2011.05.20 On a Scale of 1 to 10 How do you Feel About this Jury?

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Haven't heard anything about the juror that wanted $$,$$$'s for his interview.
Did anyone offer that juror anything and I missed it or are they still waiting for the $$?
This jury. The only consolation I have is knowing that eventually all of their names will be released and they will be ridiculed for years to come for being so inept.
If there was a 'strong-arm' in the group, I wish one or more of the jurors would come out and say so. Sigh.

ya know, my 7-year-old has a little girl in her class who all the kids flock too and there is a neighbor girl who is a bit older and all the kids flock to her as well. i get to observe the older neighbor girl a lot because my little one plays outside and I never let her play outside alone. Anyway, she is a nice girl but I wonder what the attraction is all about because she seems just like the rest of the kids. A few weeks ago the city had cut down a few trees at the top of a hill by our house. At the bottom of the hill there is a rocky pound. Anyway, the popular little girl was betting all the kids in the neighborhood that they couldn't ride their bikes down the street and down the hill without flying in the pond. They all did it and one little boy got pretty hurt. Had I been outside w/my little one I would have stopped it... Sad, seems like Im the only parent in the neighborhood who watches their kid (but thats a different story :innocent:)

I wonder if the gym teacher was another soul that people seem to flock to and don't really question the reasoning? Ive read his interview and he seems to be quite sure of himself (putting it nicely). Didn't he say something about being able to read people, as it was part of his job :)floorlaugh:). I also suspect that he knew a lot more about this case then he led Judge Perry to believe. (didn't the 48-hours show "jury" acquit?) I believe ego played a role in this as well, a gym teacher who can read people :floorlaugh: acquitting FCA was a slap in JA's very educated face...

In any case, i have no respect for this jury and never will. I could never have accepted an acquittal (Caylee was found in a swamp with duct tape!!!!:banghead:) but an acquittal may have been a little easier if they had delilberated for weeks... im still sick!
Don't know of any of you are following the Bob Ward murder trial in Orlando, but the jury has already been out about 7 hours and asked to see two pieces of evidence. Makes my blood boil all over again when I think about the Pinellas 12 as the Ward jury heard only about 2 weeks of testimony and has already spent 7 hours considering Ward's fate. Guess verdicts like the Anthony farce you just never get over ....

nope, ill never get over it... 6 weeks and they didn't request 1 damn thing, nothing! Caylee deserved so much more...
I watched a few bits of the trial yesterday and it definately looked like KC was smiling at one of the jurors. She looked straight ahead and smiled, looked away and then smiled in that direction again. I wouldn't be surprised. A few of them were pro-defense , a few money-minded ones and of course juror #4. They really bring new meaning to the phrase 'lowest common denominator' don't they? All in all, a lovely mix.
nope, ill never get over it... 6 weeks and they didn't request 1 damn thing, nothing! Caylee deserved so much more...

To the contrary GracieLu!! They did request 1 thing. During the trial, they requested to look at the heart sticker found in the vicinity of Caylee's remains. I am still baffled at that one. Why did Judge Perry buckle under on that one? Obviously, they had to have to discussed it in order to request it.(And they were admonished many, many times not to discuss the case. CM was even concerned about that one. Give me a break. In the middle of the trial, and it was allowed??? WTH!! After that, they seemed to totally disregard that huge honkin' pile of "stuff" in front of the courtroom.

I would have wanted to see and inspect the scene where Caylee's remains were found, the vehicle that allegedly took her there, and the back yard of the Anthony home, not to mention all the things right there in the courtroom.

