2011.05.17 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eight)

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From the morning thread, day eight:

I tend to agree. I'm not seeing equal fairness especially with the peremptory challenges. Why was the DT allowed a challenge to SA's peremptory re: the woman who can't judge people "because DT believed SA wanted to challenge because she's of African descent" but yet when the SA says DT wants to strike another "because she's female, and protected", he sides with the DT. Plus he ignored the fact that the DT's reasons were contradictory to keeping other jurors (no mercy, young child/grandchild).

Something is very wrong. Why side with the DT when they're the ones who've been stalling this process for soooooooo long and don't do what they're supposed to do on time?

I'm very concerned.

One reason is that justice for the victim isn't of importance when measured against the perpetrator, the rights of the defendant are paramount and heavily skewed in their favor, especially in a DP case.
HHJP has made a couple of errors to be sure and is unwilling or unable to correct them, one has to wonder if his record where none of his judgments have been overturned on appeal, has a lot to do with him playing safe.
Lastly, HHJP is as frustrated as we are and I suspect needs a whipping boy, he cannot focus his frustrations on the defense, he has to use kid gloves on them or they will be throwing motions and strikes ad infinitum. So unfortunately the SA is taking it in the derriere, but I have faith in them. JMO
OK...I'm sorry to say this...but seeing KC being so animated and perky and smiling....just gets me PO'd beyond belief.
I believe the AA juror who "can't judge" people is gonna surprise us all. There's many writings in the bible/scriptures about not judging...or only God can judge....BUT, then again, as been mentioned, there are the commandments "Thou shalt not kill"....the "coveting" one basically saying not "steal" neighbors goods - ummm, AH's money and checks....her sick Grandpa's money for his rehab....her mom and dads....can go on for days.
AND, I also believe, once she starts seeing the pictures of poor Caylee dumped like garbage and the duct tape....IMO, she's gonna be sooo disgusted!!!
The scriptures also have many passages about the Lord saying that children are "pure of heart"....I think the point will be driven home that KC took the life of "an innocent"...a child "pure of heart" and soul.....the greatest gift from God, etc.
I believe this woman WILL be able to "judge" this sensless murder....OR, won't be able to continue on the jury and ask to be removed. Just IMO.

I'm just getting online today, but scanned the news to try to get updated. From what I've read, 6 jurors have been eliminated this morning through state and defense strikes. The AA juror has been retained and is on the jury. Is there any updated information about her? Do we know how old she is? Married, single, divorced, widowed? Any children or grandchildren? It would be easier to get somewhat of a handle on her if we know a little more about her background.
Late to the table, did coastguard guy get picked or stricken?

I think HHJP wants him stricken....I thought jb was going to then he went on to another one...just waiting til they get to the 12th and DT gets to strike again....HHJP will not be happy...he has gone over getting this done---
I think the entire process of the Judge Plan was an error and he did it because he wanted the trial to start on time. Knowing full well after the first day that was not going to happen. He should have slowed down right then and there!

With all due respect, but no, no, no. HHJP is right to try to seat a jury as quickly as possible within the constraints of the law. SO, if no jury gets seated here, then where? And what do you suppose the DT will do? I'll tell you what they'd do.. they'll book every network who'll put a microphone in front of them and start a new spin cycle.

"Boohoo, our client will never get a fair jury anywhere in Florida and maybe the universe, boohoo, boohoo..."

Please, Please Judge Perry. Please get it done and godspeed.
In my experience, judges are harder on the side that is winning.

Remember, HHJP is VERY experienced and has never been successfully appealed. Also, remember that HHJP was the prosecutor on the Judy Buenoano case, the famous black widow of Florida who killed her husbands and her son with arsenic, etc. He made sure to be there personally when she got the needle. He is the last judge I would want if I were the defense: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en...nosed-practical-in-recalling-black-widow.html


And that right there is what worries me the most. I would almost be more comfortable if he HAD been appealed. KWIM? I think it would keep him on his toes better...........
As a long-time lurker allow me to finally attempt to thank you all for your knowledge, wit and logic. All commenters here have become "friends" in my small world.

In 2008 my husband who relied on me to keep him updated with news (mostly political) never seemed to show any true interest in what I thought were my "brilliant" analyses. However, in the summer of 2008 after recently moving to Volusia County in Florida (slightly east of Orange) he developed an truly uncharateristic obsession with this case.

In November, I had to have him admitted to the hospital with an unknown illness. After 41 years of marriage I know now I was in denial about how sick he really was. Soon after being moved to ICU, I lost my husband of 41 years. Lived in a fog for quite a while after this. It was much later that my daughter reminded me that the day he died was the same day Caylee's remains were discovered. She is convinced that it was due to my husband's intervention.

For me at that time this WS site became my couseling group and in many ways kept me moving on. For that, I have to thank each and everyone of you.

Thanks again and I do believe justice will be served.

I'm glad you're here but very sorry to hear about your dear husband. My deepest sympathies.

