2011.02.21: Elisa Baker indicted for 2nd degree murder!!

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Reporters talk with Lisa Dubs, re: Elisa Baker's deal.

Dubs is no longer on the case because she did what she was hired to do: keep Elisa from facing a capital murder charge (paraphrased).
She negotiated the deal in a 24 hour period, during which one of Dubs' investigators found a piece of key evidence. (paraphrased)
Reporters talk with Lisa Dubs, re: Elisa Baker's deal.

Dubs is no longer on the case because she did what she was hired to do: keep Elisa from facing a capital murder charge (paraphrased).
She negotiated the deal in a 24 hour period, during which one of Dubs' investigators found a piece of key evidence. (paraphrased)

Thank you so much for posting this. I was unaware of a "status hearing." I thought an arraignment followed the indictment. Learn something new every day.

Now, why did Lisa Dubs say back in December (I think) that she would stay on the case pro bono? Am I remembering correctly?
Reporters talk with Lisa Dubs, re: Elisa Baker's deal.

Dubs is no longer on the case because she did what she was hired to do: keep Elisa from facing a capital murder charge (paraphrased).
She negotiated the deal in a 24 hour period, during which one of Dubs' investigators found a piece of key evidence. (paraphrased)

I would say Ms. Dubs definitely achieved what she set out to do. Despite Gaither's statements that no deal was made to take the DP off the table - all we have is a 2nd degree murder charge against EB. Dubs won without much effort. The only upside was that Ms. Dubs' efforts resulted in the partial recovery of Zahra. I tend to agree with her - had she not got EB a deal, LE would not have found Zahra and Gaither would not be in front of a GJ asking for an indictment, and there would not be one now.
I would say Ms. Dubs definitely achieved what she set out to do. Despite Gaither's statements that no deal was made to take the DP off the table - all we have is a 2nd degree murder charge against EB. Dubs won without much effort. The only upside was that Ms. Dubs' efforts resulted in the partial recovery of Zahra. I tend to agree with her - had she not got EB a deal, LE would not have found Zahra and Gaither would not be in front of a GJ asking for an indictment, and there would not be one now.

I agree with you 100%, Charlie. I don't think there would have been anyone charged in this case had it not been for the deal Dubs worked out. And perhaps that is why Elisa dropped her. Maybe it is just now beging to dawn on her that she MIGHT have gotten away with murder, if only she hadn't listened to Dubs and cooperated with LE. :waitasec:
I agree with you 100%, Charlie. I don't think there would have been anyone charged in this case had it not been for the deal Dubs worked out. And perhaps that is why Elisa dropped her. Maybe it is just now beging to dawn on her that she MIGHT have gotten away with murder, if only she hadn't listened to Dubs and cooperated with LE. :waitasec:

Do we thank Lisa Dubs or not? OR is she just tooting her own horn? IDK. But I do know EB confessed to writing the ransom note early on in the game without Lisa Dubs...which shows me EB is not soooo strong after all. Could LE have gotten info on their own, IDK.
Do we thank Lisa Dubs or not? OR is she just tooting her own horn? IDK. But I do know EB confessed to writing the ransom note early on in the game without Lisa Dubs...which shows me EB is not soooo strong after all. Could LE have gotten info on their own, IDK.

I don't for one moment believe any of Zahra's remains would have been found if EB hadn't given that info up. EB not only gives up the location of Zahra's remains (at least some of them), but she also gives up the information that dismemberment occurred. Without a body, without the dismemberment info, what would LE have? Hell, even with everything she gave up the most they have is a 2nd degree murder charge and a cause of death listed as " undetermined homicidal violence ". And I think they might have a hard time proving that.

As for the ransom note, I've never been able to get a handle on why EB copped to that so fast. Complete mystery to me to this day.
I don't know guys...Am I wrong or wasn't it stated the EB's cell phone pinged in the areas where the remains were found (and AB's did not)? It may not have happened as soon but I truly believe it would have happened.

I'm so glad Lisa Dubs considers this a "win". :sick:

I just can't consider that terminology appropriate for this no matter what the case.
it would seem from the news story that Adam is looking forward to assisting LE with whatever LE needs from him and then he's looking forward to going to Australia to make some $ so that he can return to USA for Elisa's trial.

""I'm going to stay here for as long as the Hickory police and everybody else needs me here," he told Charlotte TV station WBTV.

"Once I've helped them with anything else they need to be helped with, then hopefully I'll be going back to Australia to try and pick up a few pieces of my life and save some money so I can come back here for when the trial happens."

If this has been discussed elsewhere on the boards my apologies - hopefully Mods will remove if I have made an error.

This link also raises the issue of not finding the skull and hence the 2nd degree charges being laid.

this is an ABC story

it would seem from the news story that Adam is looking forward to assisting LE with whatever LE needs from him and then he's looking forward to going to Australia to make some $ so that he can return to USA for Elisa's trial.

