2011.01.25 Defense Requests More Time to Submit Expert Reports

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I read the Order 3 times to see what could have possibly been confusing, because Judge Perry's Orders are always extremely succinct and clear.

And this is finally what I surmised. :banghead:

I fully expect Judge Perry will ask Baez this question verbatim. I guarantee he is not going to be happy that JB accused him personally of issuing an order that was unclear, when it was perfectly clear. He just keeps endearing himself to HHJP with every motion he files, email he sends and deadline he misses. He is burying himself with this judge.

The phrase "including but not limited to" is used all.the.time in legal documents. It is included in almost every interrogatory question and request for production. So common, that when I begin typing "including" it comes up as a shortcut and I just hit enter to complete the sentence. Baez knows EXACTLY what he meant, as did CM. IF he even read the Order.

And even THAT is a moot point, because he could have contacted the court instead of just blowing the deadline and acting like nothing happened! I really don't see him getting out of this one. As HHJP says, he has his phone on.
Or ZG -- Zoro Gonzales!? LOL

Zorro? As in THE Zorro? I've just had a mental flash of Baez in a black mask and tights and let me tell you.........
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :sick:

That was really very very cheeky of you!
And to add, clearly if you are "confused" by something waiting until after the deadline to express said confusion is "quite frankly" moronic.

Quite frankly, I agree...absolutely..
Ooh, Jill, can you ask Belvin if can we discuss this in chambers?
I'm tired of having my clock cleaned while KB laughs out loud and telephoto lens guy zeros in on my smirk.


OMG lmboooooooooooooooooo. You all are too much. I have the flu, first time I've hadda belly laugh in a couple 3 days. TY!

On a serious note. I like HHJP. I sincerely do. The defenses actions are inexcusable. This has got to stop. If HHJP continues to threaten and not follow through (except once, that I can remember); Baez and Co. are going to keep doing it.

It's exactly what CA did with ICA while raising her. Threats but no following through. It's part of the reason A BABY is dead for GOD SAKE.

Sorry for yelling, now I'm back to feeling lousy again.
Whole thing is a mockery of decency. I'm tired of it.
Just isn't he an expert at Junk Science already? LOL! I would love it if you got a picture of him peeking out from behind a fig tree in the lobby. Him not you! What fun!


OMG lmboooooooooooooooooo. You all are too much. I have the flu, first time I've hadda belly laugh in a couple 3 days. TY!

On a serious note. I like HHJP. I sincerely do. The defenses actions are inexcusable. This has got to stop. If HHJP continues to threaten and not follow through (except once, that I can remember); Baez and Co. are going to keep doing it.

It's exactly what CA did with ICA while raising her. Threats but no following through. It's part of the reason A BABY is dead for GOD SAKE.

Sorry for yelling, now I'm back to feeling lousy again.
Whole thing is a mockery of decency. I'm tired of it.

HAHA!! I hope you are feeling better.
Funny you should mention the JB/ICA resemblance. Last night, i was re-watching the Feb 4 status hearing, because...I have no life and that's, you know, kind of sad...actually, going back to hear what HHJBP said about the FRYE hearing motions. I got to the part where HHJBP asked JB about Logan. "Doesn't he have a receptionist? Have you tried to call the receptionist and tell them this is urgent and you really need to speak to the doctor?"
"Why have you not?"
"Well, I assumed that my previous attempts would be enough." (I paraphrase)
JB's answer reminded e of ICA talking to 911 operator when asked why she was just now reporting her daughter missing.
"I've been trying to find her myself, which was...STEWPID."
Zorro? As in THE Zorro? I've just had a mental flash of Baez in a black mask and tights and let me tell you.........
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :sick:

That was really very very cheeky of you!

Oh my, what a thought to take with me to bed - not! :scream: :sick: :thud:
I knew I should have stopped reading 5 minutes ago, lol


YOU are out of your EVERLOVIN mind, scamperoo!!!

