2011.04.12 Casey Anthony trial: Focus group 'acquits' Anthony on CBS show

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I watched the repeat of 48 Hours last week and when Cindy said those words
the hair on my arms stood up. I was so repulsed by her. And she actually said the words " She was NOT Casey's child, she was OUR child..."

What a hateful statement to make. And I bet she tried to remind Casey of that ALL of the time. I really think the murder was out of spite. She proved once and for all that Caylee WAS her child, NOT Cindy's.

I am sometimes befuddled as to why Cindy keeps defending her.

And excluding the father, of course, because he failed to read KC's mind that would have told him he was actually a father. CA, Caylee was not your child, she was not your property and because of you, you may have kept the child from the very person who could have saved her life. CA gambled on Caylee's life and lost. The only other person in this world who had rights to this child was her father and thanks to CA, Caylee never had a chance to meet him.

I think this trial could backfire on CA big time because we will begin to see how doomed Caylee was from the start because no one wanted to rock the boat. CA jumped too quickly over to coverup mode and I think she knew what KC was capable of. jmo
Of course these people stood up to acquit.

They were only shown what the defense wanted them to be shown.

They do not bare the weight of responsibility of deciding if a person lives LWOP or dies.

They do not bare the weight of a murdered two year old, and making sure she receives justice.

They acquited..........pffffftt!!!


With the economy the way it is people would do anything for a paycheck!!
Casey is probably doing the happy dance thinking my Dreamboat aka JB really came through. She is fantasizing about her days on the beach in Miami this summer carefree and single and a celebrity. She's probably already planning her law suite against the state for keeping her locked up for so long. JMO
This is one of the reasons that CBS has ALWAYS lagged far behind the other networks in ratings. Total BS and propaganda! Shame on us as a society if this baby killing trick walks at the end of this trial.

I am so disgusted!
This teaser cracks me up! No way do I believe that those people stood for acquittal. They were standing from a totally different question..we are just seeing the "edited to get attention" clip.

This teaser cracks me up! No way do I believe that those people stood for acquittal. They were standing from a totally different question..we are just seeing the "edited to get attention" clip.


Maybe they asked the jury if they would give KC the death penalty for high treason. After a moment of confusion, the jury decides, well, no....and that little moment is all the cameras needed to capture!
Maybe they asked the jury if they would give KC the death penalty for high treason. After a moment of confusion, the jury decides, well, no....and that little moment is all the cameras needed to capture!

I figure they were asked if pen clicking bothers them...:floorlaugh:
Is chewing gum in court disrespectful..:floorlaugh:
Do you think the DT regrets it's decision to ask Strickland to step down..:floorlaugh:

So many reasons for them all to stand up..just not that question!
Well, there have been swirling questions before.....
"Spector's lawyer contends that the burbling fountain interfered with the driver's hearing.The night before the site visit, jury consultant Richard Gabriel sent an e-mail to one of Spector's defense attorneys: "Fountain will be on full bore for site visit tomorrow, yes?"More at:


This pretty much sums up Mr. Gabriel. Anything goes. Stack the deck. Skew the results in whatever way you can. This case seems to be infested with defense members/consultants/witnesses who are of that persuasion. Hopefully HHJP sees through it, as we do, and will keep them on a short leash.
Haven't read the entire thread but, OMG - Is this where some of the DT $$$ went, with hopes of profits in return?

Here I sit, on the west coast, ananlyzing (yes JB I do read) ALL of the evidence...I have had her on death row for...oh, I don't know...about 2-1/2 years???

GMAB - I am so HIGHLY INSULTED at the "news" media and "true" crime shows reporting their s&*&t on this case...Doesn't ANYONE read the discovery???????????
Former Anthony Attorney: Casey Lied

One of the attorneys Casey Anthony confided in to prepare for her murder trial told the CBS News show "48 Hours Mystery" that her former client lied when she said a nanny kidnapped her daughter, Caylee.

Linda Kenney Baden, who left the defense team in October, said, "She lied. Sure. I think everyone knows that was a lie," referring to Casey’s claim that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.

Investigators have found no evidence the babysitter ever existed.

Kenney Baden joined the defense team on Dec. 11, 2008, just hours before Caylee’s body was found in the woods around the corner from the Anthony family home. She ended her representation nearly two years later, saying she could not afford the travel costs from New York after Casey was declared indigent by the court after spending all of the $200,000 ABC News paid her for photo and video rights.

In the interview, which airs at 10 p.m. Saturday on Local 6, Kenney Baden also said Casey’s "actions have been her own worst enemy."

