2011.05.18 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection DAY NINE)

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While I agree, legal wise, the jury has to be "impartial" which will extremely hard to find where the crime took place because of all the media coverage.

Not being picky but it was Cindy Anthony and Jose Baez and their huge mouths encouraging everyone to look for a "live" Caylee that most everyone else knew/suspected was dead that did this.
He said Judicial Circuit 6 which is Pinellas and Pasco counties.
Oh ok - so maybe the Chief Judge that he spoke to is out of Pasco but presides over both.

ITA. I don't get it - doesn't the DT have some sort of Jury Expert to refer to? Their behavior is almost constantly inappropriate IMO, including KC. With the exception of AF. I can excuse her falling asleep (or seeming to) being as she was obviously very ill and more than likely to the gills with OTC cold meds.

:yes: His initials are CM! He is supposedly a "jury expert/consultant"

Ask, and you shall receive...



:tyou: You're the bestest Ms. Y
I have been good so far.......salads for lunch. I'm making a big ol' pot of chicken and dumplins' for JB's opening statement though, either that or a box o' wine to sit between my feet and a really long straw.

I'm so hungry I chewing and swallowing all the gum in my desk drawer.
Not being picky but it was Cindy Anthony and Jose Baez and their huge mouths encouraging everyone to look for a "live" Caylee that most everyone else knew/suspected was dead that did this.

Imho - It was CA GA JB who scrambled atop the media buckboard as fast as they could, snapped the whip, and cried YAW!
I can't see how we won't have a jury by Monday.

There are 15 remaining PJ's, and only 4 strikes total from the 2 sides. That knocks the PJ's down to 11, only 1 needed for the jury to be sworn in, leaves 10 for possible alternates. Let's just say due to "cause" 3 or 4 of those go out, plus the 2 strikes for alternates. That leaves around 5 or 6 alternates. Plenty to go to trial.

IMO this will start Monday morning.

This is what I'm thinking too... Unless they have another run of "I think she's guilty and can't set it aside" PJs like they did a few days ago. (but I don't think the state is going to use all their strikes.. I just don't)
As a citizen of the State of Florida, Orange County, Orlando ... I say bring it on home !! She wants a jury of her peers ... bring it back home and lets get her a jury of her peers right here from her home turf, those who have been paying for her defense all along. Our public education system is getting cut like a piece of priceless Swiss cheese, meanwhile we sit and watch these ridiculous games knowing who is footing the bill in the long-run. NO jury is ever going to be perfect, that's what evidence and the whole trial process is all about. If you have something to prove, prove it, and if you have a solid defense, lay it out and PROVE your client is innocent. The whole thing makes me sick.



IMO..The DT does NOT want to seat a Jury..they DO NOT want this trial to start..and they will use every available excuse, trickery, to DELAY the start of this trial..
IMO..we will see more motions filed concerning jury selection, location of jury selection...and they will target JBP
I think it was because he seemed to be a playwright consumed with fame and concepts of writing a cool play.
Why not?
The State used a strike to get him excused.
:yes: His initials are CM! He is supposedly a "jury expert/consultant"


Honestly, my jaw just about hit the floor on that. I guess I can say "Well now, THERE ya go." :/
Does anyone know WHY the last guy (sorry, PJ) was let go?

well there was the sidebar relative to prior judicial encounters

then there was a VERY mixed reception (here) as to his inclinations

some saw him as arrogant, self absorbed, untruthful

others saw him as being exactly the opposite

that variance sunk him

For lunch today I am preparing Grits for a gritsmeal and some tongue and cheek! Anyone interested?

OK, it's obvious we don't have any southerners on the board or in the media! He said grits for a gristmill! (In his lovely southern speech I love)

Grits is a type of maize porridge and a food common in the Southern United States consisting of coarsely ground corn, traditionally by a stone mill. The results are passed through screens, with the finer part being corn meal, and the coarser being grits.

Many communities in the South had a gristmill until the mid-20th century, with families bringing their own corn to be ground, and the miller retaining a portion of the corn for his fee. Grits aficionados still prefer stone ground grits, although modern milling tends to prefer faster methods.
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