2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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They are playing that childhood game of "Double Dog Dare Ya". I do not think HHJBP is a man that would be easily intimidated by this circus. He did not get to where he is today being a wimp on crime, or lawyers. I think he has an excellent memory, and will not take kindly to being lied to a week ago, then again in this new motion. He knows his stuff and they know he does. I think Friday will be a big ole bowl of popcorn day for us watching this fiasco. No phones, no interruptions.

If they want to take it across the street, fine, go. Be sure and take all the transcripts of the lies along with the new motion. They might not be to impressed with the daymare team. HHJBP will come out smelling like a rose. They will smell like what they are.
"He has tried 50 murder cases successfully and is a part of a number of anti-death penalty organizations."

Amil, this actually surprises me. He doesn't seem to care about anything other than winning and playing games. I really am surprised he puts his time into something you'd have to feel passionately about. Or is this just part and parcel of being a well-known defense attorney? Kind of a PR thing?

Really he seems so creepy and disgusting and anti-life, anti-humanity I am surprised he'd donate his time to anything of value. Whether or not I'm pro or anti DP I do think the cause is honorable.

Keep in mind, Mason joined this for "fun"----sadly he forgot that "fun" costs money....

I do think he is up to something....remember he also had that retired Judge at the last hearing---He is always baiting HHJP--one way or the other--
I think JB and CM are aiming toward setting up the judge as being unfair and bias against the defense team. IMO, they are trying to create a hostile relationship between the bench and the defense table.

Yes I agree with this too that they would think they may be baiting him....this will not work, not with this judge IMO. He is onto it, and is very careful in his rulings and has one eye on potential appeal issues. Now I am not saying they wont appeal, because they will, but I believe with HHJBP that what the final verdict is after this trial will stand.

Who thinks Baez will take this case through any appeals BTW? Because I don't. I think he'll be dropping Casey like a hot potato and making a bolt for the nearest tropical resort the instant this case is over.

We wont see him for dust.
Yes I agree with this too that they would think they may be baiting him....this will not work, not with this judge IMO. He is onto it, and is very careful in his rulings and has one eye on potential appeal issues. Now I am not saying they wont appeal, because they will, but I believe with HHJBP that what the final verdict is after this trial will stand.

Who thinks Baez will take this case through any appeals BTW? Because I don't. I think he'll be dropping Casey like a hot potato and making a bolt for the nearest tropical resort the instant this case is over.

We wont see him for dust.

along with the other attys
I truly believe, Mr. Mason is no longer "mentally" the lawyer/man he use to be. If I am right, it's sad. He will be forever remember for his action's in this case.
Whoa, Mr. Mason went into some chapter here and it appears he is trying to set up another recusal from the bench...This is in rebuttal to the sanctions which Mr. Baez was shown to be in willful defiance. JB was asked in court if he thought of filing an extension, Baez replied sort of matter of factly (IMO) NO...end of story (but now the person delivering this was stuck in traffic :innocent:). He missed his deadline by one day, had no real reason why and then this 23 pages of whinning, things aren't going their way, and again, IMO, His Honor appears very fair, he's given lots to the defense even without proper paperwork. This is the Chief Justice residing over that court and IIRC reading, he takes on troublesome cases and has never had a sentence he's handed out overturned on appeals. I have faith in our judicial system...

This trial is appearing to take on the appearnce of being a "personal" one, not one that is about a young woman who broke the law and is sitting accused of murder, IYKWIM! It also appears Mr. Mason might not know this is not against him, it's against the lead counsel...

All along he and his team on the ones who have gone on TV, media interviews, radio, when he should have said "no comment"..

I haven't read the entire document but just by scanning it, it's a doozie and if they can put that all in here (about experts being discussed in this doc) they should have done it right the first time for the SAs...again, just my most humble opinion.

To see a trial unfold first hand this way is very interesting, for me..I see what the state presents but I can't for the life of me figure out the other sides stance. It appears as if evidence of innocense is being created instead of refuting the evidence. History cannot be redone, it is what it is and I believe they should work with what they have, not put innocents in harms way or allow a guilty person free. That is NOT how our judicial system was structured......JMHO

I know wonder if this is the reason that retired Judge Eaton was in the courtroom...
Justice for Caylee
So, if Lee doesn't testify, they can't talk about those "hairs" right?

right, that's why them mentioning the "hairs" is a little nutty. if these hairs were so importsnt then he'd be testifying. If he isn't testifying then how important are they? it boggles the logical mind.
Sorry World ... I'm stealing your line ...

you just can't make this up!!!!!!!

