2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

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Oh, I don't think they can say no. What an appeal issue that could raise. "I told my attorneys about RK and they ignored me and he was the one I gave the baby to." Big problem for the attorneys and the judge would not be happy. So whatever is her story of the day, they have to research it. It's their job.

At some point it has to stop with her stories. It's been almost 3 years and $275,000 plus $50,000 from the JAC and still no one other than KC is a suspect. If defense can not find anyone after all this time they need to be working on a deal for her. They are running out of time and the more people KC tries to frame the less chance of the state saying okay let's make a deal. jmo
Oh, I don't think they can say no. What an appeal issue that could raise. "I told my attorneys about RK and they ignored me and he was the one I gave the baby to." Big problem for the attorneys and the judge would not be happy. So whatever is her story of the day, they have to research it. It's their job.

At some point it has to stop with her stories. It's been almost 3 years and $275,000 plus $50,000 from the JAC and still no one other than KC is a suspect. If defense can not find anyone after all this time they need to be working on a deal for her. They are running out of time and the more people KC tries to frame the less chance of the state saying okay let's make a deal. jmo

Just wondering... wouldn't the defense have to say something like: "Our client claims she gave the baby to Mr. Kronk and that's why we, of course, need zillions of hours to investigate this IMPORTANT claim! Our entire defense rests on this. Death is different. There is a criminal out there who killed my innocent client's baby!".

If this Kronk inquisition came from Casey's *new story* wouldn't the defense just say so? Would make their lives a lot easier and a lot easier to get mega bucks from the State.

Frankly, I don't think the Kronk story came from Casey's idiot brain at all. I think it was pure Baez.
Oh, I don't think they can say no. What an appeal issue that could raise. "I told my attorneys about RK and they ignored me and he was the one I gave the baby to." Big problem for the attorneys and the judge would not be happy. So whatever is her story of the day, they have to research it. It's their job.

At some point it has to stop with her stories. It's been almost 3 years and $275,000 plus $50,000 from the JAC and still no one other than KC is a suspect. If defense can not find anyone after all this time they need to be working on a deal for her. They are running out of time and the more people KC tries to frame the less chance of the state saying okay let's make a deal. jmo

I could so see Casey telling JB to get her the whole list of TES searches so she could see if anyone matched the description of ZFG. A lot of criminals go back to the scene of the crime, ya know!

With that said, it's time to end. She can not continue to live her life, in her private little cell, as simply the "accused, but not convicted" murderer that she is. She has a few months to make some very serious decisions... unfortunately, I do not think she takes this serious at all as can be seen by her courtroom behavior.

ETA: and you know that none of that 250,000 dollars was spent on investigating anything, imo.
Just wondering... wouldn't the defense have to say something like: "Our client claims she gave the baby to Mr. Kronk and that's why we, of course, need zillions of hours to investigate this IMPORTANT claim! Our entire defense rests on this. Death is different. There is a criminal out there who killed my innocent client's baby!".

If this Kronk inquisition came from Casey's *new story* wouldn't the defense just say so? Would make their lives a lot easier and a lot easier to get mega bucks from the State.

Frankly, I don't think the Kronk story came from Casey's idiot brain at all. I think it was pure Baez.

He can't say anything she told him because of attorney/client priviledge. In defending her he needs to have some information, such as who did you give the baby to, are you being threatened that you feel you can't disclose that information. But JB is on record by stating to the media, "that when it comes time for trial KC's story will come out and we will all say, 'oh, now I understand'". That means that KC has told her attorneys something, not the truth but stories that fit what was going on in the news. We've all read her letters and we all know there is no nanny. So she has been talking, or more appropriately "spinning".

