2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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I do not think the dt can put on evidence regarding GA's grief because

a) he is not on trial and not their client
b) this grief expert would not have met GA or evaluated him in any way save for tv appearances and therefore would have no basis to form an opinion

so I do not think this is about GA

I am still puzzled by the med recs those. Those I believe may be an attempt to suggest GA tried to hurt himself out of grief for caylee and some sort of involvement in the coverup of the "pool accident"

Could be -River/Krystal is a witness and she will say George said it was an accident that snowballed!:waitasec:
So, what will be the defense du jour?

The 31 days was due to her grieving, according to the expert?
The 31 days was due to her being forced to lie about the accidental death by an abusive father?
And does this new expert have any expertise in a person who must lie and act like nothing happened because her abusive father made her go about her life as if nothing happened...
I need a drink.
Too funny! On HLN Judge Alex was talking to Vinnie and he said after watching all the torture that ICA was putting her mother through he was ready to confess himself to put CA out of her agony.

I saw that!
I can't believe how happy KC seemed in the jailhouse visits. She's bloody amazing! Or maybe prison is not so bad.
It was painful to listen to Lee and Casey's conversations today. PAINFUL. A whole lot of nothing.... now you can see why Casey screams at her parents that all Lee wants to do is ask his list of questions. Now that I know what I know about Casey I'm thinking that it was painful for her too to sit there captured by Lee's questions for an hour. Having to put up a facade of "caylee is my main agenda". Watching her while she watched the tapes was over the top.
JB doesn't know how lucky he is that the jury isn't aware of this "recent thought" of his to bring in a "grief expert". I think if the jury did know JB plans on switching gears mid-stream, they would throw up their hands and say, "I'm done...let's move to sentencing as quickly as possible, please."
After the first several days, I think the State's case is pretty much solid and the DT are floundering. Unless there is some massive change of events, I think the jury will convict ICA.

This Monster has yet to display one justifiable reason to be spared from the death penalty. Not one. Why should a person such as she be allowed the breathe the same air that we do?!

Anybody got something that I've missed?
Lol, ynot! I think DT have used all of those already. :floorlaugh:
I'll take a few of those.

That Sally K video is not promising.

I just came in and am catching up on this afternoons bombshells- if this woman 'grief expert' is anything like the other doofus that AL brought in that day- an 'expert' on how pretty young women who are perceived as sluttish are victimised by the legal system (it was one of those WTH is she talking about moments!)
The jury I believe is becoming very hostile to the Defense. If the Defense keeps trying to throw the family members under the bus they will have succeeded in losing big time. I'm hoping that the Judge grants what they want. They are going to hang themselves as they have shown to do over and over again.

No mercy, this Jury won't give it. During jury selection I thought some would render a verdict based on mercy but not any more. This jury I tell you is so upset with ICA and the DT it isn't funny. Waste of Time, Huge Waste is what they are thinking alright.


I hope that's the case! I was just wondering if you are basing this on feedback you have heard or read about the juror's expressions, or just a hunch? The reason I ask, is because my 70 year old grandmother and I have been avidly following this case since the beginning. She only has had access to it through tv though as she doesn't own a computer. She and I have been on different ends of the spectrum the entire trial. She REALLY believes ICA is guilty as do I, but she isn't convinced that the jury feels the same way. In fact, we have placed bets :O I would love to be able to tell her more than I have already read about various tweets as to the juror's dispositions.
After the first several days, I think the State's case is pretty much solid and the DT are floundering. Unless there is some massive change of events, I think the jury will convict ICA.

Earlier in the trial, I said I thought they'd convict but not recommend the DP. Now, I'm not so sure that they won't recommend the DP.
I'm wondering if this lady is going to withdraw herself tonight on the phone with JB. LOL

I mean really, JB didn't sound confident at all about her and I sensed the depo scares him too.
How many more jail house tapes do we have... the parents combined visit with the "tantrum" and George's individual visit? Are there more?
So so far JB /the defense has outright said:

-ICA lied to the police at Universal and in her statement (JB outright told YM on the stand they weren't disputing it if I understood him correctly)
-they do not dispute that Caylee died while in ICA's custody on or about the prosecution's timeline of June 15/16
-the 'nanny' story is a lie but she continued to tell it to everyone (statements given to the police and on video while ICA is in custody to family members support this)

They object to:
- the admission of the pics of ICA dancing and partying after the June 16th date
- the portrayal of JB in the videotapes by ICA's family members
- the distribution of erroneous legal advice through the videos to the jury

Based on the charges she has just plead guilty through testimony by her attorney to all the misdemeanor charges and perhaps based on the fact that they are not disputing that Caylee died in her care and custody counts 2 and 3 (depending what those are dileneated as for the jury)?

Am I wrong in my understanding to what has occured so far?

FIRST DEGREE MURDER 782.04(1)(A)(1) Capital Offense 06/15/2008
2. AGGRAVATED CHILD ABUSE 827.03(2) Second Degree - Felony 06/15/2008
3. AGGRAVATED MANSLAUGHTER OF A CHILD 782.07(3) First Degree - Felony 06/15/2008
4. FALSE INFO TO LEO RE MISSING PERSON OR FELONY 837.055 First Degree - Misd 06/15/2008
5. FALSE INFO TO LEO RE MISSING PERSON OR FELONY 837.055 First Degree - Misd 06/15/2008
6. FALSE INFO TO LEO RE MISSING PERSON OR FELONY 837.055 First Degree - Misd 06/15/2008
7. FALSE INFO TO LEO RE MISSING PERSON OR FELONY 837.055 First Degree - Misd 06/15/2008


I know they are trying to pull a "bait and switch" with GA but really is it pertinent in any way, shape or form? I realize there is a lot more to go but JB (unless he changes his tactics again) has already gone this far and I am not sure if he can go back at this point...

in this article from today http://www.wftv.com/news/28105029/detail.html

it reads down the page a bit:

*Prosecutors said Casey knew she had put duct tape over Caylee's face, and a kidnapping story fit that evidence.*

was that in her opening statement or did the prosecutors say this in court today? and if so anyone remember about what time?.....i miss a lot of it today and would like to go back and here this part.....thanks :)
so the DT cannot put kc on the stand because no one would believe a thing she would say at this point...they are going to continue to drop hints @ GA having something to do with death/disposal/knowledge of (whatever) to plant a seed of reasonable doubt.....makes sense to me because they are going to argue that GA and CA taught kc how to lie....therefore they are more masterful at this craft....so don't believe them....

ok not that I believe this who's who of liar-dom...but are they now trying reasonable doubt upon reasonable doubt? A conundrum within a puzzle, within a maze, inside of the labrynth....
Maybe the Defense searched high and low to find a counselor to say that pathological lying is part of the grieving process.

Yup, you're probably right but what excuse are they going to give for all the pathological lying BEFORE Caylee died? Fake job, fake nanny, on and on.

I swear this is sooo frustrating. I need a drink!
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