2011.04.06 Clint Dunn Arrested.

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Well I know my opinion is in the minority, but I'll just say that it burns me up that our courts and jails are filled and wasting time with charging and jailing people on pot charges in the first place.

"Justice" only seems to be swift when you're a working class guy who smokes pot. But if you're a white collar criminal, and you can pay for an attorney, you can roam free for months or years until you have to show up for court.

Not to mention the fact that someone found with child *advertiser censored* sits on the porch of his mother's house day after day, a stones throw from CD, with nothing done about HIM.

If this arrests shows ME anything, its that I wish there were a fund somewhere I could donate to to get Cd a lawyer. He obviously needs one, because apparently where he's from, LE is all about hanging pot smokers high, but not so gung ho on missing teens and kiddie *advertiser censored* possessors. And really, this is the time for a judge to show no mercy? To a guy with a possession charge and a missing daughter? Justice without mercy is no justice at all. It's a police state. When we can't differentiate between possession of pot, and possession of child *advertiser censored*, then there's a big problem with our system.Waste of court time, waste of public funds. Skewed priorities. We wonder why our court systems are overburdened, and hard criminals get deals, it's because they're clogged up dealing with things like pot charges.

I hope CD is smoking all the pot he can get his hands on if that's what gets him through this. At least he still goes out to searches, and shows up to wash cars at fundraisers.

There now, I've painted a big ole target on myself to make it easy. Go ahead, hurl your tomatoes, if you will. I was gonna make a salad anyway. ;)

BBM - I like tomatoes in my salad too. I don't agree with ya on everything but I bolded the super, duper important parts I do agree with!:crazy:
Because Clint's are piddly problems, whereas SA has a major case against him, and a complicated one? jmo

JMO but when LE uncovered child *advertiser censored* in SA's or BD's possession (in the dresser, in the bedroom , in the house that both of them were cohabitating at the time) this is just as illegal if LE had walked into the house and found illegal drugs, oh, that happened too. LE is obligated to enforce all the laws of the Great State of Texas and IMHO, SA and BD should have been arrested right then and there for the child *advertiser censored*. If LE wants to work on bigger charges, have at it, the enhanced charges can come at a later time. JMO.
My daughter is married but living with someone else. She has been "emotionally" divorced and physically separated from her husband for 5 years. The reason she has not filed for a divorce is she doesn't want to marry the person she is living with. So it is an excuse to use to avoid a confrontation about her commitment to her current partner. This may apply to Clint and/or Billie as well. Just a thought.
I don't understand staying married to anyone for any reason. If they are an "ex" they are an "ex" for a reason or you would still be together.
I agree with those who see and hear depression..and I see/hear all out fear as well IMO.. I have long since quit voicing my support of anyone except Hailey in this case..Yes..it os definitely one for the history books and IMO we ain't seen nothin' yet..there are many more twists and turns to go on this never ending roller coaster..and just think we still have yet to even begin to get to the heart of the case..where Hailey is found and the 2 POIs turn on each other and we finally start to get to the truth of what happened..of course piece by piece..lie by lie..dissected for the tiny kernal of truth found within each of those lies..So IMO "the best/worst is still yet to come"..I say best because we will finally begin to seejustice served on this little girl's behalf and I say worst because the dots connecting will begin to give us a clear picture of exactly what a nightmare that this precious child endured in her final moments here on this earth..

But as far as Clint is concerned..tho I have not waivered in my opinion of his involvement in Hailey's "disappearance"..I have however opened my eyes to the fact that Clint and I are nothing alike..as well as we come from two totally different worlds..and try as I may to understand his reasonings I still come away totally and completely baffled at some of his choices and decisions..

As far as today's FB post what I see and hear is depression..frustration..and a helluva allot of fear..I think that what LE is "pressing" him to do is NOT to "give up" and their close the case but rather to come to terms with the fact that Hailey is indeed deceased..no longer living..and that as hard as that is to face he must face it..he must realize that means that "someone" murdered his 13yr old daughter..and to "give it a rest" as far as his "attempted" taking of the high road where his legal wife..Billie Jean Dunn is concerned..I think they're telling him to drop the defending Billie and face the fact that she is at the very least involved in your daughter's death atleast after the fact..jmo.. I think that they got very real with him in hopes that they can "jar" him out of this false hope of Hailey's coming home and more into reality that the most likely she is dead now get in the game and get with LE{no matter what your chip on shoulder is from past dealings with LE..this is your daughter..get over your self and your issues with the Law[LE]and spill it all{andI do not mean in any way confess to involvement in Hailey's death}but more as in spill every single deep and dark secret of Billie Jean Ostrander Dunn}.no matter how small..sit down with as many LEO..as many times is necessary and go over and over every single solitary detail about BJD and her life in the 20yrs that you have known her..You..yourself have admitted that you thought that MORE THAN ANYONE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD{including BJD's fam}THAT YOU KNEW THE REAL BILLIE JEAN OSTRANDER DUNN BETTER THAN ANYONE!!

