2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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Oh my. Just when you think things can't get any more ridiculous, JB goes and opens his mouth. Ah well. At least he never fails to disappoint us each day.

Whenever he says something dumb it reminds me of that one guy who was defending himself and faked a heart attack during the trial! The judge wasn't having it. LOL I keep waiting for JB to realize he's got nothing, and is soooo out of his league, that he tries to pull something equally as stupid. LOL

At least we have some very competent prosecutors (unlike the OJ case). I just wish Jeff Ashton would get up there more! I love it when he's had enough of Jose!
Who is that in the 5th chair? Juliette Lewis?

Oh man, you guys are going to think I've gone off the rails, but reading this post it just dawned on me that maybe HHJP's comment about the juror's new nickname yesterday came about because the jury was joking about Juliette Lewis?! Maybe a juror said, "I'm Johnny Depp!" ?

Nah...ya think? :eek:
Noooooooo..I missed that. I'll look for a video. I just love it when JB gets a spanking

It probably torked her that he was making her out to look like some kind of Nutball. She can handle being a liar but doesn't even want to be considered imagining Zanny is sitting in a chair that YM is about to sit in. I bet he gets another tongue lashing when the return. I was soooooooooo glad they took a break. BTW, ya'lls comments about the Chair/George Strait, Zanny sits, must acquit, BOMBSHELL tonight: I spewed water on my desk. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my day every day. :floorlaugh:
I would also like to add, and agree with Linda upthread, That CA was going through a very emotion yet most probably cathartic process of accepting the truth AS SHE TESTIFIED.

I think she KNEW the Truth deep down, but the process of testifying and putting it all out there for the world to see, made it a reality.

It's like standing up in AA and saying "I AM AN ALCOHOLIC" You have to admit it to your self first.

Deep down she has always known the truth. She has WANTED it to NOT be true... but testifying.. let all the denial out and let the truth in. JMO!

I agree with you Ssejors, and with everyone who answered this original query and would like to add this: We all heard how incessant and insistent ICA was in her lying when listening to the tape today. Even the Detectives were truly baffled. Can you imagine Cindy living with that 24/7/365 for years and years and years. ICA is not dumb (she's no rocket surgeon, but she's cunning) - she literally brainwashed her family. And when you consider all the other drama going onn in that household with money and GA etc., etc., at some point, it had to have been easier to accept her lies as truth. Classic Patty Hearst/Stockholm syndrome. ICA held her family captive and Caylee was the lynch pin. Once that was gone, she had nothing.
Oh may I state this for the record, I am not a representative of Ava Maria School of Law or any agency affiliated with them, nor did I post on their behave.
If you (DF Team or someone reading here for them) would have read my post meticulously you would have seen I was making an observation of the New upcoming Lawyers that were watching the trial in the cafeteria.
I merely stated (in so many words) that they were enjoying the trail.
But thanks for letting me know you read here and caring so much about my little insignificant post
OT but last night I watched a feature about the cadaver dogs being used in Joplin, Missouri to locate bodies and even the smallest fragment of human remains in all that devastation. They have been able to locate missing persons that no other searchers could find. Wish LDB could use that video when JB is spouting off about unreliable dogs...
I believe this is the first time Cindy has ever viewed the evidence from this vantage point. She's still processing...and doing it right before our eyes

I was thinking this very same thing, when she was up on the stand on Saturday. I truly believe this to be the case. Cindy is processing all this info (even thought she may have heard some of it previously) in a new way, right along with those jurors.
I happened upon an article today about the "art of lying" and describing certain people as "chronic confabulators" and that this condition may arise from damage to the frontal lobe of the brain...

Maybe JB should look up this article...and get photos of Casey's brain taken ASAP...

I worked a case with the IP were the person wrongfully confessed and it was determined later that it was confabulation, which is usually something that is done by a person with Korsakoff Syndrome. We actually worked with Dr Sanjay Gupta and Richard Ofshe and Richard Leo. The only problem that I see with this scenario is that most of the time they are too forthcoming with information and usually feel remorse, from what I was told when working that case. It is why so many of the people that you hear about that have it (which isn't many, unless you are looking) have confessed to a crime they did not commit. Most often it is found in serious drug users and they often black out and when they can't remember or understand what has happened, they fill in the blanks with what they believe is the most likely scenario. They then, if they feel they were responsible, are overwhelmed with guilt and then confess. Who knows how the fake sexual abuse would play off of that tho.

Here was the study on the people who had wrongfully confessed, including the case I was working: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1141365

ETA: I do NOT at ALL believe that she has Korsakoff Syndrome, or is a victim of her own confabulation. But he is grasping at everything else. Korsakoff is weird and technical enough that he might get someone to believe that more than the invisible nanny theory.
If compulsive lying were an art - ICA would have a career right there.

