2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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After George, I kept wondering what Cindy would do.

Now, it could be that the six weeks ago comment meant that she stopped looking for Zani at that time because she knew KC was saying drowned in pool on 16th....so it doesn't necessarily mean she had a change of heart because of the other allegations.

So I think really ICA was most upset about the not acknowledging her as CA walked out.

Does ICA buy the swimming pool theory? IDK...

However, if she thinks GA and CA are not playing nice, just wait until LA takes the stand...oh, boy.

That's what I am thinking. If she's upset at her parents...whoa, just wait until Lee. I'm sure he's seen his parents on the stand and saw Casey's tantrum. I have the feeling any support he may have had is out the window...I cannot wait to see him on the stand.
I agree, this was a huge tantrum. This was pure rage on the part of the brat who is not getting her way.

See, I think not looking at her parents was casey's way of punishing them for not selling their home to bail her out initially, for loving Caylee more than her, for being free while she was in jail.

I seem to remember JB trying to kind of tell her she could or should respond in some way to them, like via a small smile. But, she wouldn't for the most part.

Now I think JB just rolled with this. He knew if a jury saw how cruel she was to her own parents, it would upset them and believe me, you can't control a sociopathic client.

So JB decided to find a reason why casey refused to acknowledge her parents, one casey easily adopted because it further punishes her parents. His new defense theory fits perfectly with her icy demeanor.

Either that or casey's icy demeanor was a reflection of the defense they had already been developing way back when. But I kind of think it's the former.
"So JB decided to find a reason why casey refused to acknowledge her parents, one casey easily adopted because it further punishes her parents. His new defense theory fits perfectly with her icy demeanor." Great interpretation.
Not to excuse Casey AT ALL, but today this made me think that maybe just maybe, they were terrible parents to Casey(violence, molestation, who knows what else) and that is what made her a nut job. Especially when someone posted CA's myspace quote where she says something about giving caylee a "safe" place to live. Was it unsafe for Casey when she was younger? That makes even more sense about ICA jealousy and hatred for her daughter. This also is a common theme in many killers lives. Shi**y parents, then they have a child or grandchild later in life that they try to do right by because they know they ruined their other childrens lives and this makes the other children NUTS and want to harm and kill the sibling or person loved by the parents.

With all due respect, they let Casey do what she wanted, when she wanted, no responsibility, not even when Casey had a baby. They did not treat her badly. They enabled her to be a spoiled brat who didn't like any attention taken away from her, and babies are guaranteed to do that. I'm sorry, but Casey was not abused or treated badly by these people, just the opposite. If anything, they were glad that Caylee seemed to be a normal child and not a sociopathic one like Casey. Now if Casey took that as them loving Caylee over her, that is her fault, not GA and CA's.

Good Lord, I'm taking up for GA and CA, and I NEVER do that. Casey is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. I just cannot believe that CA and GA ever did her any harm except for enabling her to be this entitled, spoiled brat that killed her own child to get attention back on herself. She's twenty five years old and had a tantrum like a five year old today. She just doesn't act in the least like someone who has ever been abused.
I hate to admit I was a bit joyful when I saw KC crying. Does that make me a bad person? Nah, just human I suppose.

As to what she's saying, I got about the same as everyone else who posted partial 'transcripts'.

I'd be interested to see if C & G continue to put money in her commisary acc't. I hope not.
That's what I am thinking. If she's upset at her parents...whoa, just wait until Lee. I'm sure he's seen his parents on the stand and saw Casey's tantrum. I have the feeling any support he may have had is out the window...I cannot wait to see him on the stand.

I was thinking the exact same thing. . . he will be the last person in her world before Caylee died to walk away from KC and her lies . . . .everyone's back will be to KC and the only support for the past 3 years are her Atty's who will be out of her life as soon as this is over. . .she will have the biggest melt down when LA is up. IMO
Not to excuse Casey AT ALL, but today this made me think that maybe just maybe, they were terrible parents to Casey(violence, molestation, who knows what else) and that is what made her a nut job. Especially when someone posted CA's myspace quote where she says something about giving caylee a "safe" place to live. Was it unsafe for Casey when she was younger? That makes even more sense about ICA jealousy and hatred for her daughter. This also is a common theme in many killers lives. Shi**y parents, then they have a child or grandchild later in life that they try to do right by because they know they ruined their other childrens lives and this makes the other children NUTS and want to harm and kill the sibling or person loved by the parents.

