2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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When asked about redoing the patio, Cindy said something that seems strange to me.."we haven't been able to grow grass back there since 2008"..talking about the back yard. Am I the only one that finds this strange?

NO..I noticed that comment as well.
From the arial views displayed yesterday...it looks like the large trees at the back of the property shade the entire yard. I attribute the grass issue to lack of sun.

Perhaps before the case broke the Anthony's kept the trees trimmed back but afterward let them grow for privacy.

Just a thought.
I wonder if the chemicals in decomp- combined with fats- could inhibit plant growth. If I remember, we have a verified chemist here. I hope they chime in on this.
re the grass - we have been trying to grow grass in certain areas of our yard for 3 years and it is nearly impossible. i personally am not reading much into the fact that they couldn't grow grass. my husband - the lead grass-planter - is very frustrated with it, just like i believe cindy said they were. if it was an area we could mulch or cement instead we would probably do the same thing.

This may have been mentioned, but Cindy said that Casey would wear other peoples name tags from "work". Has this come out before now ? It's unbelievable to me that all of these "red flags" were dismissed, by the person who knew Casey best.

I am holding my breath as to Cindy's truthfullness in court.
My observations on Cindy's testimony. I was very surprised at the amount of details that went into Casey's lies. After I thought about it, I was more shocked that CA not only remembered so many details of the conversations but the dates with the details. Unless she was taking notes, with all the conversations, with all the lies, how do you remember during the conversation on this day Casey said "blah, blah, blah." Sure if the day was significant such as the 4th. But I never heard well I remember different conversations but I have no way to tell you which one happened on what day.

When Cindy said that she started sleeping with Caylee's teddy bear on June 16, 2008. One day "AFTER" the last time she saw Caylee, Cindy missed her so much that she started sleeping with her teddy bear. That is something I would think you would do AFTER you lose someone. a break-up with a boyfriend or a death, not just because they did not come home that first night.

I also thought Cindy testified she did not tell Casey:

LDB: mrs anthony we were talking about you sleeping with a teddy bear?


LDB: did you discover the bear was missing?

I started sleeping with teddy that weekend and after four or five nights I noticed it was missing.

LDB: did you tell your daughter you were sleeping with teddy?

not during that time, after all of this

The pregnancy and looking for Zanny until 6 weeks ago, I thought that made the defenses point that the family denied reality until they were forced to face it.

The testimony from Cindy where they tried to paint a picture of Caylee not able to get outside or into the pool. By 3 years old, kids know how to use chairs/items to climb any place they want too. They showed the picture of the pool with chairs by it. Cindy testified that a chair sometimes blocked her bedroom slider. I just felt the SA tried so hard to use Cindy to prove there was no way Caylee accidentally drowned but NEVER considered Caylee's age and that there were other possibilities.

IMO, I feel many times the SA tries to "avoid" asking questions that might help Casey. In doing so, it makes more of an impact when the defense asks. Becasue the defense asks a yes or no to get the answer they want but don't follow it with another question. The SA then asks the follow up but it comes off as trying to "explain" away the answer the helped the defense. if the SA had just asked the question first, the SA would have followed up with the explanation so the defense does not get the impact.
Cindy did very well yesterday and was different than anything we have seen in the past. I believe she was the most truthful we have seen.

What I am worried about is that when she talked about the time they all spent together downloading the pictures of her visit with her father at the nursing home, it was very much volunteered and not elicited by LDB.

I still do not trust that we aren't going to have some bombshell from Cindy. I'm sorry I feel something is going to come out. I say this because for the life of me I cannot imagine that this loving, crying time of Casey and Cindy with Caylee looking on while they viewed the video and pictures, does not fit a sudden rage type of killing a child the next day. Something is wrong, something had to have happened that is not being discussed. We have all heard rumors about a fight. But Cindy has denied that.

Cindy must be under some serious therapy to help her sort through this pain and betrayal. There parents are so broken it is sad to see. The reality has IMO hit them. For that I do feel sorry for George and Cindy.

I think the jury is still out though on Cindy's upcoming testimony .
I have to hope that CA and GA are receiving the therapy and/or medication needed for their survival. CA and GA both have showed all of us this week that they love both Caylee and their own children. But maybe through therapy they have learned that even though they love Casey unconditionally, it is not right to lie for their children in this awful circumstance. I believe they will tell the truth and let the jury decide and they will then throw themselves on the mercy of the court when begging for their daughter's life to be spared when the time comes. I am proud of CA and GA, they have come so far.