The US tapes are filled with LE calling out ICA on her lies, and attempting to throw her a lifeline, ad nauseum. Then in the last exchange with a LEO in that small room is ICA saying how she would call Zanny and speak to Caylee whilst at WORK......... They are sitting at her imagijob, talking of an imaginanny, and ICA still speaks of her job as if it were real.

I am related to someone just like this --- poor LE, Poor Caylee.
if she had so much abuse... that is a BIG IF.... they gave her every shot to get out and the way this PT is going....they will keep going and going... the more they push it the more its going to come out....

Agreed. And that point won't be lost on the jury.
Here's a little lunchtime music for everyone. We all need to stop, breathe, and remain focused.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n03a7cLf0M"]YouTube - ‪Lies - The Knickerbockers‬‏[/ame]
Jean on IS is saying juror # 6 was sleeping. It's been used on appeal but not successfully. funny though.....we were talking about it somewhere yesterday. Maybe JB asked her to get that "on the record" in the court of" public opinion".
I happened upon an article today about the "art of lying" and describing certain people as "chronic confabulators" and that this condition may arise from damage to the frontal lobe of the brain...

Maybe JB should look up this article...and get photos of Casey's brain taken ASAP...
After hearing the audio of her with the 2 detectives, I really do think she is neurologically abnormal and almost robot-like in her lying. I would think the defense should consider this. It is more convincing at this point than the sexual molestation.
During the questioning at Universal it seems that a person that knew her father was somehow involved in the coverup and saw that her lies were no longer working would have somehow started implicating him..even if it were with more lies. She was not hesitant to bring other people into her web, but she rarely mentions him.

Even if the abuse and pool coverup was/is true, and she was too traumatized to tell the officers what supposedly happened with her father, she could have left enough hints that would have raised questions in their minds. Wouldn't she try to deflect the attention off herself at this point when she realizes she running out of lies? She is demonstrating that she is capable of leading people where she wants to. This would have been the perfect opportunity to say her father was talking about taking her daughter swimming or something to lead them to him.

I also think that someone with a history of abuse from her father would have been more fearful and intimidated by male authority figures such as two assertive police officers. Her demeanor is one of confidence and a high comfort level. She appears to me to be used to using her charms and stories to distract and win over men rather than the intimidation I would expect. I do not know if this is a common behavior from incest survivors but as a lay person I find it curious.

I am trying to look at this from a jurors point of view since my knowledge of this case is not too far removed from theirs.
It probably torked her that he was making her out to look like some kind of Nutball. She can handle being a liar but doesn't even want to be considered imagining Zanny is sitting in a chair that YM is about to sit in. I bet he gets another tongue lashing when the return. I was soooooooooo glad they took a break. BTW, ya'lls comments about the Chair/George Strait, Zanny sits, must acquit, BOMBSHELL tonight: I spewed water on my desk. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my day every day. :floorlaugh:
I caught that too and have seen her react before when Jose talked about her mental state. She is not going to let anyone say she is crazy. LOL LOL
so many people say... why why why?? simple!!!!! THE KID WAS IN HER WAY OF LIVING HER LIFE HER WAY WITH PEOPLE HER AGE WHO.. BY THE WAY... HAD NO KIDS... AND SHE COULD GO ON WITH THAT LIFESTYLE.......notice too... how casey didnt even bat an eye when the cops mentioned the drownings and such??? these tapes are like.. CASEY KARAOKE!!!
Okay Peeps, I took a voluntary T/O for the last 20 minutes of Mr. Baez's cross. So I have two questions only after reading the complete trial thread before recess:

Puzzle me this please....

1) Did anyone mention the odor of whacky backy in the courtroom when Mr. Baez was up at the podium?

2) When Baez asked ( :heartbeat: Our Hero) Yuri if he took ICA's cellphone number, did Yuri reply - Yes, Mr. Baez, I did - and I've got your number too?

Many thanks and await your answers with great anticipation...:woot:
It is making me crazy that the defense is trying to paint LE as wrong for initially not being even more suspicious of KC's story and running the investigation differently. Jose said in opening that Caylee drowned and it was an accident. So why is trying to make LE look wrong?

Wrong for not guessing there could have been an accident? KC was asked that and denied it. Jose is doing a very poor job and I can't wait to see what he presents when it is his turn.

I would like to know when KC told Jose about this accident. Why did he not go to the state attorneys when he found out and avoid this trial? Why did KC sit in jail for three years if it was accident? Makes no sense.

What Jose should be doing now is pointing out behaviors, etc. of KC that would support the accident theory. Of course IMO there isn't anything but this attacking of each witness is not supporting the accident theory either. Actually would be better if he asked no questions.
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