2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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Look, I don't mean to be a thorn in everyone's side...I know how much you guys think of Yuri. But I have to say, I do find it highly incompetant that he never noticed Zany sitting right in that chair at Universal.

Just sayin'.


This made me burst out laughing at work! Dont do that again. I thought you were being seriously!
Okay, question: If she was truly delusional and could see the invisinanny (huh! Funny. Didn't we used to call her that a million years ago), why was she so adamant in the tape that she was looking for her? Clearly, she was right there holding her psychotic little hand. None of these theories make any sense.
Okay, so what is JB trying to do? Is he trying to say that Casey seemed to have problems with lying so Yuri et all should have gotten a psychologist in there pronto?
Seriously I don't get it. Maybe I am missing a piece here.

Maybe he doesn't realize that prisons are full of people who lie as a way of life.
No psychologist can help ICA- she chooses to live that way... using and manipulating without a second thought.
LOL--especially if he was sitting right across the room from the chair and saw Allen and Wells sitting on her! Poor Zanny must have been squished under the weight of all that LE.

Stop joking around, Ynot. This is serious. If YM didn't see the invisible Zany sitting right in that chair, what else might he not have seen?
Jose Baez (to Yuri Melich) "Did you ask Casey Anthony if she ever committed suicide?"

I forgot about that one yesterday. Yikes!
Ok- Yuri comes back after lunch, right? He should stop... before sitting down... look at JB and say "can you have your Client confirm if Zanny is there?"
To the man on INsession: what else should they have investigated?

He says, what Jose is trying to do on cross is show how LE did not "follow up" on other things and how they focused only on her.

Did he hear the same recording we all did? What else should LE have followed up on other than what Casey was telling them?

Tell me, don't just say that is what he is trying to do and not have an example: what else should have LE been following up on?

What? The pool? The shed? Why? Why and how could they know or have any ideas to go on about a little girl they never met-other than what the mother is telling them?


Oh, and Jose has the same cross of Yuri he had yesterday. The same. :loser:

Why, yes..Chiquita...there is a Santa Clause.

Evidently JB is not familiar with police investigations. You go where the evidence takes you. And there was no other evidence AT THAT TIME or EVEN AT THIS TIME that anybody OTHER THAN ICA had anything to do with the disappearance of her daughter.

However, JB would have the jury believe that YM, upon meeting "Ms. Anthony" should have cut through that enormous pile of BS and immediately been able to decipher "Casey Code"...you know, the language spoken in "Casey World".....Dear Gawd...I am sure veteran, seasoned psychologists and psychiatrists wouldn't be able to step through that looking glass until many, many, many YEARS (not minutes, not hours, not days, not weeks) of psychoanalysis. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
BOMBSHELL tonight: Detective almost sat on tot mom's nanny!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Quick!!!!!!!!!! someone start a thread for stooopid statements made by Jose and don't forget to add him asking Yuri if he had ever asked Casey if she had committed suicide!!!!
BTW, this case has reached the Oklahoma airwaves. I heard the radio jockeys at my favorite radio station, the KATT, talking about Casey this morning. They got the story somewhat wrong and I almost called in to correct it, LOL. I almost couldn't believe they had heard of this case and were talking about it! Okay, well, more joking about it anyway.

It's made it here too Aedrys, almost to Nova Scotia. I guess the national morning shows covered it (GMA, Today, etc.). At lunch yesterday the group at the table next to mine was discussing it. What I got from eavesdropping:

- She's stone cold through all of it (ICA)
- Yeah but her dad's a cop (general grumbling at the untrustworthiness of cops)
- But they're saying he raped her and she just sits there like a rock?
- He's a cop, no way he'd have left that baby's body there (Ynot silently cheers)
- General consensus, she's creepy and it's pretty clear she killed that baby

Was giggling to myself thinking of WS the whole time!
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.
ICA at Universal with YM and two other LEOs: "The horrible thing that happened is this is the honest to God's truth ... Everything that I've said .. I do not know where she is. The last person I saw her with is Zenaida. She's the last person that I've seen my daughter with."

If ICA ends up deciding to testify and goes up and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (so help her, God) - how in the world can even ONE single juror take anything ICA states as 'the truth' after all they've heard?
Color me confused. During OS, the DT came out of the gate admitting that Caylee drown in the family pool on June 16. But now, they are going after detectives for not following up on other leads? Seems to me (a reasonable person, I think) that the police did EXACTLY what was correct by following the evidence that led them directly to Casey and where she lived (well, for the most part).
Did anyone catch KC giving JB a GOOD talking to as they recessed for lunch? She was yapping "at him" and he was just looking down like "get this girl away from me".

she was NOT happy.
the ONLY thing thts could possibly possibly make this even better... would be for us all to witness a true psychotic meltdown in front of all.... i am glued to my laptops and my tvs are all on with this.... it is beyond belief and THEY..DT.. think they still have a shot??? they shoould all, imo... all go, find a cliff... hold hands.... look down..see zanny below.. and jump to catch her on the bottom before she escapes!!!!! i cant stop laughing at this.. cant believe this is actually REAL!!
BTW, this case has reached the Oklahoma airwaves. I heard the radio jockeys at my favorite radio station, the KATT, talking about Casey this morning. They got the story somewhat wrong and I almost called in to correct it, LOL. I almost couldn't believe they had heard of this case and were talking about it! Okay, well, more joking about it anyway.

One of Orlando's AM radio stations had DJ's making fun of HHJP's speech- pacific, Anfony, etc. I was so mad! HHJP is the most brilliant man in the house with Dr Vass in second place who also has "unique" speech.
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