Side note: Cindy's pain and tears are genuine and normal where the loss of Caylee is concerned, Casey on the other hand has not displayed one ounce of emotion normal to when a mother loses a child through accident or otherwise.
This may have been mentioned, but Cindy said that Casey would wear other peoples name tags from "work". Has this come out before now ? It's unbelievable to me that all of these "red flags" were dismissed, by the person who knew Casey best.

I am holding my breath as to Cindy's truthfullness in court.

I am holding my breath as well. The teddy bear gone missing portion of the testimony was a good opportunity for Cindy to state more strongly how she felt about that incident. Glossing over the money issue as one of her reasons for going to Universal and no mention of any argument on Sunday evening. And I don't for a minute think that she chalked up Casey's pregnancy to mere bloating until the end of June. She's still a bit of a fence walker to me, not wanting to endorse the defense theory but not wanting to condemn her daughter to death either. And Katie bar the door when Baez gets a hold of her on cross. Casey now has two days to ruthlessly scheme, plenty of time to feed "her boys" damning information about her mother who has now, in her view, betrayed her.
This may have been mentioned, but Cindy said that Casey would wear other peoples name tags from "work". Has this come out before now ? It's unbelievable to me that all of these "red flags" were dismissed, by the person who knew Casey best.

I am holding my breath as to Cindy's truthfullness in court.

As an ACTUAL employee at Universal Studios in Orlando; wearing name tags with a name other than yours is common place. We are all required to have a name-tag displayed at all times, it is part of our employee dress code. However, a lot of times employees will forget their name-tag and end up using another name-tag that does not accurately state their own name........I assume that Casey probably forget her actual name tag times numerous times so she would borrow one from someone else........
I agree, the defense will need to find someone to corroborate the abuse claim. But I'm not familiar enough with the law.

I think that is exactly what the motion that the A's attorney filed yesterday was all about- is asks that the DT present how they intend to show GA molested ICA, or drop all mention-
I just don't believe for one second Cindy's description of KC at home as mild mannered, sweet, helpful, and compassionate. I don't believe her account of June 15th when she says KC lovingly gets Caylee out of the pool and was so happy to see them having a great time. Then they share a special and emotional moment regarding the grandfather, just another lie IMO. Cindy exagerates the care that KC gave Caylee. She credits KC for purchasing the items to baby proof the house. Sounded like more fluff and I was wondering with what money??

Cindy messed up when she claimed Caylee slept in KC's room every night but, when she was talking about the teddy bear while Caylee was missing, Cindy states she herself was the one cuddling with Caylee every night. She immediately realized her mistake and threw KC in the bed with them. It was an obvious lie. IMO
After listening to Cindy's testimony, it's striking me as amazing at the depth and length of the lies that ICA told. These weren't simple lies. These were intertwined stories of epic proportions that were built and built upon each other. It is really astounding. Taken one at a time they are not too impressive but when you hear them one right after the other after the other you get a sense of just how warped ICA was. It is unfortunate that the Anthony's bought it hook, line and sinker.

JMHO as always.

She was at Tony's when she was telling her mom these lies. No wonder she always went outside of Tony's apt when she would talk to her mom on the phone.
Did anyone hear CA's testimony regarding Caylee's testimony? What was the significance of the Teddy bear? I missed that somehow.
Another thing that did not ring true is when Cindy was talking about her, Caylee and Casey watching the video of her visit to her Father. She claimed it turned out to be a very special day......that her and Casey were crying as they were watching the video.
Was this to show that Casey is a caring person?v
If she was so concerned for the well being of her grandfather, she could have gone with them. Oh silly me, she was at work.

Oh yeah... that's it!...work...
But I believe ICA probably did fake a touching moment with CA that day. Liar and manipulator extraordinaire. Just playing in to the whole scene for CA.
My observations on Cindy's testimony. I was very surprised at the amount of details that went into Casey's lies. After I thought about it, I was more shocked that CA not only remembered so many details of the conversations but the dates with the details. Unless she was taking notes, with all the conversations, with all the lies, how do you remember during the conversation on this day Casey said "blah, blah, blah." Sure if the day was significant such as the 4th. But I never heard well I remember different conversations but I have no way to tell you which one happened on what day.

