2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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I've been thinking about TL. I don't think he loved casey, I think he was tired of her and was wanting to get out of the relationship. He didn't let her stay at his place when he went to NY, she never left any toilet items at his house.

The biggest clue for me was when he testified he said. He talked to her on the phone that morning but wasn't getting anywhere so he hung up and WENT TO CLASS. If you love someone, you would be thinking, her child is missing, she isn't making any sense, I need to be with her at her darkest hour. Instead, he goes off to class never to talk to her again. He was probably thinking ... wow what a loon, this is a perfect opportunity to dump her. Dropped her like a hot potato, just like all of her other friends. Instantly.

I would like to think, that the person that loved me would at least come to see me in person and see if I was OK emotionally and talk about the situation. Nope not TL, he wanted no part of her.
Zanny is now in a Jury chair.

She sure is...right there, third seat, front row! :great:
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.

As far as I can tell, CA learned of the defense strategy and claims six weeks ago-- that there was never a Zanny, that Caylee died in the pool on June 16th, and I don't know how much she was told about the sexual abuse accusations.

The Anthony's have stood by KC's versions, however difficult they've been to believe, so in essence, CA and GA are now learning the full extent of KC's bs.

That's all I have, I hope it helps a little. :dunno:
Yikes, I am way behind. Wanted to say that I think JB is using his questioning to tell the story he wants the jury to hear, without having anyone have to testify. Still throwing it out and see what sticks in jury's mind. He has no other option.
my wife is almost home.... need some LI iced teas for the rest of JB cross..its so comical!!! there is no way.... to get out of this
If Jose Baez reads here, I hope he understands what a mess he is making of this trial; how much he is not liked; how his grilling of innocent witnesses is putting off everyone; and how he is actually hurting his guilty client as much as her own bad behavior.

If Jose backed off a bit, he could have gotten LWOP. At this point, as far as I'm concerned, he has ensured the DP for Casey. (Which is fine with me.)

If I say any more I'll be in trouble so I'm zipping my lip. Or ... lips, since I have two. :)
Maybe Jose hates her and wants to see her die. I bet he has grown weary of her after 3yrs.
The defining characteristics of pathological lying are that,

first, the stories told are not entirely improbable and often have some element of truth.

They are not a manifestation of delusion or some more intense type of psychosis

upon confrontation, the teller can admit them to be untrue, even if unwillingly.

Second, the fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of the personality only that the stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably.

To name a few of the Famous ones:

Charles Manson
Ted Bundy
John Wayne Gacy

Scott Peterson
I also love that Zanny is from extremely large cities- New York, Miami...to make her harder to track down.
KC said I spent a LITTLE bit of time with my friends. Really?
Not only that but they gave her the scenario of accidental drownings and she never bit the apple.

Precisely! They practically laid the path for her to admit to the drowning right there in a safe environment w/o her parents present.

I had to laugh at the latter part of the interview. They were playing KC like a violin.
Did anyone catch KC giving JB a GOOD talking to as they recessed for lunch? She was yapping "at him" and he was just looking down like "get this girl away from me".

she was NOT happy.

Noooooooo..I missed that. I'll look for a video. I just love it when JB gets a spanking
I believe this is the first time Cindy has ever viewed the evidence from this vantage point. She's still processing...and doing it right before our eyes

Thank you! This is how it appeared to me. Her testimony showed she was already emotionally separating from her daughter but it seemed to me that still wanted to believe there was some explanation, IMO. I think at this point CA has to be watching all of the possibilities that she was grasping at come crumbling down.
i got to get a bit hammered before afternoon session... time for a few brews!! this is better than what ANY actuality show could ever ever ever come up with!! surely, there will be mini series', book, mags, movies, more shows, more books, more mags... we should just have a new channel... CTV (casey tv) :)
Remember how the OJ Simpson prosecution (especially Marcia Clark) was criticized and ridiculed for blowing the case? Clark went from being a media star to fading into relative obscurity, and she actually seemed like a competent lawyer.
How is Jose going to parlay this trial into a media career? Who would want him? He would be an embarrassment. I'm sure he will write a book (with a ghostwriter of course), but do you think he has a future as anything other than a punchline or a parody on SNL?

Marcia Clark is just where she belongs. She had the nerve to voice her opinion that Caylee's death was an accident.
alll this has completely and irrevocably discredited
icA and her entire defense.. and DT.... no way can this jury think or belive a thing from that side of the court room.... not a shred nothing.. not even the abuse... it was all made up at the last minute.... it is so obvious... they are not puppets or fools, like ICA thought of everyone else... not for one sec.

Tying their dingy to the Titanic...The WHOLE team.

MOO and stuff.
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