2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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JMO: I think CA went way beyond the boundaries of denial and enabling, initially. But, I think as this farce has worn on, she might actually be exhausted and conceeding to the truth, finally. Perhaps their attorney advised GA and CA that all they needed to be was truthful. And also that they very much needed the support of one another if they were going to survive.
:floorlaugh:I just had this vision of Casey being carted into the courtroom strapped onto a hand cart in a strait jacket and face shield like Hannibal Lecter...........:floorlaugh:

By the time we get to her brother... she might need all of that. :waitasec:

If this is how Casey responds to her Mom testifying...

I honestly am concerned... I think they need to have deputies on either side of her right behind her when Lee testifies... by that point she is going to be seething... and I see no reason to believe that Lee is going to cover for her now.

So when HE abandons her as well... she is going to totally lose it.

That will leave her completely alone. Everyone will have left, no one believes in her anymore.

They have once again sided with this little KID... instead of with Casey... and that kid being gone was supposed to eliminate this issue.

I fear for when Lee testifies. Really, I do. Yet I also hope that he hugs his parents when he comes off the stand... :innocent: (provided Casey has those two cops behind her ready to go.)

If Casey DOES lose it in court
like she did Saturday... have a tantrum... WITH the jury in the room.... that won't be grounds for a mistrial right? Because it's HER that did it?
IMO - I was going to say in the beginning of the trial, that ICA will deteriorate in demeanor as the trial wears on. But I thought it was pretty much evident to everyone that is what would happen.

She's already being propped up.

Originally Posted by lonetraveler
I just had this vision of Casey being carted into the courtroom strapped onto a hand cart in a strait jacket and face shield like Hannibal Lecter...........
Cindy said that Casey had a Pooh themed room as well growing up, so they had lots of the toys etc already.
Which made me think of this whole weird thing they have with their names.
Cindy Marie, Casey Marie, Caylee Marie....Jeeeez..can't anyone have their own identity in this family?

OK, a Pooh room when she was a child is one thing. I thought the other poster meant Cindy set Casey up with a new Pooh room when she was 16.

That's what I did say.. Casey was 16, that's what Cindy said at trial..

Begins at 12:09
That's what I did say.. Casey was 16, that's what Cindy said at trial..

Begins at 12:09

I remembered her talking about getting the Pooh stuff for Caylee but completely missed that Casey had it. It does seem too juvenile for a 16 year old, a lot of teenage girls like stuffed animals and such, but Pooh decorations do seem a little strange. But then Casey is, if anything, strange!!
You know what though? A lot of ICA's friends testified that ICA was a wonderful Mom to Caylee so maybe it was jut really really hard for Cindy to deal with it? Some people just need a reality check maybe this was it. You can tell that Caylee's death has been extremely hard on the both of them.

Respectfully BBM...Hopefully, the jury will have experience as a parents and understand that Casey's friends may not know how a good parent behaves with their children, in other words, they don't let them answer doors to just anyone; struggle to put on their shoes and socks and not help them, stay on screened balconies alone, sleep in the same bed with their lover as their child.

But yes, Caylee's death is very difficult for both Cindy and George, it's heartbreaking to see.
Do you guys think it was seeing CA go off with GA in an embrace that set her off, like was reported earlier today? If so, why did that get her going?

Well, Cindy did say earlier that she tried to lighten up a phone conversation with Casey that someone stole dad's (George's) gas can's and laughed about it with her so it seems that George was the butt of the joke with Casey, the scapegoat of the family...perhaps George bore the brunt of a lot of the tension in the home as a lot of the discovery seems to allude to...maybe Casey read the writing on the wall, that that was no longer the case? She saw Cindy's embrace with George as sort of her "et tu Brute" moment after a long week of her friends parading in one after another testifying against her?
I remembered her talking about getting the Pooh stuff for Caylee but completely missed that Casey had it. It does seem too juvenile for a 16 year old, a lot of teenage girls like stuffed animals and such, but Pooh decorations do seem a little strange. But then Casey is, if anything, strange!!

:eek:hwow: Does this mean Im strange to I love my eeyore my bedroom and the rest of my house is full of eeyore and Im 42 years old :crazy:
IMO It ticked ICA off that CA didnt look at her before she left. Honestly I dont think she looked at her once I could be wrong though. The icing on the cake was that CA didnt believe her lies about GA and Lee.Because in ICA perfect world CA would of pushed GA away. As we all know its all about ICA :crazy:
By the time we get to her brother... she might need all of that. :waitasec:

If this is how Casey responds to her Mom testifying...