This case is truly a nightmare. And not just because a innocent little two year old girl was murdered.

This case can't possibly get any more bizarre.


OH JSR, I believe it can and it will.
there is really only one question I feel that we MUST know the answer to at this point:

Which "word of the day" calendar had the word THWART on it recently, JB's or CM's? :)

They gave each other the same Word of the Day Calendar!!:floorlaugh:
roflmao - from page 3:

".....specified the five specific things that the defense was now being required to do. They are as follows:

i. blah, blah, blah

i. yada, yada, yada

ii. boo hiss, boo hiss

iii. yawn, yawn, yawn

iv. they.still.cannot.count!!!

back to reading...

HHJP asked CM if there was a particular reason why the documents were not submitted on time. CM responded that he didn't know. At that point JB should have jumped up and related the traffic emergency story, but he didn't, he just stared straight ahead.. Oh, that's right, they just thought it up...

And do not forget Judge Perry asked Baez if he filed for an Extension? Baez said NO, he didn't think there would be a problem...
And there is the issue..Baez sees no problem disobeying the time a Judge set in an Order for filing documents.
I have heard from many reliable sources that CM has an outstanding reputation. I was lead to believe that he is a formidable opponent in court.

Is what we are seeing, now, typical of his past history? Does he always handle his cases this way? Or are we witnessing a drastic decline in his abilities to function ~ even at an acceptable level? I'm really worried that he might be very ill; I can't reconcile his current performance on this case with the prominence he seemed to hold when he first entered this case.

So, to those of you who are familiar with him and his past cases, do you believe what we are seeing now is just his typical bluff and bluster or are you, too, wondering if he's going through a serious, possibly mental, descent?
Exactly, he's baiting the judge to sanction him. He warned HHJP that if he received a sanction he'd appeal it at the federal court. He's trying to make HHJP crazy, trying to trip him up. CM is abrasive and egocentric and quite the trial attorney. I don't know what he's up to but I think he has a plan.
J. Cheney Mason, an Orlando lawyer who represented Orlando's most notorious mobster, Harlan Blackburn, in an attempted-murder case and major-league baseball player Len Randle in a civil case. Mason is one of the top defense attorney's in the country. He has tried 50 murder cases successfully and is a part of a number of anti-death penalty organizations.

Well, HHJP has LOTS of experience too. I can't remember specifics, but I think he's been a judge at least what, forty years? thirty years? I think Cheney Mason is going up to bat against the wrong judge here. I have faith that HHJP is not going to fall for these games, and he already hinted that he doesn't mind trying this twice. I think that was a hint that he doesn't care what games Mason plays, Mason is not going to win this time. If Mason is trying to go out on a bang, he's going to find out that bang is his illustrious career blowing up in his face.
But my question is... WHY would Mason want to file this motion on Baez's behalf? I mean, after all, the sanctions were against BAEZ.... so, for the moment anyway, it was all on him. WHY would Mason want to put himself "out there" as he did in this motion?

Has he now left himself open for some kind of sanctions by filing FALSE information? If so, would the State have to file a motion requesting sanctions... could HHJP sanction CM without the State's request... or is this not even something for which CM could have his hands slapped?

I really just don't get it. :banghead:


I think possibly???? it is because HHJP still shows CM respect (albeit rapidly dwindling), its their only chance to get HHJP to even consider the validity of their motion for maybe a tenth of a nanosecond, whereas a JB-authored motion would have a less than zero chance... i.e. the proverbial snowball's chance.

Does it really matter if CM is baiting HHJP into sanctioning him? That is not going to change the course of the trial in any way. It is a secondary issue that can easily be dealt with AFTER KC's trial. If the defense team is attempting to get HHJP recused too, I think it would take a lot more than just 'he sanctioned us'.

I think it was FaeFrost who said 'it doesn't matter if what the judge wanted could be argued later to be in error, what matters is that he made a ruling and JB ignored it.' (sorry FaeFrost I was paraphrasing). Hence the sanctions for willful violation of an order.
(Totally OT and possibly the result of too much coffee: When I read about the sanctions, in my head I keep hearing "spank-tions". And then I :giggle:)

OK, back On-T... EU, I don't think CM's faculties are failing him--I just think he is a very wily, crafty, old hand who has more than a trick or two up his sleeve. If anyone on that team has a "game plan" I bet it's him.

Actually, he needs two game plans. One for dealing with his client, and one for dealing with his co-counsel.

Now, it's not been my pleasure to make the man's acquaintance, and I do not specialize in geriatrics. But IMO he's still firing on all cylinders.
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