OK. Gonna go clean up the tea I snorted onto screen, the leftovers I knocked off the desk with my elbow, etc. And then I am gonna go to bed. Haven't mentioned lately how much I appreciate you all. You are splendiferous, each and every one of you.
Oh...I just thought of another thing! This comes on the heels of HHJP calling to check up on JB's...er..um..."communication problems" with the lab. :innocent: Should be interesting to see if Judge Perry was able to get though. ;)

As if that isn't enough hanging over your head, of course it is brilliant to then miss a deadline for the umpteenth time and send the judge's JA an whiny email using the excuse of that his order is unclear.

O/T Thanks for all the funnies on the thread! I had a cruddy day and needed the LOL! :lol:
I think that JB asked for time for his "unique opportunity" and when HHBPJ denied it, JB said to himself that he was just going to do it anyways.

What is that old saying? It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. He never thought that the JA was going to file for sanctions. As Hornsby said in the last clip in yesterday's news, this is the first time he has seen a SA do this for such a minor thing. This might be JB's standard modus operandi for wearing down a SA. (probably been doing that since he was born...hence the whine!)

I am very pleased that JA filed. This must be increadibly frustrating for a busy attorney that actually works several important cases at once. I imagine he has a lot to organize and coordinate. JB is making all of his work impossible in regards to this case.
This was so good....TY, TY, TY!!!:bowdown:

I absolutely love the sentence :laugh: ..."I have also discussed this matter with Mr. Mason and he is just as confused, if not more." :giggle:

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Mr. Mason reads what JB wrote about him......wonder if he'll do this when he next sees JB :slap:

At least JB's notes and motions aren't complete wastes....they provide us with some much needed comic relief. ha ha ha


BBM. If I'm correct, Baez and Mason are going to turn into DiNozzo and Gibbs, with Mason constantly smacking the back of Baez's head (and that is where the comparison ends too.) Mason can't be happy with Baez now talking for him. How about them apples, Mason? I bet he is not happy.
Did Baez file his expert reports? Weren't a couple due by February 21st?

I too am pleased JA filed for contempt, it keeps Baez on this toes...Although, JA could have waited a couple more days and include missing the deadline for expert reports.

Jome said:
I think that JB asked for time for his "unique opportunity" and when HHBPJ denied it, JB said to himself that he was just going to do it anyways.

What is that old saying? It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. He never thought that the JA was going to file for sanctions. As Hornsby said in the last clip in yesterday's news, this is the first time he has seen a SA do this for such a minor thing. This might be JB's standard modus operandi for wearing down a SA. (probably been doing that since he was born...hence the whine!)

I am very pleased that JA filed. This must be increadibly frustrating for a busy attorney that actually works several important cases at once. I imagine he has a lot to organize and coordinate. JB is making all of his work impossible in regards to this case.

Yep, I agree, Jomo...Baez beats to his own drum. He was going to do it anyway, like a child being spiteful. This is his MO, delay, delay, delay and if the prosecution isn't on top of it, it just makes their job that more difficult. The State has to refute whatever it is ICA's experts are reporting on. This case is getting very close to starting, they need to stay on schedule and Baez just likes throwing wrenches in the mix. I'd rather ask for permission than appear to be grovling for forgiveness...but that's just me.

Has Baez made it to the conference? I guess his priorities are out of whack if he attended the conference and deliberately ignored the deadline. He shouldn't fool with the state, he should know they will and have asked for sanctions, is his memory that short?

Is there a method to Baez' madness? :loser: JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Oh...I just thought of another thing! This comes on the heels of HHJP calling to check up on JB's...er..um..."communication problems" with the lab. :innocent: Should be interesting to see if Judge Perry was able to get though. ;)

As if that isn't enough hanging over your head, of course it is brilliant to then miss a deadline for the umpteenth time and send the judge's JA an whiny email using the excuse of that his order is unclear.

O/T Thanks for all the funnies on the thread! I had a cruddy day and needed the LOL! :lol:

Kind of O/T but when I look at that picture of caylee (your avatar), it looks like she's wearing angel wings :(
I think that JB asked for time for his "unique opportunity" and when HHBPJ denied it, JB said to himself that he was just going to do it anyways.