Then for your daughter..Clint you have got to pull yourself up by your bootstraps..literally force yourself..pushthru the God awful depressing and hopeless feelings that you are in the midst of and for God's sake DO IT FOR HAILEY DARLENE DUNN..Put yourself and your issues aside and as Adri said "Man UP!" and for Hailey's rights STAND UP AND TELL ALL YOU KNOW OF BILLIE AND WORK HAND IN HAND WITH LE TO SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE VERY BITTER END!!!

Clint none of us wanted it to end this way{with Hailey dead}it is not the ending any of us wanted..but Clint it is the ending that Shawn Adkins{and quite possibly even yes BJD}are directly involved with this tragic ending that we all now must face..You must..as this little girl's daddy..you must be her voice and demand that justice be served as well as demand that she be laid to rest with the dignity and respect that your beautiful daughter more than deserves..LE was NOT/ IS NOT telling you to "give up on Hailey" just the opposite Clint..they are telling you this is nearing the bitter end and just as they have allalong{when you've been in the clink LE has used that time to speak with you attempting to fill u in on what is going on in the case..but thus far to no avail of you coming clean 100% about BJD}and they need you to be strong for Hailey and do this very difficult of tasks..bringing justice to your daughter and the injustice that was done her in her short little life here on earth..

Until you can see that and come to terms with that..as well as realize that LE is not the "enemy" here and that you and they want the same thing..what is in your daughter's best interest..and at this time Clint sadly what is left of Hailey's best interest is bringing her home to her final resting place and the difficult and tragic task of bringing to justice those who in any way were involved with you never ever again holding..touching..hugging and telling your precious daughter Hailey Darlene that you her daddy love her!!! Never!if you don't Clint then most likely your daughter's voice goes on silenced and unheard..she goes unfound and never laid to rest in the dignity that child deserves and most important those who murdered your daughter go unpunished..unincarcerated..and free to walk the sidewalks with your only living child..your daughter C****..That murderer will share the sidewalks with your only daughter you have left..meanwhile Hailey is left with no JUSTICE..

Will you stand for that Clint??? The ball is in your court and only you can take the intiative and see this through..Hailey is waiting..
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?

Because the judge will issue a bench warrant if someone is late, this is done all the time. LE has no choice but to execute that warrant, it's their job.

As for why no arrests for the CP, I assume it's because the grand jury hasn't heard the case yet. For those kinds of charges, it has to go before the GJ first. LE can't just run out and arrest someone and no judge is going to sign an arrest warrant until the grand jury hands down an indictment. That's how it's done here.
I agree with those who see and hear depression..and I see/hear all out fear as well IMO.. I have long since quit voicing my support of anyone except Hailey in this case..Yes..it os definitely one for the history books and IMO we ain't seen nothin' yet..there are many more twists and turns to go on this never ending roller coaster..and just think we still have yet to even begin to get to the heart of the case..where Hailey is found and the 2 POIs turn on each other and we finally start to get to the truth of what happened..of course piece by piece..lie by lie..dissected for the tiny kernal of truth found within each of those lies..So IMO "the best/worst is still yet to come"..I say best because we will finally begin to seejustice served on this little girl's behalf and I say worst because the dots connecting will begin to give us a clear picture of exactly what a nightmare that this precious child endured in her final moments here on this earth..

But as far as Clint is concerned..tho I have not waivered in my opinion of his involvement in Hailey's "disappearance"..I have however opened my eyes to the fact that Clint and I are nothing alike..as well as we come from two totally different worlds..and try as I may to understand his reasonings I still come away totally and completely baffled at some of his choices and decisions..