Former Anthony Attorney: Casey Lied

One of the attorneys Casey Anthony confided in to prepare for her murder trial told the CBS News show "48 Hours Mystery" that her former client lied when she said a nanny kidnapped her daughter, Caylee.

Linda Kenney Baden, who left the defense team in October, said, "She lied. Sure. I think everyone knows that was a lie," referring to Casey’s claim that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.

Investigators have found no evidence the babysitter ever existed.

Kenney Baden joined the defense team on Dec. 11, 2008, just hours before Caylee’s body was found in the woods around the corner from the Anthony family home. She ended her representation nearly two years later, saying she could not afford the travel costs from New York after Casey was declared indigent by the court after spending all of the $200,000 ABC News paid her for photo and video rights.
In the interview, which airs at 10 p.m. Saturday on Local 6, Kenney Baden also said Casey’s "actions have been her own worst enemy."


BBM - This is what I don't understand about these attorney's that came onto this case pro bono and left once Casey was declared indigent? Who was paying their travel expenses prior to Casey being declared indigent? Surely it was not Jose Baez? Not out of his cut of the money! Why does LKB continue to try and insult our intelligence?
BBM - This is what I don't understand about these attorney's that came onto this case pro bono and left once Casey was declared indigent? Who was paying their travel expenses prior to Casey being declared indigent? Surely it was not Jose Baez? Not out of his cut of the money! Why does LKB continue to try and insult our intelligence?

The DT keeps saying it was the trash (IMO mostly recyclable material) in the trunk that caused the smell...BUT WHY was this offensive smell still present months and months later? IMO it was NOT the garbage.

What insults my intelligence is that the DT wants us to believe the trash in Casey trunk was the cause of the smell and that it continued to smell months and months later after the trash had been removed from the trunk.
Once you remove the trash which the DT claims was the source of the smell, the car and trunk would NO LONGER SMELL, the smell would dissipate !! and it certainly would not smell many many months later.

I realize I am late to the party here-but imvho, I think this is a tempest in a teapot. This, to me, is akin to ABC buying the rights to the photos/video and putting GA/CiA up at a hotel with fancy dinner and cruise. They are making money by being "sensational."

It is theater, it is entertainment, it has little basis in reality. Look at the Aphrodite Jones show and her statements regarding JBR-she can make the statements she makes because her show is essentially a performance. It is scripted and directed-so is this "focus group."

CBS is counting on people turning the show on in large numbers even if it is because of wrath. Why watch? You have likely seen the best bits play out in the news coverage of it anyway.

BBM - This is what I don't understand about these attorney's that came onto this case pro bono and left once Casey was declared indigent? Who was paying their travel expenses prior to Casey being declared indigent? Surely it was not Jose Baez? Not out of his cut of the money! Why does LKB continue to try and insult our intelligence?

LolaMoon, while I appreciate your concern of how the money was spent or whether particular attorneys were paid or not, the message here IMO is this. I would have to use two hands to count the number of attorneys that have come onboard or made their exit for the DT team over the almost three years this case has been in existence. To the best of my recollection, the prosecution team has stayed in tact in comparison. That being said, we know there was a pot of money attained in the amount of $200K for the sale of photos and videos of Caylee, courtesy of ICA (to my knowledge) in exchange for her legal services. How the money was spent over a 2 year span for that many attorneys (coming and going) is not unreasonable to comprehend. For me, that's not as important as their objective as participants of this show to air on Saturday.

IMO, the DT (presently) has chosen to take this to the airways attempting to reach an audience that would keep ICA from a potentially life-threatening sentence and regard that as a victory. IMO, it's a cheap shot and a desperate attempt on their part because they have very little else to work with. The fact remains the burden of proof lies with the prosecution and that's really all they have to rely on.

For LKB to come out with this statement that "Ms. Anthony lied" may be part of their air-wave strategy, OR it could be she feels it to be a way of redeeming her association with this case. I don't know that....yet...but, for those of us that have our eyes and ears peeled less than a month before the trial begins 5/17/2011, I think it's important to keep focus on the present DT objective and not get bogged down in the possible improprieties of their past actions so much. JMO
Former Anthony Attorney: Casey Lied

One of the attorneys Casey Anthony confided in to prepare for her murder trial told the CBS News show "48 Hours Mystery" that her former client lied when she said a nanny kidnapped her daughter, Caylee.

Linda Kenney Baden, who left the defense team in October, said, "She lied. Sure. I think everyone knows that was a lie," referring to Casey’s claim that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.

