2011.05.11 Jury Selection Day Three

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3382: Hardship? Yes. Central command, involved with bi lateral decisions...

HHJP: I do not know your set up, I don't want to know your set up...knowing what you know would it be detrimental if you were taken from your duties?


HHJP: excused.
Defense was upset that Hizhonor went into so much detail with his statements. Hizhonor said Supreme Court has reviewed those statements<he has used them previously in Capital cases>. Objection denied. :)
An Attorney is up next . He is working on Defense contracts. Looks like he will be excused as he is the only person working on those and they will be completed this summer.
3382 - male

hardship - emplyment natl security

excused for cause
Casey will never survive the trial. Talk about courtroom drama. Oh! The Susan Hayward of it all!

A lot of posters have been saying ICA will testify - based on what we have just seen - I can't imagine it. First juror excused for cause.
#3305. Female. Hardship - enrolled & paid for college courses and books. Scheduled to work as well.
When ICA came back she saw the DT had put a couple of pads of paper in her spot. She started touching them and it was like a crying kid who finally got what they wanted and suddenly quit crying. I don't think she has a pen thought. And I think that is what the bailiff got mad at her over.
3305 - woman

college student - hardship - enrolled in college - can't pass courses - would not be paid -

excused for cause
3305: Hardship? Yes. I am enrolled in school. I have bought all my books. School starts in weeks. Would lose tuition. Would not pass courses.

HHJP: excused.
I'll say one thing about HHJP he is very kind to the Jurors, particularly those who would find it a hardship.
Second juror up, school paid, books bought, graduation day pushed back. HHJP asking if she would lose her tuition, not able to pass her course - absolutely not! Mr. George asking if she would be paid. No questions from defense. ICA seems calmer, looking at jurors, hands folded in front of her on the table. Oops, starting to groom again.
This trader doesn't want to serve and I bet he could easily afford to.
This day trader is not getting out of jury duty. HHJP is not taking his excuse
Juror #3 - another hardship - trader on trading desk - without him, the two fellow traders would have a lot of stress. HHJP, will employer pay her. Raymond James would not shut down if you were not there would it? HHJP not impressed with this hardship.....
I always said client control was going to be a huge issue. I totally underestimated the degree and gravity of it though.

When you get to voir dire, you do not need any distractions. Your focus needs to be on selecting jurors. Cases are won and loss during the jury selection process. That is why jury consultants can charge such exhorbitant fees. This DT has their plate full trying to control Casey, much less make her appear sympathetic. I would hate to be in their place. There are 4 of them sitting there and I bet every one of them are exhausted. They are getting their taste of "Casey doesn't care 'cause it is all about her." Problem is, she doesn't have the first clue what is in her own best interest.
Juror #3397. Male. Hardship - Trader, nat'l brokerage firm, short-staffed, employer will pay. HHJB questioning more in depth regarding his employment. Also health issues due to back surgery - unable to stay seated comfortably for long periods of time.

Aside - Noticed that KC is sitting straight in chair, hands folded in front, seems to be making an attempt to face forward rather than down and appear attentive. Big change.
I'm sure Raymond James has plenty of traders!
Now says has back problems, can't sit for long periods of times,
he is definitely trying to get out of it.
He will be called back
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