2011.05.20 On a Scale of 1 to 10 How do you Feel About this Jury?

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I give them a 6. I don't like the AA woman that can't judge. she is going to hang the jury unless they can somehow get rid of her during deliberations and get another alternate in.

Also, there were several against the DP so I have to lower the rating. I do not believe the Prosecution will get a DP ruling out of this jury. I am also shocked that the judge calls this a DP qualified jury. In Calif they would have to be willing to vote the DP or they wouldn't get on the jury. He let any ol person on if he could bully them into saying they would consider it. The AA woman never said she could consider it and he still put her on.

I may be wrong, but the perception I got from this woman was that she cannot judge someone on rumor, or gossip, without knowing the facts, without knowing more than just conjecture.

Like I said I may be totally off base, but I hold the same sentiments as this woman from what I know thus far... I do not judge anyone based upon what I hear from a rumor, or gossip, or onesided comments. That is how I perceived her responses. Hopefully I am not made to be proven wrong...but there is always that chance.
Gut, in Florida this is different.

From this link:


"Florida's death penalty statute is unique in that it allows trial judges to reject juries' sentencing "recommendations" of life imprisonment."

So conceivably, the jury panel in this case could recommend LWOP and the judge could sentence death.

wowowowow Thank You! That is incredible
Listen to the juror who said she could not judge again. I did and it made me feel more comfortable with her. I think she will convict. But I don't think we will get a DP vote from her.

That's a good point -- I will listen again.

As long as she "convicts", it will not matter to me whether ICA gets LWOP or DP.
SA tried to use a strike TWICE on this Juror and DT Objectived and said it was Racial Basis and JP would not let them strike her.

Yes, I remember that, but I was hoping there was some kind of "loophole" in the laws that would still allow the SA to strike her. It just makes me "very nervous" when someone says they can't judge other people and they are sitting on a jury because "ultimately" you are judging people and evidence.

I guess we can "thank" JB and his "shenanigans" for bringing up "racial" issues -- which has absolutely NOTHING to do with "Justice for Caylee" !
Neither of these two jurors worry me that much, and here is why.

Baez's angle is to get as many minority jurors as possible because one of his major strategies is that LE rushed to judgement, lied, and railroaded her.

If Casey was black or Latino, or even white, but poor and trod upon, then that strategy might work with these 2 jurors. They might buy it. I am sure they both have been treated rudely by cops or security because of their skin color. Sadly, it still happens. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THAT CASEY WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY. Quite the opposite. If a black suspect told the whopping lies that Casey did and had a missing child for a month they would have been arrested immediately, and these 2 jurors KNOW THAT.
They will reject that part of Baez's strategy, imo.

Also, they both say they are anti-DP. And if you noticed, it seemed that all of the African American PT's were strongly anti-DP. I understand because blacks are way more likely to get DP than other races, especially whites. So they generally object to it because it is being used unfairly if you look at the overall statistics. That being said, this is not a young black gang member caught up in the hood, doing a drive by and up for the DP. These 2 would not vote for that because of the racial inequities behind that whole situation.

BUT THIS CASE---they will HATE ICA. She will get no compassion from them, even though they are passionate about the overuse of the Death Penalty. She is the opposite of what they are fighting against. They will see a young, white attractive, middle class girl with 2 parents and a nice home in a safe suburb, and she drops out of school, doesn't work, lies and steals from her family. AND FROM HER GRANDPARENTS. These two jurors will HATE THAT SHE STOLE FROM HER INVALID GRANDFATHER TO PAY HER CELL PHONE.

And the DT is never going to convince these 2 that her home life was horribly abusive and frightening. No way.
They will have seen far worse family situations in their wider communities, and will have no sympathy for a PTSD theory.

These 2 jurors are religious and have conservative family values. Casey spits in the face of what they stand for. Once they get a load of how she speaks to her family, and how she disrespects her elders and steals from them all---I predict they will be easily swayed to give her a huge punishment.

