2011.04.08 Frye Hearing Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Yippee! Time enuf to make breakfast and get some java!
Wow...just learned something new and very important I think.

Per JA the act of decomposition destroys DNA and thats why tests for DNA on decomp fluid comes out negative.
Baez says the stain could be consistent with a banana.

I did not know that a decomposing banana smell's like a dead body??
JB asking for recess to set up for remainder of motions.

DS asking questions of HHJP as he mutes the mics...is it just me or does she seem to be the kind who always offered to help the teacher, too?
Annndddd, we're back to our little paralegal duties during the recess.....
the defense really doesn't want the stain to be admitted! JB basically said he didn't want it used in the opening argument!

(he said this at the start of his argument and I found that pretty telling.. I think JB knows what this stain was from and he wants it gone)
Baez says the stain could be consistent with a banana.

I did not know that a decomposing banana smell's like a dead body??

10 bucks says the party line story changes from squirrel and pizza to a rogue monkey.
HHJP: Mr. Baez we do not take 5 minute recesses - it is either a recess or not - recess for 15 minutes
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Baez says the stain could be consistent with a banana.

I did not know that a decomposing banana smell's like a dead body??

Don't think a banana would leak fluids leaving a stain the size of a basketball either.

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CM looks very worried.......

Thanks for re opening Kim. :)
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Next up is motion to exclude chloroform.
ICA looks stressed, her shoulders are pulled in tight and her facial expressions are very serious.
From Twitter:

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Next up is motion to exclude chloroform.

Oh boy...here comes JB with all his derogatory comments about Dr. Vass. :maddening:
Am I the only one with no sound on fox?? Thank goodness my people are in a 2 week trial outta town this week. Not sure what I'll do for the actual trial though. I can't take 5 weeks off!!
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