2011.04.28 Emergency Media Motion

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"The lawyer representing the media was atrocious. She did not know here cases and she was rude to Perry and he let her know it "I don't answer questions here; I ask them". He is disgusted with the media and their lack of "consideration' imo. It is not going to stop the trial or delay it in any way. Firstly, the media does not want it delayed. They want it to go on.

He was great when he asked her what she thought he should do. She would like the Voir Dire to go on foreva and eva so that the media can make as much money as possible off the trial -not going to happen.
Robin Smythe and CF News 13 plan to appeal Perry's decision???

Hey CF News 13....take off the diapers...put on your adult pants.....don't let your personal sour grapes interfere with a legal proceeding.

If the general public AKA your boss can sit patiently and wait then so can you. You have the ability to sign a confidentiality agreement, but NO that's too good for you.

Seriously.....stop whining like amateurs.

This is not about the public's right to know this is about you wanting to break the story and you KNOW it!!!

Get out of the kiddie pool and cover REAL NEWS!
Robin Smythe and CF News 13 plan to appeal Perry's decision???

Hey CF News 13....take off the diapers...put on your adult pants.....don't let your personal sour grapes interfere with a legal proceeding.

If the general public AKA your boss can sit patiently and wait then so can you. You have the ability to sign a confidentiality agreement, but NO that's too good for you.

Seriously.....stop whining like amateurs.

This is not about the public's right to know this is about you wanting to break the story and you KNOW it!!!

Get out of the kiddie pool and cover REAL NEWS!

Go get em, Tiger.......:bow:
"Meanwhile, Skip Valet, general manager for WKMG, said his organization will not be part of any appeal."

From the same OS article, at least this person has some sense.
I didn't get to watch the hearing this morning live, but have now watched the three part video of the hearing. Nor have I read every post in this thread yet. But I want to post my observations while they're fresh in my mind.

This was a powerful hearing, based on fundamental Constitutional rights - the right to a fair trial, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press.

My observation is the HHMP has really done his homework. He's well aware of the media coverage online about this case, with media websites having a section devoted to the documents in this case, and no doubt he's also very much aware of the forums devoted to this case. I'm sure he knows of forums such as WS. He said he's never seen such pretrial publicity as this case has generated. He also mentioned that there's over 700 media requests for credentials.

I think his decision to deny the motion before him was based on factual evidence. He mentioned several times that after he was observed going into the courthouse in Palm Beach County, a local media did a typical man-in-the-street interview asking people about this case. This is just the thing he's hoping to avoid by not announcing the name of the county for jury selection a week ahead of time. He's giving the media time to get their reporters and equipment in place, but not enough time to do any sort of advance reporting before jury selection begins. I think this is more than fair.

I noted that Casey's crying was after he mentioned her name and her right to a fair trial. Her tears were for herself.

When the camera went to Cindy, I immediately noticed her trembling. For about a minute the trembling lasted and then stopped. I think it comes and goes, and is a nervous tremble - fear - as the beginning of the trial approaches. We're almost down to the wire now and she seems very fearful.

As for the motion to exempt George and Cindy from sequestering, with the judge requesting to meet with the Anthonys and their attorneys before Thursday, I can't help but think that he intends on citing her behavior in the courtroom throughout the hearings, and telling her that this behavior will not be tolerated.

My best guess is that he will abide by the rule of law and not allow the Anthonys in the courtroom prior to their testimony. After their testimony they will be allowed in the courtroom, but if there's any body language that's noticeable to the jury, they will be ordered to leave. This is only a guess, but I base this guess on his intention to conduct a fair trial.
CA just is not capable of controlling her emotions. They are right there front and center. Also she looks a wreck. Not her appearance as she looks good but the emotion on her face shows she is being worn down to a frazzle. There is nothing they could give her that will let her sit in court and comprehend everything that will be presented. Everything the State has goes against her beliefs. She's a mess now, what will the next few weeks be like for her.

If she made the comment today as Amil claims "Excuse me" when the media attorney mentioned the family's media statements then CA will never keep quiet. If she can't control herself today, tomorrow will not be different. jmo
At about 24:00 in this video - Judge Perry clearly states that this trial will be delayed if his decision is appealed!!!! He wasn't playing around!


Does the General manager of CF News 13 really want to be responsible for this? :furious:

I really, really, hope Ms. Mercier explains to this "General Manager" the repercussions of this appeal action! :banghead::banghead:
At about 24:00 in this video - Judge Perry clearly states that this trial will be delayed if appealed!!!! He wasn't playing around!


Does the General manager of CF News 13 really want to be responsible for this? :furious:

I really, really, hope Ms. Mercier explains to this "General Manager" the repercussions of this appeal action! :banghead::banghead:

That is what I am thinking..why even bother? Who cares about the Jury selection? I don't, I wouldn't want the media or anyone to take a chance on Casey having any type of grounds for an appeal. So the media will not know ASAP where the jury is from so what? As long as the trial starts May 17th and Caylee gets her justice that is all that should matter. I was glad that the judge denied this motion today, he even asked the attorney if she was going to file an appeal, jeez just leave it alone I say. JMO :banghead:
CA just is not capable of controlling her emotions. They are right there front and center. Also she looks a wreck. Not her appearance as she looks good but the emotion on her face shows she is being worn down to a frazzle. There is nothing they could give her that will let her sit in court and comprehend everything that will be presented. Everything the State has goes against her beliefs. She's a mess now, what will the next few weeks be like for her.

