2011.05.11 Kc sick removed from court

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That might be a good idea, we wouldn't have to watch her primping all day long.

OT,but why, if your bangs hanging in your face bug you as much as they seem to do ICA - why wear your hear like that? I hate my hair around my face. Because of this, if it's long, it's kept back off my face. A better option for me is just to shave the whole mess and be done with it.
Everyone has anxiety to some degree- it's only a disorder if it interferes with your life. It never got in her way before, everyone has said she has had no mental health issues- she even said it to LE.. no history. Of course you are gonna feel anxious when you are on trial for your life.

this is the longest she has been subjected to public scrutiny as accusations (valid) against her are being levied.

that is gonna make anyone nervous, even a practiced sociopath. well, maybe not anyone. but obviously her guilt is finally taking a toll. imagine that. it took this long, and this much scrutiny.

welcome to the gates of hell mom.
I think the long bangs are a manifest of her insecurities as well.when I was younger I definitely could not go without them....and tons of make up,still do....I always thought all her grooming are signs of insecurities not narcissism as well IMO
Did anyone notice how Baez made Casey's intro to the jury pool?

" And it is my pleasure to introduce you to Casey Marie Anthony."

I thought that was so awkwardly weird.
this is the longest she has been subjected to public scrutiny as accusations (valid) against her are being levied.

that is gonna make anyone nervous, even a practiced sociopath. well, maybe not anyone. but obviously her guilt is finally taking a toll. imagine that. it took this long, and this much scrutiny.

welcome to the gates of hell mom.

I just watched her 'panic attacxk' again. It must be brutal on one's psyche to sit there and listen to Judge Perry's voice as he spells out each of the charges, in excruciating detail. I am so happy that she has to do so every single time they bring in a new panel. I think it is finally getting to her.
I haven't used the quote feature correctly since coming back to WS...so I'll add that I mean to add OneLostGirl's quote about "...that manly lady..." next to Casey in court.

This person has white and grey thick short hair, glasses, dark pointy eyebrows, a pinstripe blue man's shirt and a blazer. And you all are saying that's not a man? Well then, who is it? Looks just like a man to me. As I've said, I'm recently back into the Anthony case.

Whoever it is surely looks "mean"!

ETA: I believe the term for self soothing behaviors which are repetetive, sort of like a tic, is called "stimming", for stimulating themselves. Read up on it on Google if you'd like. It's seen in mental issues. Some autistic children have it, for one. They will repeat one gesture over and over, like beating a hand on a table constantly, etc.

lol yeah I'm a little too blunt at times.. I should have described her better, more respectfully. sorry :)

Ya know, I always wondered about the stimming thing... if that's really what it is I'm doing and they (my revolving door of shrinks and therapists etc.) have it wrong. The problem with finding out is that I have issues- (big ones LOL). I have rapid cycling Bipolar disorder with mixed episodes and psychotic features, I'm a self injurer and have Tourette syndrome, OCD and Anxiety disorder (ie: Tourette's plus) and I was raised by a borderline mother and an ASPD step father so I have a history of self defeating and self destructive coping. So it was just always attributed it to my SI and OCD. Anyway, I'll stop there because it has absolutely nothing to do with Casey but your post about the stimming made me think about it again after not having thought about it for a long time.
I just watched her 'panic attacxk' again. It must be brutal on one's psyche to sit there and listen to Judge Perry's voice as he spells out each of the charges, in excruciating detail. I am so happy that she has to do so every single time they bring in a new panel. I think it is finally getting to her.

She freaked out when she found out they had found the body of a child.... which turned out to be her child.

She freaks out when they read what she is accused of doing to her child...

What is she going to do when they bring out the pictures of her child?

I mean, the pictures of what was left of her child after those things she is accused of doing?

