2011.04.26 - Day two of the trial - TOD testimony

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You're welcome! I had the recaps from both other channels typed, and it disappeared on me!!! UGH!!! I'll do it in notepad from now on. There were other things on the other channels that I found interesting and will have to go back, rewatch, and retype... on Channel 4 they interviewed an elderly woman who is from Waterloo and attended the trial today and basically said that she didn't feel sorry for CC and believed he was acting when he was sobbing on the tapes. I did not know it was his neighbor, Det. Barlow, who interviewed him on those tapes. Det. Barlow asked him flat out if he & Sherri had fought the night before and CC denied that. I'll watch the others again later, along with the Edge at 10 p.m. and recap it for you all then. I'm not sure if they'll have video online or not... local websites are kmov.com, ksdk.com and fox2now.com for our televised news.

yea my fav is channel 5 but fox2 reports more in depth a lot of times....esp since ch 5 had got in trouble a while back. Which ch news do you prefer? (If your local)
Brpkelly Brian Kelly
Surveillance video at #Colemantrial shows him leaving home, no activity until pd arrives. Det. Testifies Coleman didn't ask how they died.

Interrogation video next up.

I read this hours ago while at work but couldn't reply.......even though all I have to add is one word: GUILTY :behindbar

Finally some liver temps!

"Coroners took the temperature of Sheri Coleman's liver at 11 a.m. and recorded 90.4 degress. Then it was taken again at the funeral home at 1:17 p.m. and was recorded as 87.4 degrees.
Defense attorney Jim Stern said that was a rate of 1.5 degrees an hour, which he calculated put Sheri Coleman's time of death at 5:30 a.m., while her husband was at the gym.
Baden said Stern got it wrong, because the body does not start losing heat for three to four hours after death."

Read more: http://www.bnd.com/2011/04/26/1684937/wheres-dr-baden-already-in-the.html#ixzz1Kf7RDyIu

Thank you, Dr. Baden!
So he starts calling out of concern while in the driveway? But still goes to the gym?

He is so DONE.

Guess by that time he'd already spent a few hours waiting for when he could leave and set this farce into motion. Love the part where he says (in the interview) he'd been to the gym the night before and now he's headed back first thing in the morning even though there's a suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood. Now he's got to warn Sheri instead of pulling back into the driveway........oh well, too bad there wasn't anyone inside the house who could answer his call. :rolleyes: MOO
Today's testimony took away my hope that Sheri was asleep and didn't know what happened to her. :anguish:

Oh, me too, Kimster. The thought of Sheri fighting for her life and whether the boys were awake by then is just too much. My mind doesn't want to go there.
(respectfully snipped for space)

>>Chris Coleman's videotaped statement to police after his family was murdered included details of the family's last night. Sheri Coleman cooked dinner: chicken and pasta. Chris Coleman played catch in the yard with Garett. They took the boys out for snow cones.

Chris Coleman went to the gym, came home to put the boys to bed. They said their prayers.<<

Chris forgot the part about "I hit Sheri in the face" and maybe, "Sheri caught me sexting my girlfriend"


What kind of monster could play with his children and take them for snow cones the evening before murdering them and leaving vile messages on their bedding, staging everything to look like a stranger did it? :furious:

"They also said the murders were motivated by Coleman's desire to keep his six-figure job with Joyce Meyer Ministries -- a job he would lose if he divorced...."

Read Coleman family's perfect last night turns to murderous horror

JMO, nothing explains why he had to kill his wife and then his own two beautiful sons. Losing your family at your own hands or losing a job. Gee, Chris was in a dilemna. He had plenty of time to think of other solutions, but no, had to choose to murder using a flawed, not well thought out plan. How can his family look at him!

Next, the reason he did this, TaraL to take the stand.

What kind of monster could play with his children and take them for snow cones the evening before murdering them and leaving vile messages on their bedding, staging everything to look like a stranger did it? :furious:


You know, that's probably what the defense is hoping for- that this crime is so incomprehensible you just cannot believe the husband/father did it.
." Coleman's tearful mother leaves as police video shows son sobbing. Coleman receives, sends texts during interview."

Wonder who he was texting? I think we will find out.

Seriously? Connie can't bear the sight of the big bad cops picking on her little boy but she can hold it together during the pictures of her dead grandbabies??? This family is absolutely incredible. I don't get it.
Snow cones, then while you're sleeping....

The evidence and facts of this case don't leave much doubt who did it, IMO. I think it is incomprehensible that any human being could be that selfish. I have to call him a creature that needs to be studied. Incomprehensible!

