2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

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not sure where I should ask this question so thought I would try it here.....
this is the first case and trial I have ever read about and followed, etc. it is the first jury selection that i have ever seen, my question is.....is it common for someone that is being charged with such crimes as ICA to be so involved in the selection....in watching ICA she appears like she is just one of the DT
I don't care how long it takes...I will be here making sure that it eventually does happen...

all these newspeople have thoughts on when it will happen...

it will happen when it happens but I have faith that hhjp will move it along with due hastethanks for the link :)

I totally agree. I don't think he is wanting these people to have to sit around waiting forever.

At this point I think it is pretty safe to say that nobody knows. Everyone is just guessing. ;)
I just posted this article in the news thread. More from the article:

WOFL-Channel 35 legal analyst Diana Tennis predicted that the opening statements won’t start sooner than next Monday, which is May 23. Jury selection is a time-consuming process, Tennis said, and Chief Judge Belvin Perry has little control over how long the attorneys take to question potential jurors.


LOL that shows how much Diana knows, Judge Perry seems to be getting it done faster than anyone expected IMO.
not sure where I should ask this question so thought I would try it here.....
this is the first case and trial I have ever read about and followed, etc. it is the first jury selection that i have ever seen, my question is.....is it common for someone that is being charged with such crimes as ICA to be so involved in the selection....in watching ICA she appears like she is just one of the DT

I can't truly answer your question but I do believe ICA feels she is now a paralegal.
:rollercoaster: see you guys in the morning.. I am ready to go! Thanks again mods for all your wonderful work here.

Guess what is showing at this minute on Investigation Discovery (I. D.) channel????

48 Hours is rerunning the 2009 "The Untold Story of Caylee Anothy".......

Hoping jurors that will be called tomorrow ARE NOT watching this.....UGH....

Dear God...Please Bring Justice For Caylee!
not sure where I should ask this question so thought I would try it here.....
this is the first case and trial I have ever read about and followed, etc. it is the first jury selection that i have ever seen, my question is.....is it common for someone that is being charged with such crimes as ICA to be so involved in the selection....in watching ICA she appears like she is just one of the DT

Probably the best place to put this question is under the "legal questions for our verified attorneys". I've been posting a lot there and they are really good.
I can't truly answer your question but I do believe ICA feels she is now a paralegal.

:giggle: If ICA believes that, I guess it's ok because dreams are really nothing more than wishes sometimes:giggle:.

Are all of us NLIBCJ ready for tomorrow? Market run for foodstuffs and drink imbibing taken care of? Good. On with the show bright and early:rocker:

Guess what is showing at this minute on Investigation Discovery (I. D.) channel????

48 Hours is rerunning the 2009 "The Untold Story of Caylee Anothy".......

Hoping juors that will be called tomorrow ARE NOT watching this..

Just wondering if this media outlet is buttering their own or somebody else's backside by doing this? Sort of a sly way to taint, so close to trial getting under way, wouldn't you say?
They really need to get a Jury picked......I am sceered as Kim might say.
I totally agree. I don't think he is wanting these people to have to sit around waiting forever.

At this point I think it is pretty safe to say that nobody knows. Everyone is just guessing. ;)

I'm just taking a guess that besides wanting to move this along, HHJP may have just a little paperwork, etc., to take care of with his position as Chief Judge before beginning a 6 day work week for the next 8+ weeks! I have no idea how he keeps up this pace. We know he continues to do research on legal cases at night besides spending more than eight hours a day in the Judge chair.
Not sure if this is the place to post this, but I was rereading posts from Aug 2008 and found this. I wonder if LE used this to determine whether Jesus Ortiz was actually the father?

....knocking on doors Monday looking for relatives and friends of Jesus Ortiz, a 21-year-old killed in a car crash. In death, he's being dragged into the Caylee Anthony saga..... That crash investigation included a blood test for toxicology. Now investigators may use that sample in a post-mortem paternity test.......The medical examiner's office said the blood is still available for a paternity test. In the crash, Ortiz was found at fault and alcohol was not involved.

Updated: 5:18 pm EDT August 4, 2008
So, here we are at Sunday - our day of rest and reflection. The day before the week we've been waiting for - for three years.

And last week I got up at either 5 or 5:30 my time each of the six days to catch the proceedings on live feed, and honestly I was exhausted by last night.

Soooo - guess what time I woke up this morning?:doh: Yup, if you guessed 5:30 sharp, you guessed right. :great::great: Guess I'm ready for eight weeks of trial....:innocent:

You and I are in the same time zone, and I just haven't been able to get up that early. I'm a night owl, usually going to bed sometime after midnight, so it's a real struggle to get up early. But I will definitely be up early to watch opening statements.
A link to this article has been posted on today's news thread.

CLEARWATER — Opening statements in the Casey Anthony murder trial will not begin Tuesday in Orlando, as originally planned


There is no source given for the statement. . . big surprise. Has anyone seen this anywhere else or is it just the reporter's opinion?



I saw two articles on the news thread. One was the one you've linked above, and the other said the trial might not begin until next Monday, May 23. It was that article, I think, that said that HHMP wanted to give the jury one day of R and R before the trial begins.

I think tomorrow we'll see more PTs questioned until we get the magic number of 15. Round 3 will determine if there's any PTs eliminated through both the state and defense dismissals. I think at that point, HHMP will swear in those who are left, sequester them, and send them to Orlando.

The rest of the week will be an effort to seat 8 alternates. With a trial this long, it's very possible that we'll see at least one member of the jury needing to be replaced. Illness or family emergency isn't something that can be predicted.

Investigation Discovery...(I. D.) Channel...is replaying the 8:00 PM 48 Hours Show "The Untold Story of Caylee Anthony"......

Wondering if the producers have been following the Jury Selection and want to cash in on all the free advertisement that the lawyers have been giving them!!!

Gag me with a spoon.....Don't think I will be able to sit through it again.....{jumping up to change channels}....

Dear God...Please Find Justice for Caylee!!!!
Cruised over to the Hinky a few moments ago, and read a really interesting and long comment from one of their posters who was there in the courtroom yesterday.:innocent:

I am not comfortable quoting any or all of her post over here - it doesn't feel fair, but for anyone who wants to read this blow by blow fairly irreverent article from someone who understands who everybody is - go over and have a peek. Well done Marcena!:great:

The post is in Miscellaneous topics on Caylee, the posters name is Marcena, posted this morning at 9:14am. It's long and well worth the read IMO:rocker:

Very interesting! Thanks!
You and I are in the same time zone, and I just haven't been able to get up that early. I'm a night owl, usually going to bed sometime after midnight, so it's a real struggle to get up early. But I will definitely be up early to watch opening statements.

Me Too! Why do you think I'm in such rough shape??? I have bags under my eyes hanging down to my kneecaps. :great: But I've been in training for years - I have Dogs..

But I am keeping my strength up by doing lunges and squats while Ms Finnell is up - :giggle:
Aw, and they aren't bff's anymore? :boohoo::wink: What happened?

I'm not sure if anyone answered you or not but Robyn Adams was convicted of her crimes and sent off to Federal prison to serve 10 yrs - you can google her and get all the details, but in my opinion she's a fairly unpleasant person. Robyn also sent ICA's letter out of the jail to her father/friend? as a possible way to create leverage to help her get out of jail earlier or to make money, I'm not really sure what her true motive was.
Me thinks right before ICA was lead out she was talking to JB. I think ICA said, Why didn't you strike her, I don't want her on the jury, then JB said, relax I still have time to strike her. I'm playing my cards well. LMAO
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