2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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All those who did not see this coming down the pike, raise your hands. Yeah, that's what I thought. This is going to be interesting because HHJP was so emphatic about NOT giving him 30 days. The reports are due tomorrow, the extension was filed today, can HHJP just flat out say no this afternoon? What happens if he does say that?

Something very, very entertaining.
I smell another tongue lashing...via HHJP to the Defense. Either they have nothing from the current crop of experts they listed/what those same experts would testify to won't help the Defense OR the Defense is trying to find any expert (not currently listed by the Defense) to help prove their BS contention that Caylee's remains were dumped after ICA was in jail. Or the defense is just scoffing at orders AGAIN! It really doesn't matter to me and I doubt it will to HHJP--the Defense has had ample opportunity to turn over this information--well before sanctions were handed down! I hope they wind up in contempt of court and have to spend a night in jail! After all, that is where their fair client spends all of her free time!

I hope so, I certainly hope so...

A day after Judge Perry graciously grants the Defense 300 more investigative hours in order to move this case along...here comes the Defense asking for more time, for an extension to the already generous time given them to submit Expert Reports....Reports that should have been submitted in December 2010 the FIRST time they were Ordered to do so..

All those who did not see this coming down the pike, raise your hands. Yeah, that's what I thought. This is going to be interesting because HHJP was so emphatic about NOT giving him 30 days. The reports are due tomorrow, the extension was filed today, can HHJP just flat out say no this afternoon? What happens if he does say that?

My guess is that HHJP will grant the extension.

I'm certainly not pro defense. But at LEAST he filed a motion for extension of time and not on the actual date the documents were due (but darn near close). It's an improvement from what he pulled last time. And filed that asinine filing about being "thwarted" by traffic. Baby steps people. Baby steps.

I imagine HHJP will split the baby in half and grant an extension but not the amount of time the defense is asking for, so say if JB and company are asking for 10 days HHJP will give them 5.
All those who did not see this coming down the pike, raise your hands. Yeah, that's what I thought. This is going to be interesting because HHJP was so emphatic about NOT giving him 30 days. The reports are due tomorrow, the extension was filed today, can HHJP just flat out say no this afternoon? What happens if he does say that?

HHJP dinged JB last time for not seeking an extension once he knew he wasn't going to make it.

On that basis, HHJP needs to give some credit for this extension request.

What I am hoping is he takes them to task ... as in ... only needing a few days and seeking to know what is done, is any of it done? What can be shared earlier, etc?

The Defense are playing the Court by their own rules but need to demonstrate progress to the Court else they will play the same game as the investigative hours budget.
All those who did not see this coming down the pike, raise your hands. Yeah, that's what I thought. This is going to be interesting because HHJP was so emphatic about NOT giving him 30 days. The reports are due tomorrow, the extension was filed today, can HHJP just flat out say no this afternoon? What happens if he does say that?

Yes it will be interesting to see if Judge Perry considers refusing this motion, IMO he will grant additional time, even though he clearly stated NO, I will not give you 30 days...
HHJP dinged JB last time for not seeking an extension once he knew he wasn't going to make it.

On that basis, HHJP needs to give some credit for this extension request.

What I am hoping is he takes them to task ... as in ... only needing a few days and seeking to know what is done, is any of it done? What can be shared earlier, etc?

The Defense are playing the Court by their own rules but need to demonstrate progress to the Court else they will play the same game as the investigative hours budget.


Evidently the traffic problems in the area aren't as bad as they were back then.
My guess is that HHJP will grant the extension.

I'm certainly not pro defense. But at LEAST he filed a motion for extension of time and not on the actual date it was (but darn near close). It's an improvement on what he pulled last time. And filed that asinine filing about being "thwarted" by traffic. Baby steps people. Baby steps.

I imagine HHJP will split the baby in half and grant an extension but not the amount of time the defense is asking for, so say if JB and company are asking for 10 days HHJP will give them 5.

I agree JSR.
IMO he will not deny this motion ...IMO he will give them additional time...how much? I :dunno:

Evidently the traffic problems in the area aren't as bad as they were back then.