As far as today's FB post what I see and hear is depression..frustration..and a helluva allot of fear..I think that what LE is "pressing" him to do is NOT to "give up" and their close the case but rather to come to terms with the fact that Hailey is indeed deceased..no longer living..and that as hard as that is to face he must face it..he must realize that means that "someone" murdered his 13yr old daughter..and to "give it a rest" as far as his "attempted" taking of the high road where his legal wife..Billie Jean Dunn is concerned..I think they're telling him to drop the defending Billie and face the fact that she is at the very least involved in your daughter's death atleast after the fact..jmo.. I think that they got very real with him in hopes that they can "jar" him out of this false hope of Hailey's coming home and more into reality that the most likely she is dead now get in the game and get with LE{no matter what your chip on shoulder is from past dealings with LE..this is your daughter..get over your self and your issues with the Law[LE]and spill it all{andI do not mean in any way confess to involvement in Hailey's death}but more as in spill every single deep and dark secret of Billie Jean Ostrander Dunn}.no matter how small..sit down with as many LEO..as many times is necessary and go over and over every single solitary detail about BJD and her life in the 20yrs that you have known her..You..yourself have admitted that you thought that MORE THAN ANYONE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD{including BJD's fam}THAT YOU KNEW THE REAL BILLIE JEAN OSTRANDER DUNN BETTER THAN ANYONE!!

Then for your daughter..Clint you have got to pull yourself up by your bootstraps..literally force yourself..pushthru the God awful depressing and hopeless feelings that you are in the midst of and for God's sake DO IT FOR HAILEY DARLENE DUNN..Put yourself and your issues aside and as Adri said "Man UP!" and for Hailey's rights STAND UP AND TELL ALL YOU KNOW OF BILLIE AND WORK HAND IN HAND WITH LE TO SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE VERY BITTER END!!!

Clint none of us wanted it to end this way{with Hailey dead}it is not the ending any of us wanted..but Clint it is the ending that Shawn Adkins{and quite possibly even yes BJD}are directly involved with this tragic ending that we all now must face..You must..as this little girl's daddy..you must be her voice and demand that justice be served as well as demand that she be laid to rest with the dignity and respect that your beautiful daughter more than deserves..LE was NOT/ IS NOT telling you to "give up on Hailey" just the opposite Clint..they are telling you this is nearing the bitter end and just as they have allalong{when you've been in the clink LE has used that time to speak with you attempting to fill u in on what is going on in the case..but thus far to no avail of you coming clean 100% about BJD}and they need you to be strong for Hailey and do this very difficult of tasks..bringing justice to your daughter and the injustice that was done her in her short little life here on earth..

Until you can see that and come to terms with that..as well as realize that LE is not the "enemy" here and that you and they want the same thing..what is in your daughter's best interest..and at this time Clint sadly what is left of Hailey's best interest is bringing her home to her final resting place and the difficult and tragic task of bringing to justice those who in any way were involved with you never ever again holding..touching..hugging and telling your precious daughter Hailey Darlene that you her daddy love her!!! Never!if you don't Clint then most likely your daughter's voice goes on silenced and unheard..she goes unfound and never laid to rest in the dignity that child deserves and most important those who murdered your daughter go unpunished..unincarcerated..and free to walk the sidewalks with your only living child..your daughter C****..That murderer will share the sidewalks with your only daughter you have left..meanwhile Hailey is left with no JUSTICE..

Will you stand for that Clint??? The ball is in your court and only you can take the intiative and see this through..Hailey is waiting..

So well thought out and written........so whole heartedly agree.......

You had me choking back tears......:hug:

Please go to Texas and talk to Clint.......please
OR Billie has something big to hang over his head.

If that's true, it must be very....and I mean very...serious. Soooooo? Where can that take us....or it?
I don't understand staying married to anyone for any reason. If they are an "ex" they are an "ex" for a reason or you would still be together.

Not to mention the legal obligations and liabilities. Nothing like waiting for the other ball to drop. imo.
I agree, I have backed Clint and his family, in more way then one, in the last months, but after his arrest for being late for court,

Until I here a good reason for why he was late and why he is thinking this about LE.

I am stepping back on part of my backing...

The appearance time was 9am- by 9:40 they arrested him. It's not like he was hours late or a no-show. I'm sorry but I really think people are over-reacting here. Nothing about the man has changed since everyone was defending him a week... a month.. ago except that he was 40 minutes late for a court date.

I brought up not too long ago that I like the guy but have a problem with his not working but seasonally yet he's homeless, carless, phoneless and everyone jumped all over me defending him. Why would being 40 minutes late for court make people stop supporting the man? It's not like he got arrested for some new charge or was added as a POI in his daughters case.

He's still got my support.
Originally Posted by Truthwillsetufree
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?