Can you give a few examples?
I'm almost completely deaf and many people don't know because I'm extremely good at lip reading (not bragging here), just what I've been told.

I watched the clip on my TV forwards & backwards, and on my computer over and over again.

I found her very hard to read but what I got out of it was "she's protecting him now", "she did nothing". "Three years for nothing."

I took that to mean she's been in jail for 3 years and expected her parents to back her up and she would be walking free from the trial. Then after GA wouldn't go for it, she expected her mother to cover for her and was shocked when that didn't happen.

Or, perhaps she meant that CA didn't do anything with Caylee and is taking all the credit for raising her.

She seems extremely immature and also seems to have a false sense of entitlement that baffles me. Not to mention that someone with a child of their own, acting like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum in the very serious situation she is in, is beyond the pale.

I had my first child at 18 also and had twins when I was 21, so looking back on that time and comparing it to her behavior, I'm just stunned. I took care of them by myself with no help from Mom. Mom was busy with her own life. To me the A's went above and beyond to help her with Caylee. She should have been extremely grateful for all the help.
I've been trying to lip read this episode from ICA but it's very difficult. She's way emotional and her annunication is a bit difficult to decipher. I apologize if this is a repeat. There's also a lot pixelation making it difficult to see her lip movement clearly.

:20-22 is pixelated and a gentleman walks past all I can make out is ICA: "to hurt me."

DS: "I know"

:30-33 ICA; "She is just (I think it's just but a lot pixelation on my screen) going to protect him".

:41 - :44 "She's never protected me ________ (there's something here I can't make out) so why now?"

DS: "She has to believe ________" ( I can't make it out).

:47-:50: "She's believed his $hit for three years which is nothing (best I can make out here).

I cannot make out what ICA says next, only that DS is saying "you're right, that was wrong, you're right, that was wrong".

I will try again to figure this out later.

When KC was talking to CM she said something like "She did, just the other day" I thought maybe the yellow note DS gave KC one day in court was a note from CA saying she loved her and KC thought CA was going to lie for her.
Had the courtroom been cleared? Didn't anybody hear what she had to say?
I am so glad that CA and GA were allowed to stay in the court room for all the testimony of dates of ICA's social life. I think it helped her Mom finally believe her heart should be with defending Caylee. All the times ICA could not give her parents the satisfaction of a kind look in court these past 3 yrs after all they have done for her is going to be the demise of ICA. Finally she is facing the hurt herself of what she has done to others.
I am so very proud of CA today she suffered through detailing only 31 days of ICA's lies.
Can you Imagine what those parents life has been about for ICA's first 22 yrs.
No wonder their marriage has been rocky dealing with a daughter who probably played 2 ends to the middle. I have such a lump in my throat just imagining the Anthony's pain this past 3 yrs. And this isn't the worst it is yet to come.
It certainly explains why the DT objected to the A's in the courtroom and the SA's had no objections.
We were dumbfounded,but now we all understand.
Hey ,JB was right ! As soon as he could give his opening statement we would all understand!

Many WSers saw the bus heading for CA and GA long ago.
I'm glad someone finally got through to them "6 weeks ago"
I was watching the "ICA only" camera for most of Cindy's testimony and I can assure you that what got ICA going initially was the pool and garden talk - probably because it blows the defense theory out of the water.

But what enraged ICA was Cindy's crying about Caylee, the bed, the pictures, etc. You could actually see the rage grow and grow, I was sure Baez was going to tell her to cool it but he's trying to be slick for the jury so he didn't or it didn't work - so ICA worked herself up into a right old lather and the kicker was Cindy not looking at ICA on the way out at all.

Cindy gave ICA her biggest clue - she stopped looking for Zany 6 weeks ago and as soon as she said that ICA knew exactly what that meant.

BBM: You said it!!!! It was the equivalent of telling ICA "I no longer believe you and I have tried for the past 3-years, but NOT ANYMORE"......
Just IMO but she watches CA go over and hug GA and says something behind her fist and the first thing you can see her say is "the man that hurt me."

So she probably says something about how CA doesn't even glance at her but then goes to hug the "man that hurt" her.