OR he just really doesn't want to shell out another $500 some odd bucks.
Just my take on it if the motion of extension. If the motion listed a specific report that will be delayed then I think CJPerry would grant it for this one specific expert. BUT if it is for a blanket extension I do not think that even CJPerry would grant this or not let the SAO have a say before the order was in stone. jmo
I agree JSR.
IMO he will not deny this motion ...IMO he will give them additional time...how much? I :dunno:

IIRC the SAO agreed to the 10/20 days. They may have a *lot* to say about any further delay, depending on for what date their next round of depositions is scheduled. If Baez's requested delay will force the SAO to push back the depos, Judge Perry might not look too kindly on granting the extension.
My guess is that HHJP will grant the extension.

I'm certainly not pro defense. But at LEAST he filed a motion for extension of time and not on the actual date the documents were due (but darn near close). It's an improvement from what he pulled last time. And filed that asinine filing about being "thwarted" by traffic. Baby steps people. Baby steps.

I imagine HHJP will split the baby in half and grant an extension but not the amount of time the defense is asking for, so say if JB and company are asking for 10 days HHJP will give them 5.

I believe whether or not this motion is granted, will depend on the reason given. It had better be a good reason, with a reasonable explanation and a date provided when the reports will be ready.

I seriously doubt baez's motion contains anything like this.

Judge Perry should lower the boom, and start fining him everyday those reports are not handed over to the Prosecution.

IMO, the defense's failure is hurting casey anthony's right to a fair trial.
Just my take on it if the motion of extension. If the motion listed a specific report that will be delayed then I think CJPerry would grant it for this one specific expert. BUT if it is for a blanket extension I do not think that even CJPerry would grant this or not let the SAO have a say before the order was in stone. jmo

I'm with you ... Judge Perry was pretty clear, and the sanctions were supposed to remedy this kind of defiance to court orders ... I think maybe Jose has not learned his lesson and should start paying $500 a day until he complies ... and complies correctly !! :maddening:
Dear Judge,
Quite frankly, I dont even know why I have to ask permission, but here goes.
I don't have my expert witness discovery that you ordered because like I told you I needed 30 days, and you didn't give it to me, so hello! I need more time, Judge. I would like another nine days. That would be 29 days total, since you said 30 days was too much.
Thanks, Judge.
I believe whether or not this motion is granted, will depend on the reason given. It had better be a good reason, with a reasonable explanation and a date provided when the reports will be ready.

I seriously doubt baez's motion contains anything like this.

Judge Perry should lower the boom, and start fining him everyday those reports are not handed over to the Prosecution.

IMO, the defense's failure is hurting casey anthony's right to a fair trial.

I completely agree with bolded assessment. In the end this is really hurting her chances of a fair trial.
IIRC someone stated that any expert witness who provides an opinion is going to have documentation that contains information used as a basis for his/her opinion. Common sense would dictate the importance of making a report if only to be able to refer back to it to refresh your memory about what information led to developing a particular opinion.

What would be interesting is have these experts who have spoke to the DT go before the judge under oath to determine if they provided any form of written opinion, communication, thought or any other form used by the defense.

Novice Seeker
I completely agree with bolded assessment. In the end this is really hurting her chances of a fair trial.

MOST of what Baez does hurts her chances.

Oh, yeah..... and the fact that she's guilty.
I'll guess HHJP gives them until friday at noon :)

What I do hope HHJP does is say fine..you can have up until the week before the trial, provided you pay 500.00 a day :)

Baez will then ask for more investigative hours..~snark~

ETA: did the SA ever get Furton's report on the 18th? I neeeeeeeeeeed to see that request for an extension!
My guess is that HHJP will grant the extension.

I'm certainly not pro defense. But at LEAST he filed a motion for extension of time and not on the actual date the documents were due (but darn near close). It's an improvement from what he pulled last time. And filed that asinine filing about being "thwarted" by traffic. Baby steps people. Baby steps.

I imagine HHJP will split the baby in half and grant an extension but not the amount of time the defense is asking for, so say if JB and company are asking for 10 days HHJP will give them 5.

I'm THANKING what you had to say, JSR...... but I'm not LIKING what you had to say. :sigh:

HHJP was so adamant at the hearing that he would NOT give JB 30 days to produce the reports, and gave him 20 as it was.... now the day before they are due, JB asks for more time?

I'm just not getting how JB gets away with as much as he does.... assuming HHJP does grant him any amount of extension.

Something just smells fishy to me about all this....
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