I feel that there was bullying to some degree in that deliberation room. Hopefully at some point in the future, one of the jurors will have what it takes to speak out about what went on. Like you, GracieLu, I will never get over it.
The same as was going on before Caylee's body was found and afterwards, the whole trial seemed to become about George and Cindy. I tried to listen to most of the thing and never heard much emphasis put on the cell phone records that afternoon. Jesse was never heard from about his long conversation that afternoon with Casey. Then, the judge didn't allow the recent thefts. Casey's lies became Cindy's fault during the trial. The jury seemed like odd types of people who might be stubborn and not want to reason out anything. The types to cave and run away from things. I blame the media sensationalism and circus surrounding the whole case for Casey not even getting a slap on the wrist for Caylee's death. If the jury couldn't be shown premeditation without a doubt then they just weren't going to waste their time with it.
To the contrary GracieLu!! They did request 1 thing. During the trial, they requested to look at the heart sticker found in the vicinity of Caylee's remains. I am still baffled at that one. Why did Judge Perry buckle under on that one? Obviously, they had to have to discussed it in order to request it.(And they were admonished many, many times not to discuss the case. CM was even concerned about that one. Give me a break. In the middle of the trial, and it was allowed??? WTH!! After that, they seemed to totally disregard that huge honkin' pile of "stuff" in front of the courtroom.

I would have wanted to see and inspect the scene where Caylee's remains were found, the vehicle that allegedly took her there, and the back yard of the Anthony home, not to mention all the things right there in the courtroom.

I feel that there was bullying to some degree in that deliberation room. Hopefully at some point in the future, one of the jurors will have what it takes to speak out about what went on. Like you, GracieLu, I will never get over it.

no doubt in my mind they discussed the case... and you are correct, why look at the heart sticker found in the vicinity of Caylee's remains? didn't one of them state in an interview that they couldn't convict because they didn't know who had custody of Caylee at the time of her death (meaning who was watching her)? would the sticker "prove" or "disprove" in their minds that FCA had custody? and, if that is the case, this was during the trial when they were told repeatedly not to discuss the case... who knows, im not an idiot, so i can't pretend to think like one (much less 12).

and, you are correct as well about wanting to examine everything because a little girl was thrown away like trash.

in fact, everything you said, i feel exactly the same. Thank You!
The same as was going on before Caylee's body was found and afterwards, the whole trial seemed to become about George and Cindy. I tried to listen to most of the thing and never heard much emphasis put on the cell phone records that afternoon. Jesse was never heard from about his long conversation that afternoon with Casey. Then, the judge didn't allow the recent thefts. Casey's lies became Cindy's fault during the trial. The jury seemed like odd types of people who might be stubborn and not want to reason out anything. The types to cave and run away from things. I blame the media sensationalism and circus surrounding the whole case for Casey not even getting a slap on the wrist for Caylee's death. If the jury couldn't be shown premeditation without a doubt then they just weren't going to waste their time with it.

ya know, your post brings up a question i forgot about. right after the trial i said something to my mom about FCA's cell pings showing that after she left with Caylee to go to "work" she eventually returned home (after GA went to work). My mom was surprised by this... i'm going to admit that ive been here since day 31 and watched the trial everyday but i work on my computer so i thought when this was covered at trial i had the volume down (or screen minimized). My mom watched everyday and never heard any of this. was this brought up at trial and if not, why not?
ya know, your post brings up a question i forgot about. right after the trial i said something to my mom about FCA's cell pings showing that after she left with Caylee to go to "work" she eventually returned home (after GA went to work). My mom was surprised by this... i'm going to admit that ive been here since day 31 and watched the trial everyday but i work on my computer so i thought when this was covered at trial i had the volume down (or screen minimized). My mom watched everyday and never heard any of this. was this brought up at trial and if not, why not?

They didn't bring up the cell pings at all at trial. I really don't remember it being a big issue before trial either ... for the prosecution or the defense. JA was asked in one of the interviews he did after trial whether it would have been beneficial to bring them to the jury's attention. He said they were not accurate enough. That will always puzzle me. Even if they are within 1/2 mile radius of a tower it still shows the direction and times of her travels. To me they were very telling. Hope JA addresses that in his book.
I watched a few bits of the trial yesterday and it definately looked like KC was smiling at one of the jurors. She looked straight ahead and smiled, looked away and then smiled in that direction again. I wouldn't be surprised. A few of them were pro-defense , a few money-minded ones and of course juror #4. They really bring new meaning to the phrase 'lowest common denominator' don't they? All in all, a lovely mix.