Just another example of ICA playing her latest lie out to the very end. Guess what JB? Her NEW REALITY is one where she feeds her defense team a WHOPPER!!!! And they buy it!
This trial has a long way to go. I am certain that ICA will not be able to control herself throughout the trial. Her true self will come out for the jury to see. It's who she is and she will not be able to hold her vileness in. It will ooze out of her.
You are so right, and IMO it is slowly doing so in the way she sits with an angry expression on her face shaking her head 'no' during testimony. I agree with you, she can't control herself. Today this 'rant' on camera after her mother's testimony IMO was a narcissitic rage. IMO we will see more. Oh how I hope she takes the stand!!! :woot::cheer::skip::woohoo:
With all due respect, they let Casey do what she wanted, when she wanted, no responsibility, not even when Casey had a baby. They did not treat her badly. They enabled her to be a spoiled brat who didn't like any attention taken away from her, and babies are guaranteed to do that. I'm sorry, but Casey was not abused or treated badly by these people, just the opposite. If anything, they were glad that Caylee seemed to be a normal child and not a sociopathic one like Casey. Now if Casey took that as them loving Caylee over her, that is her fault, not GA and CA's.

Good Lord, I'm taking up for GA and CA, and I NEVER do that. Casey is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. I just cannot believe that CA and GA ever did her any harm except for enabling her to be this entitled, spoiled brat that killed her own child to get attention back on herself. She's twenty five years old and had a tantrum like a five year old today. She just doesn't act in the least like someone who has ever been abused.

With all due respect that is exactly my point. How did she become those things? Sometimes parents feel guilty and let the child run rampant and get away with murder, this time is was literally murder. I don't believe people are born sociopaths or spoiled brats. So how did she become such a murderous lunatic?

Anyway, I'd still convict her because she is a grown woman, but these things don't just happen in a vacuum.
Can you tell me which links you use? I would like to record but am unable to wth my link
My. My. My. Look at the attn's face as she looks at KC. Gave me a giggle inside I hate to admit, I bet the defense gets to see snits like this a LOT. I am not going to go into the dysfunctional dynamics of this family on this thread but interesting that KC only responds this way to her Mom. I used to think that KC had the upper hand in that relationship, now I think that CA just let her think that. (the previous statement doesn't have to do directly with Caylee it has to do with the mother/daughter relationship.

I have wondered if the Teddy bear that CA has brought to court is the one that was speculated to contain the ashes of Caylee. If so, then Caylee really is there.

This is what the defense is hoping that the jury will think ^^^^. JMHO :)

I'd still convict her.
She's twenty five years old and had a tantrum like a five year old today. She just doesn't act in the least like someone who has ever been abused.

my snip

that's what gets me about these abuse claims, ICA did NOT look devastated, she looked furious. if GA abused her, CA abused her and denied GA's abuse wouldnt you expect ICA to look crushed, destroyed, lost, and devastated? instead you got a girl having such a childish fit that with no sound my four year old was able to ask "why is that girl so mad?"
I only read the first page . . . gotta run . . .quick thought in my brain . . .KC only cries for herself AND the only moments she has even looked as if she might shed an actual tear was when people described Caylee's Accomplishments!!! Not the qualities of just little Caylee . . .(I still don't know much about her from testimony . . .fwiw) I am going to watch when she tears up for Caylee or when people are talking about this child ...only Accomplishments ...only what Caylee can do . . . not "who she is!" a reflection of kc's ego . . . what she taught her daughter to do ...all credit to kc . . not credit to Caylee. . . her own little spirit is missing in this whole testimony so far. It is truly missing from all of thefamily and friends . . .I only know her little spirit from the home videos ....my own take ...I could describe this sweet little soul ...have not heard anyone involved in the case do that yet....

bbm: I hear what you are saying. I'm very hopeful that GA and CA will be giving the victim impact statements should there be a guilty verdict and if not by that time, we will certainly hear all about precious Caylee.
CA has ALWAYS sided with ICA over GA. She told him to quit checking up on her. She told him over and over "I'll handle Casey". She confided her dissatisfaction with GA to ICA. I think she even kicked him out of the house for ICA. Never in a million years did ICA think she would choose GA over her. But then the shocking allegations against GA, and even more, the allegation that Caylee drowned because CA left the pool ladder up. ICA is saying Caylee's death is CINDY's fault. Boy oh boy did JB flub up this one by stripping ICA of two of her biggest defenders.

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