I think it is all from KC. Look at the stories her mother spins and they are so alike. KC is mean, she's viscious and she's not done by a long shot. She still has approximately 15 weeks to accuse someone new. She will do it and not bat an eye. jmo
He can't say anything she told him because of attorney/client priviledge. In defending her he needs to have some information, such as who did you give the baby to, are you being threatened that you feel you can't disclose that information. But JB is on record by stating to the media, "that when it comes time for trial KC's story will come out and we will all say, 'oh, now I understand'". That means that KC has told her attorneys something, not the truth but stories that fit what was going on in the news. We've all read her letters and we all know there is no nanny. So she has been talking, or more appropriately "spinning".

I think it is all from KC. Look at the stories her mother spins and they are so alike. KC is mean, she's viscious and she's not done by a long shot. She still has approximately 15 weeks to accuse someone new. She will do it and not bat an eye. jmo

There's always Dominic Casey!
There's always Dominic Casey!

So funny.....well, not really, but you are correct.

KC had nothing to lose pointing at RK. With DC I would imagine he knows a lot and could seal her fate quite easily by testifying. I mean look at the circumstances with him searching right there he'd be the perfect candidate because it's on video. All of a sudden DC instantly knows where the body is. But he knows far too much for KC to cross him and I think she knows it. jmo
There's always Dominic Casey!

HA HA! Now that's a claim that could be legitimately investigated. They could get a meeelion investigative hours from JAC for that one without breaking a sweat.

Here's a guy videotaped AT THE SCENE poking and prodding and slashing. Not to mention saying: "She should be RIGHT HERE."

Not to mention telling Hoover they were going to go get the baby and she was DEAD. Slam dunk. But noooooo.
So funny.....well, not really, but you are correct.

KC had nothing to lose pointing at RK. With DC I would imagine he knows a lot and could seal her fate quite easily by testifying. I mean look at the circumstances with him searching right there he'd be the perfect candidate because it's on video. All of a sudden DC instantly knows where the body is. But he knows far too much for KC to cross him and I think she knows it. jmo

But he's a reasonable target. Even though all evidence points to Casey how lucky is it there's an actual videotape of this man AT THE SCENE.

This is a reasonable potential perp to investigate.

I still say (respectfully of course) that Casey (if it indeed came from her) can't just throw out complete garbage and her attorneys can expect to have the State pay for nonsense with NOTHING to back it up. Nothing, nada, zilch.
Well I could be wrong. I've been wrong a lot before. Guess we'll hear from one of the attorneys at some point. I'm so curious!!!
But he's a reasonable target. Even though all evidence points to Casey how lucky is it there's an actual videotape of this man AT THE SCENE.

This is a reasonable potential perp to investigate.

I still say (respectfully of course) that Casey (if it indeed came from her) can't just throw out complete garbage and her attorneys can expect to have the State pay for nonsense with NOTHING to back it up. Nothing, nada, zilch.

Oh, I don't think she is throwing out garbage. I believe she is a very effective liar. Look at her friends, Amy, RM, Jesse. She had them believing she was working and attending classes, she'd be getting the house. She is a manipulator and uses her smile, her claims of being innocent to manipulate people. The attorney's job is to create reasonable doubt and they have to use what information they can get that is supported by their client and their investigation. Do I think defense went too far with RK. Yes, I do. Will they continue to buy her stories....I hope not. KC can't say she does not know what happened as she was the only one who had the child. She and she alone knows what happened. Bottom line. Crying wolf only works for so long. jmo
Here's an interesting assessment of the Defense's most recent Motion for More Cha-Ching from bullstopper.

"Is Jose Baez a Slow Learner?"

The judge also made comments about the state not providing funding for “fishing expeditions”.

In order to determine if Mr. Baez learned the lesson the judge has been attempting to teach while ruling on the previous two requests, we will examine the following quote from the current motion.

“4. Furthermore, the State has filed 18 Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery, which includes more than 9,600 pages and 165 audio files of discovery, all of which need to be reviewed and investigated by the defense.”