I don't care if she ends up with DP or not, I want her put away forever. And these 2 jurors may lead the charge. I am serious. The DT is going to be sorry
in the end, imo/


These are some great points ! And I hope you are correct !!!
Leila - in the guilt phase, the vote must be unanimous. In the penalty phase, majority... but I think the judge has the final say on the penalty.

This jury will get the job done.



Then the State can Kill Her!
Listen to the juror who said she could not judge again. I did and it made me feel more comfortable with her. I think she will convict. But I don't think we will get a DP vote from her.

this is also my opinion, I believe these jurors will convict of first degree, and I also believe they will vote LWOP.

too many of the jurors had serious misgivings about the DP (which is great, no one should be gung ho to pass death) and I dont think we'll see that many of them vote for death.
There was a lady sentenced to death in Florida, yesterday. I wish I knew the make-up of her jury and how they compare to what we know about the jury for ICA's trial. For example, I wonder how many of those jurors had expressed migivings about the DP, but voted for it anyway. Would be interesting, IMO.
Gut, in Florida this is different.

From this link:


"Florida's death penalty statute is unique in that it allows trial judges to reject juries' sentencing "recommendations" of life imprisonment."

So conceivably, the jury panel in this case could recommend LWOP and the judge could sentence death.

I believe HHJP will sentence ICA to life even if the jurors give a sentence of death....which I dont think they will anyways.
Neither of these two jurors worry me that much, and here is why.

Baez's angle is to get as many minority jurors as possible because one of his major strategies is that LE rushed to judgement, lied, and railroaded her.

If Casey was black or Latino, or even white, but poor and trod upon, then that strategy might work with these 2 jurors. They might buy it. I am sure they both have been treated rudely by cops or security because of their skin color. Sadly, it still happens. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THAT CASEY WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY. Quite the opposite. If a black suspect told the whopping lies that Casey did and had a missing child for a month they would have been arrested immediately, and these 2 jurors KNOW THAT.
They will reject that part of Baez's strategy, imo.

Also, they both say they are anti-DP. And if you noticed, it seemed that all of the African American PT's were strongly anti-DP. I understand because blacks are way more likely to get DP than other races, especially whites. So they generally object to it because it is being used unfairly if you look at the overall statistics. That being said, this is not a young black gang member caught up in the hood, doing a drive by and up for the DP. These 2 would not vote for that because of the racial inequities behind that whole situation.

BUT THIS CASE---they will HATE ICA. She will get no compassion from them, even though they are passionate about the overuse of the Death Penalty. She is the opposite of what they are fighting against. They will see a young, white attractive, middle class girl with 2 parents and a nice home in a safe suburb, and she drops out of school, doesn't work, lies and steals from her family. AND FROM HER GRANDPARENTS. These two jurors will HATE THAT SHE STOLE FROM HER INVALID GRANDFATHER TO PAY HER CELL PHONE.

And the DT is never going to convince these 2 that her home life was horribly abusive and frightening. No way.
They will have seen far worse family situations in their wider communities, and will have no sympathy for a PTSD theory.

These 2 jurors are religious and have conservative family values. Casey spits in the face of what they stand for. Once they get a load of how she speaks to her family, and how she disrespects her elders and steals from them all---I predict they will be easily swayed to give her a huge punishment.

I don't care if she ends up with DP or not, I want her put away forever. And these 2 jurors may lead the charge. I am serious. The DT is going to be sorry
in the end, imo/

I have to agree with you. I can't see the two jurors (or any juror) thinking, "Oh, poor girl has had a rough life, had to struggle, had to work hard, and is still being mistreated". Anyone from a lesser background than Casey had wouldn't feel sorry for her. People with the same sort of background and privilege wouldn't feel sorry for her. People with a more affluent background probably wouldn't care about her, either. The gal doesn't bring about much sympathy.

Her mommy was mean to her, called her names, so Casey went wild and killed her baby? Not buying it.