If she made the comment today as Amil claims "Excuse me" when the media attorney mentioned the family's media statements then CA will never keep quiet. If she can't control herself today, tomorrow will not be different. jmo

ITA! That's why I think HHMP meeting with the Anthonys and their attorneys privately and explaining the rule of sequestering to them and pointing out to them their body language in the courtroom during the hearings is his way of gently letting them down. I think he'll abide by the law of sequestering and not let them in the courtroom until after they're finished testifying. He will then allow them in, but with the proviso that if they cannot control their body language, they will be ordered out. I don't think either CA or GA is capable of controlling themselves and will end up being ordered out.
ITA! That's why I think HHMP meeting with the Anthonys and their attorneys privately and explaining the rule of sequestering to them and pointing out to them their body language in the courtroom during the hearings is his way of gently letting them down. I think he'll abide by the law of sequestering and not let them in the courtroom until after they're finished testifying. He will then allow them in, but with the proviso that if they cannot control their body language, they will be ordered out. I don't think either CA or GA is capable of controlling themselves and will end up being ordered out.

To me that is one step too far. He has already ruled on this and they don't accept his ruling. They are incapable of complying.
I just emailed CF News 13 if they file the motion, I won't ever watch their station again. I will tell all my friends what they have done to prolong this trial and cost the tax payor's more money. Either sign the agreement or get your information elsewhere.
Shoot ...suggestion for the media who won't sign HHJPs agreement that is more than fair and balanced.

Just use some of that empty space on websites and print media soliciting members of the public to send you the info once they know they are summoned for jury duty next week. Do your own dirty work.

Good grief ......... this isn't rocket science. Either abide by the ruling or shut up and quit whining. JB does enough of it for the entire state of Florida. sheeze ......
I just emailed CF News 13 if they file the motion, I won't ever watch their station again. I will tell all my friends what they have done to prolong this trial and cost the tax payor's more money. Either sign the agreement or get your information elsewhere.


YAY! :great:

I hope the public does let them know what they think of this!

There are plenty of other stations to watch and read.
Robin Smythe and CF News 13 plan to appeal Perry's decision???

Hey CF News 13....take off the diapers...put on your adult pants.....don't let your personal sour grapes interfere with a legal proceeding.

If the general public AKA your boss can sit patiently and wait then so can you. You have the ability to sign a confidentiality agreement, but NO that's too good for you.

Seriously.....stop whining like amateurs.

This is not about the public's right to know this is about you wanting to break the story and you KNOW it!!!

Get out of the kiddie pool and cover REAL NEWS!

May I please have a link to this? :)
Deleting my post as I was informed by fellow WS who is more experienced and sent a kind gentle reminder that I couldn't post for any organized calling to Channel 13. Sorry moderators!
At about 24:00 in this video - Judge Perry clearly states that this trial will be delayed if his decision is appealed!!!! He wasn't playing around!


Does the General manager of CF News 13 really want to be responsible for this? :furious:

I really, really, hope Ms. Mercier explains to this "General Manager" the repercussions of this appeal action! :banghead::banghead:

This is about Caylee. How easily the almighty dollar can cause them to forget.:loser:
Shoot ...suggestion for the media who won't sign HHJPs agreement that is more than fair and balanced.

Just use some of that empty space on websites and print media soliciting members of the public to send you the info once they know they are summoned for jury duty next week. Do your own dirty work.

Good grief ......... this isn't rocket science. Either abide by the ruling or shut up and quit whining. JB does enough of it for the entire state of Florida. sheeze ......

Wouldn't that get potential Jury members excluded if it were known they contacted Media?
Deleting my post as I was informed by fellow WS who is more experienced and sent a kind gentle reminder that I couldn't post for any organized calling to Channel 13. Sorry moderators!
We who are interested and have followed this case from the beginning have seen enough evidence and reports of interviews, observed ICA'S (and family) behavior and for the most part I think many feel 100% sure she is guilty as charged.
It won't matter where they go for Jury selection, once they have seen the same information we have they will come to the same conclusion. I think ICA may have realized that today when HHJP was talking of the difficulties of ensuring a fair trial.
Personally I cannot see what the bid deal is here the media are not being kept from the court room, they are only being asked to wait, what, and hour, before descending on whatever area is to be utilised for jury selection.

I cannot believe that they waited until a WEEK before jury selection to have this motion heard didnt Judge Perry let the world know this was his intention months ago, someone please correct me if im wrong, why wait till now..... do they (the media) want this case delayed for another year?

FGS Media get a grip !!!! they may as well open KC s cell give KC the keys to a new car, a new life and a lump sum of cash so she can live her bella vita. She can have more children and when they become an inconvenience to her she can have them kidnapped AGAIN!!! Hey what a story that would make eh, at least they could tell us all again about how someone stole another of her babies what are the odds on that happening to poor kc twice.

Yeah I think the media has a right to be there but come on a hour later no big deal ,let this trial begin for all the people who have spent the last 3 years working day and night to make sure that kc gets a fair trial and MOST OF ALL JUSTICE FOR A 2 YEARS OLD BABY WHO LOST HER LIFE IN HORRIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES.

I am appaulled that the media can pull this stunt so close to a trial its beyond belief . Maybe this is the DT strategy for a mis trial. unbelievable.....

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