2011.04.25 Motion in Limine to Exclude "31 Days"

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Of all the ridiculous things the DT has come up with.....this one takes the cake

What's next? Caylee was abducted and tortured by aliens?

Don't laugh - you know they've considered it.
they truly have nothing. i think i may be starting to feel bad for em'. or am i truly losing it? didn't they already go over this anyway? ...well you get what you pay for i suppose.
“For a defendant’s subsequent behavior to be probative of consciousness of guilt, the behavior must somehow bare on an act in furtherance3 of evading prosecution. Further “where the defendant challenges the relevance of such evidence, the state must adduce evidence that the defendant’s behavior was related to an attempt to avoid being held accountable for the crime at issue”

When people asked where Caylee was, KC said she was with the nanny or with Grandma, at universal or the beach. This was most certainly to evade being held accountable for the whereabouts of her daughter. Also, begging her mom NOT to call 911 (one more day PLEASE) is screaming consciousness of guilt.

Ah- you reminded me of a question I've been needing to ask. Why was she asking for one more day? What was her big plan of attack had her mom said yes to that.
She had NO MONEY and NO CAR (CA had the car when ICA asked for a day). I'm just not sure how giving her one more day would have changed how things played out. :banghead:
How about they meet in the middle?

The SA will not mention anything about KC's behavior during the 31 days.....and the DT will not use any statements claiming KC was a "good mother".

This [unusual moose] is waiting for the defense to file a motion to exclude Caylee's body from the evidence.
they truly have nothing. i think i may be starting to feel bad for em'. or am i truly losing it? didn't they already go over this anyway? ...well you get what you pay for i suppose.

Shakes drifter! No sorries for the DT! :floorlaugh:
Alllllllrighty then!

From now on, any other criminal/suspect can just assume their actions in the days after the crime won't be worth a hoot! "Just disregard what I did, please..."

Come on....

P.S. I wonder when the DT was sitting around the conference room table strategizing (I use that word loosely, here :fence:)...were they more worried about the immediate laugh that would come from the Judge when he read this...or the WS scrutiny! :rocker: You just KNOW they worry about us little ones here... darn us for picking apart their "strategies."
Ah- you reminded me of a question I've been needing to ask. Why was she asking for one more day? What was her big plan of attack had her mom said yes to that.
She had NO MONEY and NO CAR (CA had the car when ICA asked for a day). I'm just not sure how giving her one more day would have changed how things played out. :banghead:

She had $200 bucks, and a plane trip to California was on her mind.
What do I think?




grasping at straws....

a house of cards....

going down for the 3rd time....

down for the count....

It is all part of the game...a game the DT is going to lose....

Of all the ridiculous things the DT has come up with.....this one takes the cake

What's next? Caylee was abducted and tortured by aliens?

Don't laugh - you know they've considered it.

Or homeless art making people- Al LA Peterson. :crazy:
I knew while reading it it was CM's because he tries to base it on law. I have no idea how Florida laws would differ in this regard to other states but many cases have used the exact same thing. There was a woman in NC I think they used her partying and breast implants as evidence of guilt in her murder trial against her husband. Scott Peterson was an abundance of this very thing. Besides the affair and pics they even threw in the Cable guy installing x-rated movie channels and the horny ba$tard business meeting. I suppose they have to try now that their psyche doctor defense has been thwarted.
Ah- you reminded me of a question I've been needing to ask. Why was she asking for one more day? What was her big plan of attack had her mom said yes to that.
She had NO MONEY and NO CAR (CA had the car when ICA asked for a day). I'm just not sure how giving her one more day would have changed how things played out. :banghead:

One more day would have given her plenty of time to put her other searches she did on her computer to use. Neck breaking? Household weapons? I think if Cindy had given Casey "one more day" that Cindy and George could have been next on Casey's list of deceased relatives.

That and what another poster just said? A quick plane trip of bus trip out to California would have been nice?
I find the whole motion unbelievable. I understand why they would be fearful of being locked into dates, but come on, no reference to a time period other than "31 days"...31 days from when? (I've always wanted to know THAT!)
She had $200 bucks, and a plane trip to California was on her mind.

Where'd she get 200? That would last me a minute. But no one will ever accuse this chick of being a genius, that's for sure.

The plane ticket to CA on 200? :floorlaugh: Okay- well, she hasn't had much experience with the actual cost of things obviously.

Silly girl.
They are still using the LKB playbook chapter on filing motions. They know this motion has no way of passing. They are simply trying to look busy while they wait for their big show. Justice for Caylee!
Sometimes I think this whole case is made up by some TV producer who is trying to create a reality TV show. The premise is to create a crime is so horrific, make the suspect so clearly guilty and script the worst defense in history all for neilson ratings. If only….. but I guess it would be the worst "who dun it" in the history of mystery!
One more day would have given her plenty of time to put her other searches she did on her computer to use. Neck breaking? Household weapons? I think if Cindy had given Casey "one more day" that Cindy and George could have been next on Casey's list of deceased relatives.

That and what another poster just said? A quick plane trip of bus trip out to California would have been nice?

Oh yeah! I keep forgetting that ICA may have planned on doing in the entire clan. WOW. Imagine being CA and having to entertain that idea. Certainly there must have been questions by CA, LA, and GA about ICA's claim to Amy that she could move in to THEIR house.

Nuts. This whole thing is just nuts.

I flew from CA to FL about 15 years ago and it was a hella of alot more that 200 bucks. And that was 15 years ago............Today? $$$$$ Again, I could be wrong. :innocent:
I find the whole motion unbelievable. I understand why they would be fearful of being locked into dates, but come on, no reference to a time period other than "31 days"...31 days from when? (I've always wanted to know THAT!)

Well as JB was so helpful as to point out in Court last time, the blue dress photos were taken "after the crime was committed" - which someone might have pointed out to him was very illuminating for the Prosecution, so he called it the 'alleged crime' the next time he referred to it- but he confirmed the date of Caylee's death pretty well there without realizing what a gigantic gaffe he had made..
Where'd she get 200? That would last me a minute. But no one will ever accuse this chick of being a genius, that's for sure.

The plane ticket to CA on 200? :floorlaugh: Okay- well, she hasn't had much experience with the actual cost of things obviously.

Silly girl.

ummmm..I'll take a wild guess :juggle: and say.....She stole it..:highfive:

Casey made a pit stop at the Bank of America, just before she went to pick Amy up at the airport, to cash one of Amy's check she wrote out to herself.

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