I felt certain there was 'someone' towards the jury box during trial that kc gave a few smiling looks to. Thanks for posting this and confirming what I remembered.

I will always feel that this particular jury was defendant supportive and had their minds set from the beginning of OS.

No justice for Caylee.

nope, ill never get over it... 6 weeks and they didn't request 1 damn thing, nothing! Caylee deserved so much more...

Go figure, no requests for evidence while deliberating,,,,,but early into the trial, when they weren't supposed to be discussing the case, they requested evidence..........I'm still baffled why the Judge didn't question that......
They didn't bring up the cell pings at all at trial. I really don't remember it being a big issue before trial either ... for the prosecution or the defense. JA was asked in one of the interviews he did after trial whether it would have been beneficial to bring them to the jury's attention. He said they were not accurate enough. That will always puzzle me. Even if they are within 1/2 mile radius of a tower it still shows the direction and times of her travels. To me they were very telling. Hope JA addresses that in his book.

re BBM: It makes me wonder if there wasn't an inacurracy that appeared to be exculpatory.....so they all just let it go.....since it really wasn't......
Go figure, no requests for evidence while deliberating,,,,,but early into the trial, when they weren't supposed to be discussing the case, they requested evidence..........I'm still baffled why the Judge didn't question that......

They requested the one piece of evidence they didn't really need to see. They just used anything and everything to justify their not guilty verdict. With all the $$$ plans they had for after the trial they couldn't wait to get home and live their brand-new bella vitas.
re BBM: It makes me wonder if there wasn't an inacurracy that appeared to be exculpatory.....so they all just let it go.....since it really wasn't......

That's why I'm looking forward to reading JA's book. I followed the cell phone pings and cell calls on WS and at the Hinky and wow, it pointed more to her definite involvement than proof of non-involvement. I'm obviously not understanding how they would have been exculpatory. Maybe it depended on the carrier company for the cell service. Here in Ontario, Rogers can locate a ping within a 500 ft radius but Bell won't do it even for the police when they are trying to locate someone.

I sure wish the PT had plonked a huge map on JB's easel with the pings. In any case I wish the PT had used more visuals because from what I listened to during jury selection, some of the people admitted they were visual and as for myself, living with a learning disability, I know how important visuals are. Auditory explanations get jumbled so I think I would have had a problem with following and retaining the technical and legal jargon even with notes. I need visuals for a cue to my memory. Once I have that, my memory is like a steel trap. I think Baez caught that message because from what I observed he is the same and he definitely used it to his advantage.
MOO of the Pinellas 12 on a scale of 1-10 is a -0 :furious:
It is really sad that our jurisprudence.....(A JURY OF OUR PEERS) could not find anyone who was concerned about a helpless 2 yr& 9 month old child who isn't allowed to live her God given life. I still am overwhelmed by the non-caring, the cold heartedness of that jury. They just did not care about the enormity of the crime. Me! Me! Me! I just want to go home ! I want to write a book ! Gimme the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::sick::sick::sick:

I feel exactly the same way,they knew letting her go free would cause their stories to skyrocket in price.They just did not realize 99% of us would boycott and refuse to allow them to profit. I hope they all are haunted by what they have done.They made a mockery of the justice system,they could not even bother to review the evidence.:sick:
I feel exactly the same way,they knew letting her go free would cause their stories to skyrocket in price.They just did not realize 99% of us would boycott and refuse to allow them to profit. I hope they all are haunted by what they have done.They made a mockery of the justice system,they could not even bother to review the evidence.:sick:

I agree 100%. It is improbable or should I say, impossible, for 12 adults to have been so confused by the jury instructions that they felt they couldn't even find her guilty of manslaughter. Had they been genuinely confused they would have asked for clarifications, would have asked to see several pieces of the evidence and taken many more days to come back with a verdict.

These jurors wanted money ASAP. There is no other rational/reasonable explanation for their verdict.
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