2011.05.11 Jury Selection Day Three

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IS talking about how irresponsible it was for PY to be talking about the case yesterday.
Uh, the camera was just on the potential jurors. I saw about 20 faces I don't think we were supposed to see.

No - they were gone.

That's the members of the press and the public observers you saw.
She wanted to see Baez? or she was feeling sick? SHE CAN'T CHANGE TO A PLEA NOW CAN SHE?!?!


She can plead guilty at any time.

This display is not helping her.

Bet we see fists of fury during the trial.
I have never seen casey acting this way. Could this be her reaction to Baez verses what is going on in count. Her attempt at trying to control Baez until he apologizes for what she thinks happened? Baez is not giving in to her.

You know..I was wondering that as well. Although I'd hate to think that a little tiff with JB would get more reaction out of her than the fact the reality of it all has finally hit her.
What's in that room that she's allowed in there alone?
I wonder what is up? ICA does not have her courtroom guard with her. Maybe she said she was going to faint or something....
No they were just suits. The potential jurors went into the GJ room. I looked and most looked like law students, legal eagles, and the like. I've rarely seen jurors show up dressed to the nines.



whew.. thanks. It just looked like an awful lot of very excited people. Three women were lining up in seats directly in front of Casey and i thought...well, nevermind. Thanks all for clearing that up!
I think the unknown woman is a psychiatrist there for KC.
my son-that-turns-17-on-may-17th-and-gets-justice-for-caylee-on-his-bday were discussing this yesterday, as we both think crying is not always a sign of guilt, we think we'd cry even if we were innocent (well yall know I cry at everything anyways) but we think the BIG TELL is her inability to face the jurors or look at them, as a shy person I would have trouble with 100% eye contact but I would be absolutely compelled to keep looking at them, every one of them.

I also think her crying is kinda weird, I burst into tears myself as count one was read, just like I always do, but I cried before ICA and I was still trying to wipe up the last of it long after she was done. I dont know if this makes me a weenie or her a hardhearted such and such.

I agree crying is not always a sign of guilt it is sadness and heartache alot of times, fear of being blamed for something you really didn't do. But she doesn't cry she makes herself appear sad and the show she put's on is as fake as her tears. I also agree with you and your son if you did nothing wrong you would have no problem looking those jurors in the eyes and would keep your head held high.
That was Frank George that came back, Baez is still out back with princess.

Now, this is my big question, will he fold like a cheap tent and put her seat back next to his?

Bets? lol
For some reason IS is showing Jury problems from yesterday! So I missed the drama Queen leaving. I take it no one knows what is going on with her?
Wow. Looks like trouble in paradise. Is she having second thoughts about a plea deal? Is she thinking about firing Baez? Sumpthin's up. Wish I were a fly on the wall in there right now ;)
Maybe Casey went to the back, because she has had the poop scared out of her? :waitasec:

JB is not with her.
The last thing I saw ICA do with her back to us was shake her head no and shrug..

Oh Baez back!
when I was watching that drama unfold Baez actually looked ticked off... He walked in the hallway but came back out.

I bet she is in the bathroom throwing up... she looked completely nervous today
I certainly loved how he explained it today vs. Monday. Hey, I'm game. Sounds like a darn good vacation!



I don't remember Monday HHJP giving this much detail on Monday, he does almost make it sound like a nice retreat. My 18 yr old even asked if he could volunteer!
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