“all of which need to be reviewed and investigated by the defense.” – “all of which” refers to the discovery, all of the discovery filed since May 7, 2010. The defense is admitting they have neither reviewed nor investigated any discovery which was filed later than May 7, 2010. Mr. Baez is also implying the previous two requests for investigative hours did not include any hours to investigate any of this portion of the discovery.

Much more at link:

I think Judge P is going to choke when he reads the words "more than 9,600 pages and 165 audio files" have not been "reviewed" let alone "investigated" by Defense.

jmo: Hammer Time.
So funny.....well, not really, but you are correct.

KC had nothing to lose pointing at RK. With DC I would imagine he knows a lot and could seal her fate quite easily by testifying. I mean look at the circumstances with him searching right there he'd be the perfect candidate because it's on video. All of a sudden DC instantly knows where the body is. But he knows far too much for KC to cross him and I think she knows it. jmo

Here we have a man, who inserted himself into this case by offering his services... if I remember correctly. I do not think anyone went to him. He is on VIDEO within feet from where Caylee's skull would later be found. He does NOT call police when he finds a muddied and ripped pink baby blanket. He does not go to this location once, not twice, but three times. His partner in crime, Jim Hoover, made a secret trip down to the TES command center and gives information about the Suburban location.

According to DC's interview with LE, Casey Anthony gave him no information about this location. The Anthony's gave him no information about this location. His lies about the way he found himself out there in that location is suspect at best. First he was searching because of the Kiomarie tip... a tip that would and should have taken him further down the road and across the street. He says while he was going to this location (not the actual location of the tip) he gets a call from a psychic and it freaks him out. On and on and on...

DC better hope he told LE and the SA the truth during that investigative interview because I am sure that the defense and Casey would have no problem taking care of this traitor by making him the next target.

I do think you are right though, I think they are scared to go after DC. He knows too much. But he would have been perfect if he didn't know so much.
Here's an interesting assessment of the Defense's most recent Motion for More Cha-Ching from bullstopper.

"Is Jose Baez a Slow Learner?"

Much more at link:

I think Judge P is going to choke when he reads the words "more than 9,600 pages and 165 audio files" have not been "reviewed" let alone "investigated" by Defense.

jmo: Hammer Time.

I think it is safe to say that we all, individually, have read and investigated the evidence in this case more than the defense. :furious:
I think Judge Perry is done with the defenses fishing expedition. This last attempt to show that they had 15-20 people who searched the exact location on Suburban Drive where Caylee was found and that she was not there completely backfired on them. It was a waste of taxpayers money for the State to even have to depose them. It doesn't even seem that the defense spoke to these witnesses at all. Just this Mort character who seems to be terrible at his job.

I believe lawyers for JAC will bring up what happened this week in court. That none of these 15-20 witnesses stated what the defense said they stated. That it should be time to hang up those fishing poles and start a new career... like actually defending your client.

BBM: But we don't know what all the searchers said, right? We have the three that consented to be interviewed by the media after the deposition, and it seems their depositions were favorable to the State. However, there were 10 searchers who were deposed that day. I believe 3 more are scheduled for this week. I don't think we can be sure the others will say the same, we will just have to wait and see.

ETA: Sorry Jenny and others who have already said the same thing. I need to read ALL prior posts before I jump in and post!
Just wondering... wouldn't the defense have to say something like: "Our client claims she gave the baby to Mr. Kronk and that's why we, of course, need zillions of hours to investigate this IMPORTANT claim! Our entire defense rests on this. Death is different. There is a criminal out there who killed my innocent client's baby!".

If this Kronk inquisition came from Casey's *new story* wouldn't the defense just say so? Would make their lives a lot easier and a lot easier to get mega bucks from the State.