He actually thought he'd pull off building a new life/stronger house on the bones of his murdered wife and children. What a selfish creature.
CCMakes3, I have been wondering what it was that she saw in those interviews that brought her to tears. Was it that she could tell he was lying? Was it the questions they were asking? Was it the images of Chris playing catch with Garret, getting sno-cones as a family, or even Sheri sleeping on the couch in his arms that brought her to tears?

I have some sympathy for Connie, I could not imagine being in her position. I would love to know what she has gone through her head and what is still going through her head. I do feel like this woman has yet to have the opportunity to grieve the loss of her grandson and daughter in law. I would love to know background on her family and about her and Ron's marriage.
You know, that's probably what the defense is hoping for- that this crime is so incomprehensible you just cannot believe the husband/father did it.

They can always hope but I honestly believe it's already too late for any reasonable doubt. MOO
I also wonder if the police confirmed whether or not they actually went to the sno-cone shop that night. Or if anyone in the neighborhood witnessed Chris playing catch with Garret in the yard?
I also wonder if the police confirmed whether or not they actually went to the sno-cone shop that night. Or if anyone in the neighborhood witnessed Chris playing catch with Garret in the yard?

Good point. It's possible it never happened. MOO
Im wondering if there was any mention of the degree of dryness of the spraypaint on the walls. seems like another way to create a timeline. if it happened as he said then the paint would still have been tacky at least. especially the paint sprayed on the sheets. if the 3 oclock timeline is correct for the murders then i would expect the paint to be dry if he did it soon after.
From Chris Hayes from Fox2, I asked him about not having tweets in the pm... Janelle, I'm working on getting out more updates, but it can be tough since we can't even take a phone on the same floor as the courtroom.

Another user asked: Chris - In Illinois, will the evidence be released to the public after the trial? Any chance in getting a transcript or copy of the video of Chris Coleman being interviewed following the deaths?
2 hours ago · Like ·

Chris Hayes on Fox2 Yes it should be. We'll be on top of it and release what we get, when we get it. I would imagine it would become available after this case is decided (though it may not be a quick process).
yea my fav is channel 5 but fox2 reports more in depth a lot of times....esp since ch 5 had got in trouble a while back. Which ch news do you prefer? (If your local)

Fox 2 is my favorite most of the time... I also really like KMOV. Don't care much for 5 anymore, seems like they have a revolving door over there.
So...Coleman says he sees a strange car in the neighborhood when he is backing out of the driveway... Then his first call home is at 5:43AM...Now is this like, "Hey Sheri, I'm backing out and see this strange car in the neighborhood, I just want you to know in case you hear something, get out your gun, you know how to use it."

So, he saw a strange car? And this was the guy who had the threats (and who incidentally said it was probably a crackpot -- of course that crackpot was him)? So, because he wasn't actually worried about those threats -- but let everyone know about them (if that doesn't speak to planning of the "weirdo killed my family" what does?) -- he merely called Sheri and said, "Weird car in the neighborhood" instead of turning around and following the car out of the neighborhood and/or getting the license number of it? He calls instead of going back home and doing his jumping jacks in his living room?

Well, so why then, when he got home didn't he wail, "If only I had taken the threats seriously, if only I had stayed home to protec them..." or did he? Did Chris express "If onlys?" -- did any one hear any of them?

Hmmm...Gym morning and night? This article says...

>>Chris Coleman's videotaped statement to police after his family was murdered included details of the family's last night. Sheri Coleman cooked dinner: chicken and pasta. Chris Coleman played catch in the yard with Garett. They took the boys out for snow cones.

Chris Coleman went to the gym, came home to put the boys to bed. They said their prayers.<<

Chris forgot the part about "I hit Sheri in the face" and maybe, "Sheri caught me sexting my girlfriend"

Wouldn't Barlow's security camera have caught the strange car when he was backing out of the drive?

Wasn't it originally stated the CHRIS COOKED THE DINNER for Sheri and the boys?
I will admit that I am a little late into this case. I just have one quick question, please. Why didn't this guy plea deal? Did he refuse or did the DA's office not offer a plea? Because you can stick a fork in him, he's done.

They never offered him a deal. He pleaded not guilty from the beginning and isn't ever going to admit guilt. It will always be SODDI.
Today's testimony took away my hope that Sheri was asleep and didn't know what happened to her. :anguish:

I know Kimster! It was very upsetting to have it confirmed that she fought hard. I remember back when this started how much we debated whether or not she was asleep, or if she fought... and how much we prayed she had no clue what he was doing to her or her babies. It's a sad day indeed to learn she did know. Makes me sick!
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