They better have a straight jacket or injection or something ready for that...
She may have not eaten much, low blood sugar, stress, little sleep,
bickering with her beau. Life is rough.
She definately changed from ashen / yellow/ green.. a chameleon..
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/weshtv?feature=feedlsb#p/u/0/zM1Koucokwg"]YouTube - weshtv's Channel[/ame]

ICA had what I beleive was an anxiety attack...awww, poor thing, she can't have Baez undivided attention...she is not going to make it through the end of the trial...she should just change her plea...might I add....what an actress....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have to agree just sitting there hearing the charges, seeing the people staring at you, and nothing to do but sit there is a bit much. However, KC has sat there and intentionally tried to hyperventilate. You can watch for every time the Judge reads them, she begins it instantly. She tries to rapid, shallow breath, she presses her hands together in a tight, tighter, tighter ball, elbows mashing into table, psyching herself out to cry or faint.

If it is no act, which I cannot say it is or not, it just appears to be an act, then maybe the jurors saying they think she is guilty is getting to her. Maybe she realizes for the first time in her life she will be held responsible for her actions. Maybe she wishes she would not have done it. Who knows?

I am just not certain it is not an act. Each time her actions are like watching instant replay.
In spite of taking medications, I still have occasional attacks of anxiety (they don't panic me, never have) which can cause all my muscles to constrict. It feels like there are steel bands around my chest and back, pain in my jaw even to the point of feeling like every tooth in my mouth needs to be yanked, pronto! Minor attacks cause my hands to go numb or tingle uncomfortably. There's more things that can happen, like the time my entire skull went numb all of a sudden.

That's why I don't think Casey is "faking" this. I do think that Baez is sick of her behavior, which has changed dramatically since the hearings. Her lawyers have so many things to worry about in jury selection, Casey's behavior is being viewed as a detriment to the case and a nusiance.

I do believe she has hit the Wall of Reality and can't figure a way around it. The new surroundings and many new, strange faces have probably all affected her.

She is her own worst enemy and always has been. She may be able to keep her cool about her daughter's remains because they don't mean anything to her. But she now clearly sees her own jeopardy and it is becoming more and more difficult for her to keep control of herself.

Notice how "her boys" have abandoned her and no longer comfort her constantly. They have other things to be concerned about and probably think it's "all in her head" and there's nothing much they can do. That attitude only adds to her anxiety. The comfort of women does not help as much, probably because of her attitude towards her own mother and other women in general (think Amy Huizenga).

She needs meds pronto or she is going to sink even faster than she was before.
IMO: I believe Casey has been in jail for so long now that she has become what some call "Prison Mentality or Instituionlised". For 3 years now she has been in a small cell day by day. She has not been in a car nor traveled only to the court house in Orlando, She has had very little conversation with anyone other than her attorneys. She has become Institutionlized "Prison Mode" I believe she cannot deal with life now outside her cell in orlando, she can't deal with this many people day by day.Casey will have a breakdow IMO each day.She cannot be held in a cell for 3 years only to come out and suppose to be normal for court, it is not going to happen.JMT
In spite of taking medications, I still have occasional attacks of anxiety (they don't panic me, never have) which can cause all my muscles to constrict. It feels like there are steel bands around my chest and back, pain in my jaw even to the point of feeling like every tooth in my mouth needs to be yanked, pronto! Minor attacks cause my hands to go numb or tingle uncomfortably. There's more things that can happen, like the time my entire skull went numb all of a sudden.

That's why I don't think Casey is "faking" this. I do think that Baez is sick of her behavior, which has changed dramatically since the hearings. Her lawyers have so many things to worry about in jury selection, Casey's behavior is being viewed as a detriment to the case and a nusiance.

I do believe she has hit the Wall of Reality and can't figure a way around it. The new surroundings and many new, strange faces have probably all affected her.

She is her own worst enemy and always has been. She may be able to keep her cool about her daughter's remains because they don't mean anything to her. But she now clearly sees her own jeopardy and it is becoming more and more difficult for her to keep control of herself.