Odd as it seems, I believe that probably happened (in bold above). I've been a genealogist for many years, and my biggest breakthroughs have come about instantly when a family member has died within the family who's history I'm researching. Fortunately the deaths were always expected (terminal illness, extreme old age), nothing to make me think a "jinx" has taken place. I believe the first time this happened was when my uncle died, and suddenly, after over 30 years of searching for information on his father's family (my grandfather) all types of information came flooding through the very night within the hour of receiving the news of my uncle's demise moments after his death.

It's happened many times, and I believe there is a special force at work that releases knowledge and discovery when a person leaves this world. So, yes, I do believe it happened as you say with your husband and Caylee.
I missed the end of the questioning of the juror who worked for the water company. Did he get in?
sadly the judge is starting to remind me of Judge Ito :(
I think HHJP wants him stricken....I thought jb was going to then he went on to another one...just waiting til they get to the 12th and DT gets to strike again....HHJP will not be happy...he has gone over getting this done---

No, JB hopped up with a backstrike at that time, but it was about the female. He is seemingly trying to keep things at 11 today. Don't ask me why. Trial is still going to happen, and the Judge is warning them that the pickin's are getting slim, they have to choose somebody, sometime. No one is going to be perfect. He should have reminded them they will go to a small town again, lol!
I feel every ounce of frustration most of you are feeling. I'm not seeing why the rush to pick a jury for a case of this caliber. Other motions hearings etc were delayed and railroaded for years. I think this is a major boo-boo by HHJP. At this point what is an additional few weeks? I'm not getting the "hurry up and wait" attitude at all and I haven't ever since he first announced that jury selection would take place in one week...ridiculous. The State is getting the blunt of his frustration. He needs to sit back and place blame where blame is due. JMO.
I'm just getting online today, but scanned the news to try to get updated. From what I've read, 6 jurors have been eliminated this morning through state and defense strikes. The AA juror has been retained and is on the jury. Is there any updated information about her? Do we know how old she is? Married, single, divorced, widowed? Any children or grandchildren? It would be easier to get somewhat of a handle on her if we know a little more about her background.
This is all we know about her:

[FONT=&quot]-JUROR RECAP #1319[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- African American female.

Pretrial Publicity: *Hasn't heard anything about the case from her family, friends, etc. *All she knows is "a baby got killed". *Says she doesn't pay much attention to the news. *Didn't hear anything regarding who could be responsible for Caylee's death. *Says she is 100% certain she can be unbiased. *Doesn't have a newspaper subscription, watch, or read the news. *Has a Facebook account but only uses it for games (Farmville). No other social networking accounts. *Only watches cowboy/western stuff on TV. *Wants to be a juror because she believes it's her civic duty.

Death Penalty Stance: Indifferent. *Says she has never really thought about it, has no opinions on it. *Says "I think I could" vote for the death penalty under the right circumstances. *Would base her decision on the facts..can't decide in general if she's for/against it.

State: Challenge based upon her stating she "does not like judging other people" and she indicated "I just don't know" in regards to the death penalty. Defense: No objections/challenges.

Judge: States challenge overruled. re-argued on May 27 by LDB and Judge denied

From the morning thread, day eight:

I tend to agree. I'm not seeing equal fairness especially with the peremptory challenges. Why was the DT allowed a challenge to SA's peremptory re: the woman who can't judge people "because DT believed SA wanted to challenge because she's of African descent" but yet when the SA says DT wants to strike another "because she's female, and protected", he sides with the DT. Plus he ignored the fact that the DT's reasons were contradictory to keeping other jurors (no mercy, young child/grandchild).

Something is very wrong. Why side with the DT when they're the ones who've been stalling this process for soooooooo long and don't do what they're supposed to do on time?

I'm very concerned.

I think it always seems a judge sides with the defense. Remember if ICA is found guilty there will be appeals, if she is found innocent (ohhh look pigs flying past my window) they win .... but the state has no recourse if she is found not guilty.
No matter what, the majority, even those that only saw the original story are going to have to try and get past the photos of Caylee, the 31 days, the testimony of so many proving that ICA had no real interest in her child, the fathers original statement to police (in his first comments he says he knows where this is going - he doesn't want to go there but he felt it), photos of someone partying just days after the child was last seen - way to much for everyone to just pass over. imo
Correct me if I am wrong but they don't HAVE to use all 10 strikes do they?
Correct me if I am wrong but they don't HAVE to use all 10 strikes do they?

No, and I learned today that in DP cases, you can ask for more strikes if necessary. We could be here until the Holidays.


I may be alone in my thinking... but I am not bummed out so far... I think they can get er done this week... with the 31 left..

((I tend to be the queen of positive thinking.. drives my dh nuts.. but it is what it is LOL))
You're not alone nursebeeme. I feel positive about it as well. None of us are jury consultants. I wouldn't know a "strong" juror if one slapped me in the face. The sky is falling attitude is really depressing. What happened to all the faith in the state's case?
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