When Cindy said that she started sleeping with Caylee's teddy bear on June 16, 2008. One day "AFTER" the last time she saw Caylee, Cindy missed her so much that she started sleeping with her teddy bear. That is something I would think you would do AFTER you lose someone. a break-up with a boyfriend or a death, not just because they did not come home that first night.
I also thought Cindy testified she did not tell Casey:

LDB: mrs anthony we were talking about you sleeping with a teddy bear?


LDB: did you discover the bear was missing?

I started sleeping with teddy that weekend and after four or five nights I noticed it was missing.

LDB: did you tell your daughter you were sleeping with teddy?

not during that time, after all of this

The pregnancy and looking for Zanny until 6 weeks ago, I thought that made the defenses point that the family denied reality until they were forced to face it.

The testimony from Cindy where they tried to paint a picture of Caylee not able to get outside or into the pool. By 3 years old, kids know how to use chairs/items to climb any place they want too. They showed the picture of the pool with chairs by it. Cindy testified that a chair sometimes blocked her bedroom slider. I just felt the SA tried so hard to use Cindy to prove there was no way Caylee accidentally drowned but NEVER considered Caylee's age and that there were other possibilities.

IMO, I feel many times the SA tries to "avoid" asking questions that might help Casey. In doing so, it makes more of an impact when the defense asks. Becasue the defense asks a yes or no to get the answer they want but don't follow it with another question. The SA then asks the follow up but it comes off as trying to "explain" away the answer the helped the defense. if the SA had just asked the question first, the SA would have followed up with the explanation so the defense does not get the impact.

bbm, this is just a thought, but to me ca and ga were like little caylee's actual parents and for me, when my two kids were little and over at grandparents for the night, etc... i missed them terribly. i would carry around their little cars or dolls in my purse to be close to them while they were away. and this would be for a night or 2 only (seperation anxiety for a mom, i guess). i actually slept with my daughter's baby blanket one night. my husband used to get so mad at me because i wouldn't even enjoy our night off, i would end up crying because i missed them. anyways, it seems normal to me for an actual loving parent to want to feel close to and smell the little smells while their baby is away. they seem to have the grief reactions i would expect (even to this day) from ica her mother.
As a grandma of a granddaughter who was Caylee's age, I think Cindy did a wonderful job on the stand yesterday. Watching Cindy, two things were clear to me. First, Cindy loved Caylee, no two ways about it. Second, she had been sucked into the ICA's lies for years. I think 6 weeks ago (when she was told what the defense's big ole plan was), Cindy finally saw the light, all of it. And clearly, I wasn't the only one who figured it out. Cuz it made the ICA MAD! As of yesterday, I am very, very proud of Cindy.
I just don't believe for one second Cindy's description of KC at home as mild mannered, sweet, helpful, and compassionate. I don't believe her account of June 15th when she says KC lovingly gets Caylee out of the pool and was so happy to see them having a great time. Then they share a special and emotional moment regarding the grandfather, just another lie IMO. Cindy exagerates the care that KC gave Caylee. She credits KC for purchasing the items to baby proof the house. Sounded like more fluff and I was wondering with what money??

Cindy messed up when she claimed Caylee slept in KC's room every night but, when she was talking about the teddy bear while Caylee was missing, Cindy states she herself was the one cuddling with Caylee every night. She immediately realized her mistake and threw KC in the bed with them. It was an obvious lie. IMO

She also managed to get in that KC helped George in the yard. In a Juror's mind,this statement might account for Casey borrowing the shovel. I feel for Cindy as she has been through a lot. However, I am concerned she was a very cooperative witness in order to seem credible to the Jury. She will try to help KC during cross examination.
And one other thing, I think Cindy tried to stop this bus many times. It's why she tried to talk to the ICA on Mother's Day. And I also think she also looked at the ICA at one point with the look that every Mom knows that says, "so, really, this is what you want?" Well, ok, then, so here it is....
I just don't believe for one second Cindy's description of KC at home as mild mannered, sweet, helpful, and compassionate. I don't believe her account of June 15th when she says KC lovingly gets Caylee out of the pool and was so happy to see them having a great time. Then they share a special and emotional moment regarding the grandfather, just another lie IMO. Cindy exagerates the care that KC gave Caylee. She credits KC for purchasing the items to baby proof the house. Sounded like more fluff and I was wondering with what money??

Cindy messed up when she claimed Caylee slept in KC's room every night but, when she was talking about the teddy bear while Caylee was missing, Cindy states she herself was the one cuddling with Caylee every night. She immediately realized her mistake and threw KC in the bed with them. It was an obvious lie. IMO


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