Frankly, I don't think the Kronk story came from Casey's idiot brain at all. I think it was pure Baez.

and Leonard P ..... LP did all the digging for dirt on Kronk with his ex's .... LP and Dominic and Cindy all working together to "Kronk" Mr. Roy ....
remember how LP's nephew told us here on WS, that his Uncle Leonard was in almost daily contact with JB, and that his Uncle was also cooking up "something" with Dominic ....
LambChop -

I agree, they'll never go after Dom Casey for obvious reasons. I was just pointing out, as others have, there is an example of someone who legitimately could be targeted by the defense and no one would blame them.

As a matter of fact, a good case could be made for him finding the baby way before Kronk. He said he knew where she was. He was videotaped there. He said she was dead, etc. I personally don't think he did find her but we might never find out. Or maybe we will because I think the State will put him on the stand and he will spill his cowardly guts about everything he did and everything he knows.

He's an example of someone to blame if they were seeking other suspects in good faith. Which they're not. And it is obvious in the case of Kronk that they had nothing. I'm glad the judge has put a stop to it but they've still slandered him and they still might slip something in at the trial.

I don't think Casey came up with the "Kronk Did It". As twisted as she is, that is simply too far out there. I think the defense just did a hail mary pass investigating his past because they were desperate and lo and behold they hit the jackpot. He once owned duct tape, and other claims by his bitter ex.

I'd say the defense THEN went to Casey and said "here's what we found about this guy" and she gave her approval to destroy his life. But I don't think the initial investigation was her idea.
and Leonard P ..... LP did all the digging for dirt on Kronk with his ex's .... LP and Dominic and Cindy all working together to "Kronk" Mr. Roy ....
remember how LP's nephew told us here on WS, that his Uncle Leonard was in almost daily contact with JB, and that his Uncle was also cooking up "something" with Dominic ....

Oh my gosh Think Tank. I forgot about LP and his dealings with the defense and his daisy chain and his relentless attacks on Kronk. I don't know the timeframe on when the defense publicly went after Kronk and when LP did - maybe it dovetailed.

But you're right. They're all in on it. LP makes me puke. Always has, always will. If anyone thinks he came to Orlando and bailed Casey out because he believed her I've got a bridge... I spit in his general direction.
BBM: But we don't know what all the searchers said, right? We have the three that consented to be interviewed by the media after the deposition, and it seems their depositions were favorable to the State. However, there were 10 searchers who were deposed that day. I believe 3 more are scheduled for this week. I don't think we can be sure the others will say the same, we will just have to wait and see.

ETA: Sorry Jenny and others who have already said the same thing. I need to read ALL prior posts before I jump in and post!

LOL I've been repeating others and myself ad nauseam on this thread so join the club!

Oh btw, I read on some blog or other that another searcher who was depo'd the other day was only able to tell the prosecutors she ONLY DROVE BY Suburban and didn't even stop. Hoo boy.

So that's four. :)
LambChop -

I agree, they'll never go after Dom Casey for obvious reasons. I was just pointing out, as others have, there is an example of someone who legitimately could be targeted by the defense and no one would blame them.

As a matter of fact, a good case could be made for him finding the baby way before Kronk. He said he knew where she was. He was videotaped there. He said she was dead, etc. I personally don't think he did find her but we might never find out. Or maybe we will because I think the State will put him on the stand and he will spill his cowardly guts about everything he did and everything he knows.

He's an example of someone to blame if they were seeking other suspects in good faith. Which they're not. And it is obvious in the case of Kronk that they had nothing. I'm glad the judge has put a stop to it but they've still slandered him and they still might slip something in at the trial.

I don't think Casey came up with the "Kronk Did It". As twisted as she is, that is simply too far out there. I think the defense just did a hail mary pass investigating his past because they were desperate and lo and behold they hit the jackpot. He once owned duct tape, and other claims by his bitter ex.

I'd say the defense THEN went to Casey and said "here's what we found about this guy" and she gave her approval to destroy his life. But I don't think the initial investigation was her idea.

This time I read before I posted! JennyB I agree with you on this point. I have not heard anywhere that KC was behind the effort to toss Kronk under the bus! I think it was a matter of the defense grabbing at straws and that obnoxious media hound of a bounty Hunter that combined to try and make RK a bad guy in all this.