Investigators have found no evidence the babysitter ever existed.

Kenney Baden joined the defense team on Dec. 11, 2008, just hours before Caylee’s body was found in the woods around the corner from the Anthony family home. She ended her representation nearly two years later, saying she could not afford the travel costs from New York after Casey was declared indigent by the court after spending all of the $200,000 ABC News paid her for photo and video rights.

In the interview, which airs at 10 p.m. Saturday on Local 6, Kenney Baden also said Casey’s "actions have been her own worst enemy."


Well I hope she phones CA with that information :innocent: they are still looking for her in Puerto Rico aren't they? Remember that phone number belonging to Zanny that CA gave to the 'black officer' - wow, CA wouldn't lie about that would she?
This teaser cracks me up! No way do I believe that those people stood for acquittal. They were standing from a totally different question..we are just seeing the "edited to get attention" clip.


"Stand up if you want another cup of coffee!" :lol:

"Stand up if you secretly watch Jersey Shore, but you don't want to admit it" :lol:
LolaMoon, while I appreciate your concern of how the money was spent or whether particular attorneys were paid or not, the message here IMO is this. I would have to use two hands to count the number of attorneys that have come onboard or made their exit for the DT team over the almost three years this case has been in existence. To the best of my recollection, the prosecution team has stayed in tact in comparison. That being said, we know there was a pot of money attained in the amount of $200K for the sale of photos and videos of Caylee, courtesy of ICA (to my knowledge) in exchange for her legal services. How the money was spent over a 2 year span for that many attorneys (coming and going) is not unreasonable to comprehend. For me, that's not as important as their objective as participants of this show to air on Saturday.

IMO, the DT (presently) has chosen to take this to the airways attempting to reach an audience that would keep ICA from a potentially life-threatening sentence and regard that as a victory. IMO, it's a cheap shot and a desperate attempt on their part because they have very little else to work with. The fact remains the burden of proof lies with the prosecution and that's really all they have to rely on.

For LKB to come out with this statement that "Ms. Anthony lied" may be part of their air-wave strategy, OR it could be she feels it to be a way of redeeming her association with this case. I don't know that....yet...but, for those of us that have our eyes and ears peeled less than a month before the trial begins 5/17/2011, I think it's important to keep focus on the present DT objective and not get bogged down in the possible improprieties of their past actions so much. JMO

ITA....they are trying to sway something...amazing that LKB comes out, HL comes out, LB comes out---I'm sure others will as well....It also insults our intelliegence for them to state no money was paid out....PLEASE...weve heard that one before! --- this is shameful and those attys who claim to be "officers of the court" and not going to pander to the media---PLEASE....Any and all the media attention is due to the defense...this case isn't that "special"----its pathetic----they have the nerve to suggest that others just appear to inject themselves becuase it is so ?????----I hope that HHJP can bring some sense of order to them.....For jb to go on and on that he will only try this in the court of law not media....PLEASE....to appear on this----he courted the media....always has....:sick::maddening:
<<<<<snipped article to show what wasn't shown before in this article>>>>>

Focus Group Hears Casey Anthony Case
CBS News Program Suggests Weaknesses In State's Case

POSTED: Monday, April 11, 2011
UPDATED: 1:47 pm EDT April 12, 2011

In a TV promotion for the news program, the focus group is asked whether they would acquit Anthony if the only charge was first degree murder. Nearly all of them stand up.

Producers have released few other details about the program, which airs Saturday at 10 p.m., but a spokeswoman for the show confirmed that some members of the focus group agreed that although Anthony was somehow involved in the death of her daughter, her involvement didn't rise to the level of first-degree murder.."This is going to have an impact on the jury," said Orlando criminal defense attorney Mark O'Mara. "It's going to be something that the defense and the state and Judge (Belvin) Perry will have to deal with and protect against."

Perry has decided to select the jury from an undisclosed city outside of Central Florida in order to find jurors who have been exposed to minimal pretrial publicity about the case.

"I think he'll be noticeably and understandably upset," O'Mara said about the CBS program. "He wants to have a fair trial."

I wonder if the other charges were given to this 'mock' jury?

This might make His Honor upset would be an understatement....

Why take a chance and air this now? Why not protect this trial for the victim, Caylee Marie? This just infuriates me and I wonder if His Honor will bring this up tomorrow....EGADS....I wouldn't want to be on the defense team when His Honor gets a hold of this...

The defense always blames the state for releasing info when in actuality, it's always the defense...media tours/interviews were priority for Baez..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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