!!!

Mr. Nejame: "There was nothing alleged in the pleadings. How can one respond to things if they do not even put it in their pleading? How, in Heaven's name, can one respond to something if the defense doesn't even set forth the grounds in their pleadings in the first place? The fact of the matter is here is a right way and a wrong way to do things and this is wrong."

They did the same thing by not asking Mr. Jordan in the depo about photos, right?
Come on.....what in the world?

One of new posters has a tag line from an old song "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? When I saw how incredulous , to use his word, Mark was at what Baez was doing it reminded me. Here we are, a year after this hearing and Mr. Baez is still attacking TES , the searchers and even Mr. Nejame himself. I guess he'll never learn.

twenty three second mark

I think the new request for Joe Jordan stuff is going to be equally incorrect. What's next, they will add him to the list of folks the defense claims were agents for the state? At this hearing that is exactly what Jose argued TES as a whole is, an agent of the state.
Do we think he will be trying to get the sanctioned amount lowered today?
Looks like we are in JS courtroom again today.
So why are the prosecutors there?

ETA: Something must have been added that concerns them for them to be there, no?
LDB and JA laughing together - relishing the moment i hope.
why did they switch sides today?
normally the SA is on the other side?

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