I do have to point out that IF the latest discovery that was handed over to the defense, at the sacnctions hearing I think, did contain new names and new info than the defense is obligated to look into it. It all depends on what was in that document dump. Whether they take the time to really look at what they are given or just start screaming for more hours, that is going to be the difference. If they can come before HHJP with legitimate leads that must be followed up to ensure that KC gets a fair trial, then I think HHJP will grant them more hours. I do not think, at this point in time, he is going to give them more bait to go on another fishing expedition though. They will have to show good cause in order to get more hours.
Not sure this is the right thread to put this on but it does have to do with asking for more funds.
Did Baez or Mason respond to the JAC about their motion that was filed on December 28, 2010. If they did not then I can hear CJPerry stating this at the hearing. jmo
So many times in everyone of the defense motions state:
5) Thus the Defense is respectfully requesting an additional 300 hours for services render in-state in order to continue investigating the evidence alleged in the State’s discovery which continues to be ongoing.
4) Thus the Defense is respectfully requesting an additional 300 hours for services render in-state in order to continue investigating the evidence alleged in the State’s discovery which continues to be ongoing.
15) Therefore in the interest of judicial economy, and trial begins less than 4 months away, the Defense is respectfully requesting an additional 300 hours for in-state investigative services to include the 106.2 hours and continued investigation of the State’s discovery, which as illustrated above, continues to be on-going until further notice by this court.
Just like the last hearing CJPerry told the defense that they latest discovery was of rebuttal witnesses for the deposition of one of the defense witness. IMO it should fall flat. The defense may have cut their State tax payers funds for their fishing. And why did they not get the hint about new civil lawyers looking for new cases to get JAC funds returned to them by criminal defense attorneys. :banghead:

Excellent analysis!

The State had until October 31, 2010 to add witnesses to their List.
The State only added (13) new witnesses, past that deadline, with good cause.

- January 14, 2011 - with "good cause" - the State added (1) new witness - U.S. Secret Service Joseph Stephens, because the State had only just received the Report from the FBI on Jan 13, 2011.

- December 16, 2010 - with "good cause" - the State added (11) new witnesses, who were TES searchers, to rebut the deposition testimony of Laura B.

- Sept 30, 2010 - still within the Oct 31st deadline - the State added the President of Blue Star, to testify about issues (about chloroform) that were raised in the depositions of the Medical Examiners and Dr. Vass from Oak Ridge Lab.

- August 30, 2010 - still within the Oct 31st deadline (11) of the new witnesses, who are from Orange County Corrections (jail), were added to give testimony related to the Internal Affairs investigation of former jail guard Sylvia H., who allowed access between Inmate Anthony and Inmate Robyn.

The Defense has had plenty of time, since May 7, 2010, to "investigate" and depose the (40)-plus witnesses the State added to their Witness List. The Defense was given until December 31, 2010 to complete all depositions of the "late filed - after May 24, 2010" witnesses on the State Witness List.

The Defense has been aware of the new State witnesses since the day the State filed their "Supplemental Witness Lists" (after May 7, 2010). The Defense does not need more investigative hours to "investigate" these witnesses, now. It should have been done, and the witnesses who the Defense wanted to depose, should have already been deposed by December 31, 2010.

- May 24, 2010 - Supplemental List - (45) new witnesses
- August 10, 2010 Supplemental List - (6) new witnesses (OCSO and K9 and trunk
- August 30, 2010 Supplemental List - (13) new witnesses (Int Affairs inv and
MySpace and AT&T and ShurTape)
- August 31, 2010 Supplemental List - (14) new witnesses (Custodians of records)
- December 16, 2010 Supplemental List - (11) new witnesses (rebut Laura B)
- January 14, 2011 Supplemental List - (1) new witness (US Secret Service)

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