Her daddy sexually abused her so she brought her infant daughter into that house for daddy to abuse? So Casey killed the baby? Not buying it.

Let these jurors hear the words from Casey's own mouth via recordings from jail and jailhouse videotape and they'll see the same person we see.

All anyone cares about is Caylee.


Huge waste.

It's not so much HOW she killed her daughter but that she did and she's the only one who could have done it. The jurors will be horrified hearing (many probably hearing again) how casually she went about living her life after her daughter was no longed visible to anyone, how the baby was stuffed into the trunk, how she was bagged and tossed into the woods!

DP or LWOP, either is a win for the state, at least this person will finally be punished.

People say there's no real evidence, I say bull. The evidence they found in the beginning told them the child was dead long before they had the body/remains. The only thing they don't have is the HOW, and that's not needed.
I can't give a number for this jury. I feel ICA will be convicted, but will not get the death penalty from this jury. I see LWOP for her.

I would give them a 8. Baez probably managed to get a jury that won't vote unanimous on the DP, but I would would be happy with LWOP. Because in Florida, that's exactly what she'll get. ICA is young and healthy,she can sit there and have the rest of her life to scribble on a legal pad.
After watching/listening to the whole jury selections.

I give them all a 10....
it was a tough selection with all the motions/all the strikes/etc..

hoping for a successful seating..they ain't outta the woods yet till they are
all in there seats...

#3...1055[ the one the whole court liked but Casey was jealous of and had a fight with blank over]
#4...1319 [ defense wants this "CHURCH LADY'

#1...was # 61 now #1 # 3093

#2..was #69 now 3170




I missed some information
so please correct where needed.

I have to see the article about their occuopations or lack of...
plus stats..
I tried to write numbers down but missed some .

I do recall some that I liked during questioning.
Those ones most of them...
seemed very truthful and seemed
like they are well suited for this job..
good luck to each and everyone of them.

when they smell the can of decomp...
it will be a smell they will never forget.
I think we have an 8 here as far as scale.

IMO, juror #1319, will either not make it through all the testimony, evidence etc or if she does she won't "judge" ICA but will allow the state to.

I think the defense shot themselves in the foot with her. Honestly, if she feels she can examine the evidence and judge on the evidence vs what the law says...she has a lot of respect for law and order. If she is a devoted Christian she has a high regard for authority and for obeying authority and for that authority to have power and use it.

I don't think she would be against punishment for a crime and will give the state the sword so to speak.

I would give the jurors a 10 for having to take two months out of their life.

I give the overall jury a 7 as far as ability to convict, and yes it's because of juror 1319 that SA LDB thinks could hang the jury.

I think if there is not a hung jury there will be a 6-6 split on LWOP vs DP and HHJP will have to break the tie vote.
I can see JP giving Casey the DP.

I believe it is him who has the final say. I would not be happy if Casey got LWOP.

She will most likely not be in Gen. Pop but isolated from all the other inmates;

She's THRIVING in jail and I have no doubt she'll be thriving in Prison too.

She's not going to think of Caylee EVER. In Prison she'll be another version of Susan Smith getting perks and privlages.

I think True Punishment for Casey is on Death Row where she will have NO interaction with anyone.

Let her suffer on Death Row, cause God knows she will not be suffering with LWOP.

Leila - in the guilt phase, the vote must be unanimous. In the penalty phase, majority... but I think the judge has the final say on the penalty.

Yes, it is JP who has the final say
This jury could very well surprise us and give Casey the DP. I don't care if they commute her sentence to LWOP as long as they hand down the DP verdict.

For once I want Casey to be in FEAR of loosing her life.
I believe HHJP will sentence ICA to life even if the jurors give a sentence of death....which I dont think they will anyways.

Watch out! here comes little Mary Sunshine!:truce:
I give this jury a big 'ol 10. It's a good diverse mix, all seem to be able to contribute something of value, even the AA woman that can't judge (she will in the end). An agreement of Guilty is coming.
As for the death penalty, not gonna happen.
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