I honestly am concerned... I think they need to have deputies on either side of her right behind her when Lee testifies... by that point she is going to be seething... and I see no reason to believe that Lee is going to cover for her now.

So when HE abandons her as well... she is going to totally lose it.

That will leave her completely alone. Everyone will have left, no one believes in her anymore.

They have once again sided with this little KID... instead of with Casey... and that kid being gone was supposed to eliminate this issue.

I fear for when Lee testifies. Really, I do. Yet I also hope that he hugs his parents when he comes off the stand... :innocent: (provided Casey has those two cops behind her ready to go.)

If Casey DOES lose it in court
like she did Saturday... have a tantrum... WITH the jury in the room.... that won't be grounds for a mistrial right? Because it's HER that did it?

Seems like this has a compounding effect on ICA. Not only is she seeing her defense isn't going tofly, BUT I'm sure she sees it as the family taking sides with Caylee against her.
Yes, I'm curious as to what witness JB is going to bring on the stand that states someone left the ladder up (ie, someone has been swimming in my pool). My guess is no-one.

The ONLY thing I can imagine is that ICA put the ladder up, let Caylee Marie enter the pool unsupervised, then said "oops" - and then put her body in the woods - hoping no one would notice, and started the kidnapping story. IMHO George had nothing to do with it.



Can someone let Baez know he isn't living in fairytale land?

This is not the Florida version of Goldilocks and The Three Bears where "someone has been swimming in my pool and they left the ladder up!"

This is the story of Caylee Marie Anthony and her room full of stuffed bears and other toys. The room Caylee Marie Anthony will not grow up playing in.

I wonder also if hearing from Kc's friends all they have accomplished in the past three years graduated from college, beginning careers, being adults, puts the contrast to ICA glaring and quite obvious and helped lift the cloak of denial.

Cindy and George both have done great so far ...........
I looked at the video and I think Casey says "she's not gonna fight for me!"

Can you believe that she tought that Cindy would side with her?

Like any mother, I think Cindy held on to the idea that Casey was somehow innocent. I really think that Cindy MIGHT even have said on the stand that Caylee died accidently by drowning and take the blame by saying she (Cindy) forgot the ladder, just to try to get Casey off.

BUT Casey went too far by adding the sexual abuse to her lie and lost ANY family support she could have had. Now we know why Cindy tried to visit her on mother's day AND why Casey refused to see her ! The Anthony's had just found out about the defense's strategy. Imagine that conversation !

But, even if they are angry and hurt by ICA, she is still their daughter and Cindy left her money in her prison account on that day.... How sad...:tears:
Just watched the video for the millionth time. Interesting, when CM tells EF something to tell ICA, the second EF moves in to talk to her, DS, moves away, almost JUMPS away over to her paperwork and puts as much distance as possible between her and ICA. Reminds me of the meltdown on the jailhouse visit with CA and GA. When that starts happening, CA very calmly says to ICA, "talk to your dad" and passes the phone. This handling in my opinion is long-time method of dealing with ICA's meltdowns. And obviously the DT has learned to do the same thing. I bet DS was wishing she had an eject button on her chair when EF took over. Kinda like a tag team rather than a DT.
After sleeping with this on my mind I have come to the conclusion that CA's change of demeanor is a tool which may cause a juror to think twice about giving ICA a death sentence.
OT- the grass never grew there again after GA put lyme there to cover the odor.
It looks like the defense team's tactics of delay / deny / grandstand / slander / delay provided the time that was needed for George and Cindy to do a 180 and finally realize and accept the truth.

Rock on, Jose.

After sleeping with this on my mind I have come to the conclusion that CA's change of demeanor is a tool which may cause a juror to think twice about giving ICA a death sentence.
OT- the grass never grew there again after GA put lyme there to cover the odor.

Oh myyyyyy, I missed that!
we put lyme on our grass yearly, ..lyme helps reduce the acidity of our soil.
I don't think lyme kills grass :) sorry a little O/T :)
After sitting emotionless through most of the tearful testimony of her MOM.
Only crying once her attorneys patted and rubbed her back[ hint] to cry...
she waits until the jury is out of the room...her MOM is allowed to leave the stand...
her MOM ignores her completely walks by not acknowledging her at all[ she gets very angry] has
her tantrum.Saying what it looks like to me " She didn't even look at me'
then Cindy[ hugs George they walk out of the courtroom]she says'look,look how she hugs him after he......to me' hard to tell really, i do not read lips.:( but whatever it was she got plenty of attention and hugs] to make up for her outburst.

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