What is that old saying? It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. He never thought that the JA was going to file for sanctions. As Hornsby said in the last clip in yesterday's news, this is the first time he has seen a SA do this for such a minor thing. This might be JB's standard modus operandi for wearing down a SA. (probably been doing that since he was born...hence the whine!)

I am very pleased that JA filed. This must be increadibly frustrating for a busy attorney that actually works several important cases at once. I imagine he has a lot to organize and coordinate. JB is making all of his work impossible in regards to this case.

I also think that is exactly what Baez planned after being denied by JBP.
IMO it was not minor...Baez hoped the Judge would grant him time to file AFTER the Conference in Chicago...

Baez asked JBP for more time, it was denied..he may have thought about what to do for a minute but in the end he didn't let JBP's order stop him.

Baez chose to miss the deadline and not file a response AT ALL. It gave him time to explore his "unique opportunity" gig and he would deal with the fallout with the Judge when he got back ..
IMO it was a risk he was willing to take..
Did Baez file his expert reports? Weren't a couple due by February 21st?

I too am pleased JA filed for contempt, it keeps Baez on this toes...Although, JA could have waited a couple more days and include missing the deadline for expert reports.

Yep, I agree, Jomo...Baez beats to his own drum. He was going to do it anyway, like a child being spiteful. This is his MO, delay, delay, delay and if the prosecution isn't on top of it, it just makes their job that more difficult. The State has to refute whatever it is ICA's experts are reporting on. This case is getting very close to starting, they need to stay on schedule and Baez just likes throwing wrenches in the mix. I'd rather ask for permission than appear to be grovling for forgiveness...but that's just me.

Has Baez made it to the conference? I guess his priorities are out of whack if he attended the conference and deliberately ignored the deadline. He shouldn't fool with the state, he should know they will and have asked for sanctions, is his memory that short?

Is there a method to Baez' madness? :loser: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Don't know if it got filed or given to the Prosecution.
Feb. 21 2011 was the deadline for the Defense to file Dr Rodriguez report (the Taphonomy expert)
But part of the reason Baez wanted an extension to filing the expert reports is so he could give his experts more information...during his 'unique opportunity' travels to Chicago...I think missing the deadline on Feb 17 had a lot to do with Baez wanting to stall until he corralled his experts at the conference.
Don't know if it got filed or given to the Prosecution.
Feb. 21 2011 was the deadline for the Defense to file Dr Rodriguez report (the Taphonomy expert)
But part of the reason Baez wanted an extension to filing the expert reports is so he could give his experts more information...during his 'unique opportunity' travels to Chicago...I think missing the deadline on Feb 17 had a lot to do with Baez wanting to stall until he corralled his experts at the conference.

Yup, think you are absolutely right. Baez asked for this extension, was told very clearly by HHJP he was not going to give it to him - so "quite frankly" he took the extension anyway.

Tsk tsk Mr. Baez - puffed cheeks and the look coming up!
Yup, think you are absolutely right. Baez asked for this extension, was told very clearly by HHJP he was not going to give it to him - so "quite frankly" he took the extension anyway.

Tsk tsk Mr. Baez - puffed cheeks and the look coming up!

Tsk Tsk alright
Baez has been stalling for many many many weeks...it is clear he does not wish to hand in reports...Just like Mason says in court..we don't have to, but JBP has Ordered them to do so..but they are still stalling.

IMO there was No confusion...Baez was not going to follow JBP's deadline.. he was not going to allow it to Thwart his attempts to speak with his experts First and Then file..

Perhaps Mason advised him that if he missed the deadline Ashton may file a motion for contempt but in the end he or they believed JBP won't do anything, except issue a Fine, to derail the start of trial..so they can afford to lose a bit of money in order to accomplish their goal.
Jeff Ashton filed for contempt charges, because baezzz failed to give them Frye material, not because of any failure to turn over "expert" reports, imo.

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