Above is BBM..and below is TxLady2's response:

Originally posted by TxLady2
Because the judge will issue a bench warrant if someone is late, this is done all the time. LE has no choice but to execute that warrant, it's their job.
{respectfully snipped}

Truth..I too very much question this??!!??.. Yes I agree with you TxLady that officers have no choice but to execute the warrant once issued by the judge...and yes I am familiar with bench warrants that are sworn out on a daily basis for those who fail to appear in court for which they have received a summon to be at..

I suppose I would need to ask someone from either CCity itself or a resisdent of a town similar in size to CCity because here in Memphis it just DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY..Yes a bench warrant is issued for failure to appear but NEVER EVER HAVE I IN MY LIFE EVER WITNESSED NOR EVEN HEARD OF SUCH THAT A PERSON THAT IS LATE FOR COURT BEING ARRESTED FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR WHEN INFACT THE COURT PROCEEDINGS ARE STILL IN SESSION WHEN THE PERSON SUMMONED ARRIVES...

Now I do suppose this is 100% legit/legal and am remembereing that Paris Hilton's judge I believe did similar when she continually was late for her court appearances..knowing the media attn was crawling with reporters therefor attn on your honor's courtroom with Paris obviously getting off on making a mockery of the system with her disrespect for the courts and her attempting to prove she was above the law..

So yes I realize that it can indeed be done..But my point is it is not SOP for a judge to do such without a prevokation of sorts{i.e. the above example of Paris Hilton}..So do we know If Clint was habitually late for his cort appearances therefor giving the judge reason to be so forceful with something such as this arrest and bond set{not even a ROR which is what ususally happens with such small time cases/charges}..

Am am literally baffled at why such the "example be made of Clint" so to speak with this arrest and setting of bond..Has he somehow really pizzed of this judge for some reason? If so how and what that would cause such?

Like I said I do understand how failure to appear bench warrants are issued each every day across this nation..but I also explained that I have never seen nor witnessed a judge to "make an example of someone" for being within minutes..not hours..late for morning session court????

TIA to anyone who may know or be able to better explain it to those of us like myself that find it quite strange and not so run of the mill type court order..:)
I don't understand staying married to anyone for any reason. If they are an "ex" they are an "ex" for a reason or you would still be together.

You better believe ITA with this once they're deemed an "ex" make them officially an "ex"..But unfortunatley I have seen that Clint and Billie's situation is far from Abnormal..meaning I have several clients that are presently living similarly with being married to their children's father tho not only NOT living with him anymore but both her and the "ex" husband have moved on and have significant others either living with or "pretty much living with"{meaning they spend the night there on all nights the children are not in the home..usually younger aged specific}..

And it runs the entire gamut as for the reasons that I am given when I inquire as to why in the he!! would you stay legally married to someone whenyou both have moved on and are clearly in long term relationships with others than your spouse..I'll say most have something to with "financial" reasons..but some even had stranger reasons for whykeep he/she legally married to them..

But as far as I have seen Billie and Clint by far ARE NOT AB-Normal..unfortunately..as if divorce is NOT hard enough on the kids but then compound that with the fact that mom and dad are still legally married tho "living" with their boyfriend/girlfriend"..You'd think you'd do all necessary to make it as smooth..understandable and inflict as little pain as possible on the kids??

But who I my?? Its jmo...
The appearance time was 9am- by 9:40 they arrested him. It's not like he was hours late or a no-show. I'm sorry but I really think people are over-reacting here. Nothing about the man has changed since everyone was defending him a week... a month.. ago except that he was 40 minutes late for a court date.

I brought up not too long ago that I like the guy but have a problem with his not working but seasonally yet he's homeless, carless, phoneless and everyone jumped all over me defending him. Why would being 40 minutes late for court make people stop supporting the man? It's not like he got arrested for some new charge or was added as a POI in his daughters case.

He's still got my support.
He was late. Obviously to late. Until he starts forking over his own bail money he may never get the lesson.
Do I still feel for the man? Heck yes, but it's way past time for him and everyone else involved in Hailey's life to stop the nonsense. All of this is just a side show and to me it takes away from the real issue. That real issue is finding Hailey, what's happened to her and who did it! I just wish that everyone could sit still and behave for a "little bit".
He was late. Obviously to late. Until he starts forking over his own bail money he may never get the lesson.
Do I still feel for the man? Heck yes, but it's way past time for him and everyone else involved in Hailey's life to stop the nonsense. All of this is just a side show and to me it takes away from the real issue. That real issue is finding Hailey, what's happened to her and who did it! I just wish that everyone could sit still and behave for a "little bit".