Notice how "her boys" have abandoned her and no longer comfort her constantly. They have other things to be concerned about and probably think it's "all in her head" and there's nothing much they can do. That attitude only adds to her anxiety. The comfort of women does not help as much, probably because of her attitude towards her own mother and other women in general (think Amy Huizenga).

She needs meds pronto or she is going to sink even faster than she was before.

ITA...I also question if it is part of the program due to them trying to get in the psych docs and what they said....I question everything now...the splitting of the boys and girls---could play into that evil man therory??? IDK...it is just getting wierd--perhaps she also realizes she isn't in control anymore? She seems to hold it together better with the boys by her side? I do question why do the charges bother her so much, yet the smell of her deceased precious child and all that other stuff we have heard NOTHING????? More like bring on the tears when confronted with ones lies?

Like I mentioned I"m thinking this "breakdown" of sorts could be a ploy to delay.....I certainly hope her mom watched today and decides the inmate needs a "motherly" touch from her real mom....:innocent:
IMO: I believe Casey has been in jail for so long now that she has become what some call "Prison Mentality or Instituionlised". For 3 years now she has been in a small cell day by day. She has not been in a car nor traveled only to the court house in Orlando, She has had very little conversation with anyone other than her attorneys. She has become Institutionlized "Prison Mode" I believe she cannot deal with life now outside her cell in orlando, she can't deal with this many people day by day.Casey will have a breakdow IMO each day.She cannot be held in a cell for 3 years only to come out and suppose to be normal for court, it is not going to happen.JMT

And all that conversation would have been about getting her free, perhaps that the "State has no case", that the "Junk science would be thrown out". She is getting a large dose of reality; that those opinions are apparently the small minority, not reality.
She may have not eaten much, low blood sugar, stress, little sleep,
bickering with her beau. Life is rough.
She definately changed from ashen / yellow/ green.. a chameleon..

Do you think she is acting this way because she is not getting her way sitting next to JB?I know that it has been reported that she is a mess if he isn't in court with her. I think she has a huge crush on him.I think she is sending a message to JB I am going to act up unless I get my way.
Do you think she is acting this way because she is not getting her way sitting next to JB?I know that it has been reported that she is a mess if he isn't in court with her. I think she has a huge crush on him.I think she is sending a message to JB I am going to act up unless I get my way.

Lol! I have thought about this, I also think she is jealous of the pretty young attorney that was at the podium Tuesday and sits behind JB. (She also does not like the young female jurors it appears.)
She may have not eaten much, low blood sugar, stress, little sleep,
bickering with her beau. Life is rough.
She definately changed from ashen / yellow/ green.. a chameleon..

My guess would be low blood sugar.
Lol! I have thought about this, I also think she is jealous of the pretty young attorney that was at the podium Tuesday and sits behind JB. (She also does not like the young female jurors it appears.)

I doubt that. From what it looks, she really did had an attack and needed medication.
Personally, I wish I could feel sorry for her, but what she went though yesturday was minor compared to what she did to that poor little child she murdered without mercy.
ITA...I also question if it is part of the program due to them trying to get in the psych docs and what they said....I question everything now...the splitting of the boys and girls---could play into that evil man therory??? IDK...it is just getting wierd--perhaps she also realizes she isn't in control anymore? She seems to hold it together better with the boys by her side? I do question why do the charges bother her so much, yet the smell of her deceased precious child and all that other stuff we have heard NOTHING????? More like bring on the tears when confronted with ones lies?

Like I mentioned I"m thinking this "breakdown" of sorts could be a ploy to delay.....I certainly hope her mom watched today and decides the inmate needs a "motherly" touch from her real mom....:innocent:

It could be a ploy, especially since Casey's mind works in strange ways. However, I'm betting that her appearance/reactions to the stress of the situation resemble very much her "attack" on learning that Caylee's remains had been found. The difference is: Baez can't get THIS video sealed and it looks very bad for her.


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