2011.03.30- LE is waiting on evidence in crime lab before going to Grand Jury.

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I agree that it takes time. What is frustrating is that Toombs said over 2 months ago that it would take about 2 more weeks. At that time, he knew the volume of images and had presumably been working with the Dallas FBI lab in getting a time estimate.

Imo, there are only 3 reasons why no *advertiser censored* charges have been filed:

1. The *advertiser censored* discovered cannot be conclusively proven to include children; could be "barely legal" or those suspected of being under-aged could be masked or their faces could be obscured (hard to tell age if they are developed teens, like Hailey, for example).

2. The *advertiser censored* discovered can be proven to exclude children.

3. There is more than possession suspected and the child *advertiser censored* case is extensive and involves multiple parties that have to be determined and investigated.

Where is Hailey Darlene Dunn?...

I'll go with #3. We don't know where you are Hailey, but we have not forgotten you sweety.
Texas is a huge state and Hailey is unfortunately only one of many crime victims, and each case is just as important as any other. :(

The fact that the Texas Rangers and the FBI are involved might be one problem with this, if they are trying to connecting it to other cases using the *advertiser censored* pictures.
I would rather see them take their time and do it right .
I'm not a prude but I would think someone that needs or wants to look at that much *advertiser censored* has some problems to begin with . That barely legal stuff =CREEPY
Hopefully there will be an arrest or 2 soon .
1. The *advertiser censored* discovered cannot be conclusively proven to include children; could be "barely legal" or those suspected of being under-aged could be masked or their faces could be obscured (hard to tell age if they are developed teens, like Hailey, for example).
This is a great point. Months ago I posted a link to a defense attorney's perspective on child *advertiser censored* charges:

http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&drKey=910&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.websleuths.com%2Fforums%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D6240257%26highlight%3Dporn%23post6240257&v=1&libid=1308121900424&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spranolaw.com%2FSex-Crimes-Overview%2FChild-*advertiser censored*.shtml&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.websleuths.com%2Fforums%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchid%3D4287654&title=Search%20Warrants%20Affidavits%203%2F18%2F2011%20-%20Page%209%20-%20Websleuths%20Crime%20Sleuthing%20Community&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spranolaw.com%2FSex-Crimes-...nography.shtml

The prosecution has the burden of proving the person in the *advertiser censored* is underaged unless it is patently obvious. Tracking that info down can be very difficult for prosecutors. It's also difficult to prove a negative, that nobody other than Shawn could have downloaded the possible child *advertiser censored*. And the prosecutor has to prove that the child *advertiser censored* wasn't downloaded by accident. If the child *advertiser censored* was found in the slack space of the computer perhaps Shawn could argue that he deleted it when he realized what he had. Obviously that depends on LE being able to pin down when it was downloaded and deleted.

This is frustrating stuff. It's still pains me greatly to think of Somer Thompson. Her murder could have been averted if the computer of her attacker had been processed more quickly. LE had his computer but wasn't ready to arrest him yet when Somer was killed, and he was actually making child *advertiser censored* himself. Just heartbreakingly sad.
I agree that it takes time. What is frustrating is that Toombs said over 2 months ago that it would take about 2 more weeks. At that time, he knew the volume of images and had presumably been working with the Dallas FBI lab in getting a time estimate.

Imo, there are only 3 reasons why no *advertiser censored* charges have been filed:

1. The *advertiser censored* discovered cannot be conclusively proven to include children; could be "barely legal" or those suspected of being under-aged could be masked or their faces could be obscured (hard to tell age if they are developed teens, like Hailey, for example).

2. The *advertiser censored* discovered can be proven to exclude children.

3. There is more than possession suspected and the child *advertiser censored* case is extensive and involves multiple parties that have to be determined and investigated.

Where is Hailey Darlene Dunn?...

He was refering to the devices siezed form the grandmothers house, not the computer from the mothers house, when he said 2 weeks. That has probably been done by now. Since then he has said that the case is being dealt with in Howard county, since that is where most of the material was found, in other words the material from the original computer 6 months ago.

There is nothing in the information that has been released so far to suggest that it is part of a larger conspiracy...people who are into that have their own computers and free access to the internet, not computers in the control of someone else in another city and no ready access to the internet.

From the search warrant affidavit, the CP was found in the slack space by the FBI, while the 100k+ *advertiser censored* images were found by the local LE computer expert in the regular file system. So the problems they will face are as follows:

(1) SA was mostly using the computer at the GMs house (according to the affidavit, where it was testified that he used that computer all the time, while no such claim was made regarding the mothers computer), and if that wasn't the one the CP was found on, and instead it was found on one he used less frequently, it would imply that someone other than him was responsible. If SA was responsible there would be extensive collections on all the computers he used, not just one and not one that was least accessible to him.
(2) Most family computers don't have individual user logins set up, certainly not on computers owned by people apparently as tech-ignorant as these folk. So, there would be no record of who downloaded the material. At best they might only know when, and since this would allmost certainly have taken place a long time previously, it would be extremely difficult and probably impossible to prove who was where and when at the time.
(3) The amount of illegal material is probably relatively small and it has been deleted. That would mean that the possibility of accidental download cannot be excluded.
(4) We know from the affidavit that a single image from the GMs house was "suspect" because it appeared similar to images from the mothers house. It was not suspect because the person depicted appeared too young, otherwise the attesting officer would have explicitly said so. That would imply that at least some of the apparent CP images from the mothers house are in the close of age range, and may not actually be CP. So, they would have to track down the person in the image to determine how old they are and when the pictures would be taken. Since the vast majority of the "close of age" type of apparent CP comes from Eastern Europe or Russia, where the law regarding that sort of stuff is vague or non-existant, it is going to be tough to prove anything.

So, that is a lot to do to build a case. If the material is marginal, and they cannot be sure who is responsible, I can see the FBI would not be pushing it as a high priority. There is a sea of CP for them to deal with, and in the big picture the resources required might not be worth the outcome. Being a small case on the periphery of a big case does not make the small case a high priority.

Anyway, time will tell.
Six Months Later: Still No Word Regarding Missing Colorado City Teen

Rumors have it that Shawn Adkins has moved to Austin with Billie but authorities could not confirm that.

"I can't tell you what all is being done with Shawn. We know where he is," Toombs said.

As for Hailey's father, he has taken a lie detector test and has been cleared by the authorities. The FBI, Texas Rangers, City Police and Sheriff's Office are still working to find answers.

"It's taken a lot more work other than pictures on a computer. The investigator is having to go through there because you got a house that several people are in the house and have access to that computer so we are having to do times and dates which is taking a long time," Mitchell County Sheriff, Patrick Toombs, said.

"We want this case to come to a close but we are just having to wait on some of the information. We are waiting on some things to be developed. We still have some stuff at the FBI lab in Dallas that we are waiting on," Toombs said.

Authorities will continue working on the case and hope to have a closure in the coming months.

Not sure whether to be hopeful or discouraged at what Toombs keeps repeating ...
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