""I'm going to stay here for as long as the Hickory police and everybody else needs me here," he told Charlotte TV station WBTV.

"Once I've helped them with anything else they need to be helped with, then hopefully I'll be going back to Australia to try and pick up a few pieces of my life and save some money so I can come back here for when the trial happens."

If this has been discussed elsewhere on the boards my apologies - hopefully Mods will remove if I have made an error.

This link also raises the issue of not finding the skull and hence the 2nd degree charges being laid.

this is an ABC story


Apparently, his help was no longer needed.

Apparently, his help was no longer needed.


"Meanwhile, Adam Baker, who has not been charged in the Zahra case, left town overnight. Sources told WBTV news Adam and his mother have gone out of state temporarily because they were being harassed."

Those are very carefully 'couched' words (BBM) by LE -- I was curious when I first read that news story (your link) which made me want to find out 'where' he might be headed. I am wondering if his return to Australia might enrage EB and lead to more revelations or accusations by her. It will be interesting to see if there is any followup from the Australian news agencies when he arrives.
"Meanwhile, Adam Baker, who has not been charged in the Zahra case, left town overnight. Sources told WBTV news Adam and his mother have gone out of state temporarily because they were being harassed."

Those are very carefully 'couched' words (BBM) by LE -- I was curious when I first read that news story (your link) which made me want to find out 'where' he might be headed. I am wondering if his return to Australia might enrage EB and lead to more revelations or accusations by her. It will be interesting to see if there is any followup from the Australian news agencies when he arrives.

Where has it been said he went back to Austrailia? All Ive seen is out of state not out of country. I believe he still has charges here. I cant imagine hes been released in those to leave America. JMO
"Meanwhile, Adam Baker, who has not been charged in the Zahra case, left town overnight. Sources told WBTV news Adam and his mother have gone out of state temporarily because they were being harassed."

Those are very carefully 'couched' words (BBM) by LE -- I was curious when I first read that news story (your link) which made me want to find out 'where' he might be headed. I am wondering if his return to Australia might enrage EB and lead to more revelations or accusations by her. It will be interesting to see if there is any followup from the Australian news agencies when he arrives.

Apart from the harrassment he was getting, people are still calling out for his blood. Police have said they have no credible evidence of his involvement, which means that the only place evidence came from against him was from Elisa...

and she is a pathological liar. :maddening:

yeah ok...IMO
It's a shame that there won't be enough punishment meted out to EB for the attrocities she committed.

IMO, there could not ever be enough punishment, even if she got the max charge and death or lwop. It's never enough. Not for this one.
Apart from the harrassment he was getting, people are still calling out for his blood. Police have said they have no credible evidence of his involvement, which means that the only place evidence came from against him was from Elisa...

and she is a pathological liar. :maddening:

yeah ok...IMO

And LE believe Zahra died on Sept 24th. AB says he saw her on thurs. before she was reported missing. I think that is why AB is being run out of town on a rail. I would think his lawyer would be working on a plea in his other charges so he can hightail it back to Australia. jmo
Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere, but I hadn't seen it yet and didn't know where else to put it.

Article: Finally, relief for heartbroken mum


"I felt like I'd won lotto. I had this smile on my face that nothing was going to wipe away," Ms Dietrich said.

It was the news the Wagga Wagga woman had been waiting for since she learned of the brutal death of her cancer-stricken daughter in November last year.

"I was just relieved to hear that someone's finally going to have to pay for what happened to her (Zahra)," she said.

But that elation quickly turned to horror when Ms Dietrich started reading her daughter's torturous autopsy report, which she found online.

"What sort of a father is he, if he didn't know she was missing for two weeks? Where was he, what was he doing?" Ms Dietrich said.
And LE believe Zahra died on Sept 24th. AB says he saw her on thurs. before she was reported missing. I think that is why AB is being run out of town on a rail. I would think his lawyer would be working on a plea in his other charges so he can hightail it back to Australia. jmo

Not necessarily. The date of the 24th is in conflict with someone who stated that they saw both Zahra and EB on the 25th and is also in conflict with what ever date AB gave them. God knows if any other people had seen Zahra after the 24th.

He can't leave the US without LE's say so and they'd have to hand back his passport first.

I find it amusing how LE don't believe EB, yet have used that particular date that was given by her even though it was also used by her to accuse AB.

Where has it been said he went back to Austrailia? All Ive seen is out of state not out of country. I believe he still has charges here. I cant imagine hes been released in those to leave America. JMO

Isn't he out on bail facing bad check charges? Wouldn't his passport have been confiscated? I also am lost. :confused:
Isn't he out on bail facing bad check charges? Wouldn't his passport have been confiscated? I also am lost. :confused:
yes, he handed over his passport when arrested at the airport..although I do think it was handed over earlier than that.
Samiya, where did you read that Adam was arrested at the airport and had his passport confiscated there? I never read anywhere he was arrested at an airport. Can you provide a link to this as I'd be interested to read this.

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