Yes, he was late. Not that difficult to be on time for a Court Date. Kind of important. I feel for Clint, respect the things that he is doing, but something is "off" here. It has felt "off" to me since the affidavtis were made public, and Clint's reaction was at best, lukewarm about Shawn's involvement. Maybe Richie was right. Maybe Clint's activities allow him to put the possibility of his daughter never coming home on the back burner to be dealt with later. Maybe if he deals with his thoughts of Shawn head on, he will fall apart.

I sit here with my fingers crossed hoping for an arrest (at least for the CP).

OT. Thanks to all you wonderful folks for the humbling welcome. Unexpected and appreciated. I have lurked here since this case began. Thanks for the great posts, the information..and special thanks to your Mod for contacting the DA about the POI issue. Props to her for that.
This reminds me of my little trip to the courthouse this week.

I got a citation for letting my registration expire. Yea, yea, I know, stupid of me. Anyway, my court date was this week. I left home two hours early to make sure I was there on time. Let's see, I considered an accident that would have traffic backed up, a flat tire, me getting lost on my way there (don't know the downtown area, at all), me getting lost in the courthouse, etc.

So, I did get lost on my way there and I did get lost in the courthouse. After 30 minutes of searching, I was finally directed to the door right next to the entrance I came in. :crazy:

Anyway, after all of that I was an hour early. They let me go on in and get things taken care of. I was the only 'criminal' in line. If I forget to renew my registration again next year (likely), I'll give myself two hours to get there, again.

And I wasn't even going to court for charges! I just had a citation for expired registration. No jail time under consideration. No talk with the judge. Just show up at court by a certain time to avoid paying a fine.

The moral of the story is, if you have to go to court at 9, wake up at 6 and get going, lol.
I don't understand staying married to anyone for any reason. If they are an "ex" they are an "ex" for a reason or you would still be together.

Respectfully......my "ex" and I separated almost 3 years ago and are yet to be divorced. I was saddled with alot of our debt after being a stay at home mom for years. Divorce costs money! Even if you have already done all the agreements once in court. Or at least in my state. The HUGE difference is that my separation agreement specifies that there is NO overnight house guests of the opposite sex at all ! (or risk losing custody or visitation) Understandable to protect children from condoning that behavior. :seeya: Just giving you an idea of why this could happen. I'd rather spend that $1000 on my kids and my bills until I feel I am ready to consider dating again, ya know?
Thank you redbird for giving us this food for thought..Appreciate you sharing..Now thats something I'd not thought about that IMO could DEFINITELY be a possible reason or one of the reasons why..

Again thanks..
I have thought that from the start ! there is still some feelings and possibly a relationship still going on with BD and CD ! Happens all the time !! IMO
Remember Hailey did not want her parents to get divorced. Clint believes Hailey is still alive. I'm sure that his heart strings are being pulled right now to not do anything which would dissapoint Hailey . There is a very strong pull that Billie Dunn holds over Clint. Don't know what it is......... but I'm sure we are going to find out sooner or later.
Now that I have been OT like the rest of you all. :lol: Blahhhhhhhhhh we need news. Let's hope we have some soon.
The appearance time was 9am- by 9:40 they arrested him. It's not like he was hours late or a no-show. I'm sorry but I really think people are over-reacting here. Nothing about the man has changed since everyone was defending him a week... a month.. ago except that he was 40 minutes late for a court date.

I brought up not too long ago that I like the guy but have a problem with his not working but seasonally yet he's homeless, carless, phoneless and everyone jumped all over me defending him. Why would being 40 minutes late for court make people stop supporting the man? It's not like he got arrested for some new charge or was added as a POI in his daughters case.

He's still got my support.

Woah, woah, woah, BBM.

My husband went through the immigration process several years ago. Like LE and the court system, you do NOT show up late. Should you choose to do so, you waive your paid fees and start all over again. All the while with the threat of deportation over your head. They have a calendar, just like Your Honour Judge Perry. Do you think all these officials want to wait around for defendents to show up at their convenience? What a mayhem this system would be if perps (guilty or not) waltzed into the courtroom when they felt like it. You show up EARLY, on time, or you don't show up at all and suffer the consequences.

He failed here - epically. He failed Hailey - epically.

We can have different opinions, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your POV.


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