2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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There is a woman on Joy Behar Kathryn Smerling (psychologist) who says based on ICA's appearance and gestures and body language today that ICA is about to crack. I can't wait to see that. jmo

I hope that happens soon and on a day I'm home. :innocent:
Oh good lord!!!! I hope she does.
Wonder if she means crack, as in nervous breakdown... or crack, as in telling the truth about what really happened!??

I didn't see the show but I would bet crack and spill the beans, or another pot of beans that kinda sorta maybe tells us what happened. :banghead:

Not sure what I think anymore. I just know I can't get any of this case out of my head. I'm don't understand how she can stand it any longer.
What do you guys think about how she was when watching the tapes today?
The security guy from Universal was on before Yuri.

Have you forgotten Jeffrey Hopkins?? Jeffery who doesn't have a son called Zachery, has never met Zenaida, didn't like ICA when he knew her, and so on and so on.

Definitely not the wealthy young widowed father from Jacksonville who wears tight jeans and polo shirts with a mother who has cancer but just remarried.....
I hope that happens soon and on a day I'm home. :innocent:
Sorry to blow your bubble. She won't crack. Sociopaths just don't. They feel nothing. She doesn't even need deoderant. She's as calm as cucumber. You really need to see these "non-humans" in action to begin to understand the bizarre that they are. She's enjoying every minute of this.

Ohhhhhh, yes he did!:great:

I'm very impressed with Yuri! Of all the witnesses who've been on the witness stand in this case, Yuri is the most professional. He answers the questions with no hesitation, is confident in his answers and consistently looks toward the jury. He understands that he's not just answering the questions put to him, but he's informing the jurors. :)
As this is the sidebar, I guess it's ok to say that Yuri looked very dapper today. :)

I was thinking more along the lines of hot

am I allowed to say that here?

I have a crush ;)
CA said she video taped Caylee on father's day because hospice had been called in for her dad. USUALLY hospice enters the picture when a person has less than 6 months to live
Am I correct? He is still alive - odd

Also If ICA is such a liar... the DT will just say all the love to mom dad and Lee was also lies...MOO.

I've personally known people who had Hospice care for over 2 years.
Sorry to blow your bubble. She won't crack. Sociopaths just don't. They feel nothing. She doesn't even need deoderant. She's as calm as cucumber. You really need to see these "non-humans" in action to begin to understand the bizarre that they are. She's enjoying every minute of this.

You didn't blow my bubble, thanks anyway.
Have you forgotten Jeffrey Hopkins?? Jeffery who doesn't have a son called Zachery, has never met Zenaida, didn't like ICA when he knew her, and so on and so on.

Definitely not the wealthy young widowed father from Jacksonville who wears tight jeans and polo shirts with a mother who has cancer but just remarried.....
Er. Thanks for reminding me loicalgirl! In the confusion of things, I'd just plum forgotten about him and the fact that he had inherited so much money! ararrar. CA - I'm sorry for you. I can't believe that you wanted to believe this chite so much that you did. This whole sordid tale would be absolutely laughable if it wasn't for the fact that Caylee was murdered in the midst of it!

I've personally known people who had Hospice care for over 2 years.

You're right. There are no specific time allotments.
My neighbor had hospice for close to 2 years also.
Good question. I missed the names of those guys who testified before Melich. Anyone know if Wells testified yet?

Wells hasn't testified yet, nor Allen.

But, I was happy seeing Yuri on the stand again :innocent:
I didn't see the show but I would bet crack and spill the beans, or another pot of beans that kinda sorta maybe tells us what happened. :banghead:

Not sure what I think anymore. I just know I can't get any of this case out of my head. I'm not sure how she can stand it any longer.

I think she meant blow her stack, sort of like she did in the recess the other day - but Bethany on NG said we are having a look at the vast emptiness that is ICA's soul.

Reminds me of my earlier when folks were forever going off to "find themselves". The joke was "what if you did find yourself and discovered there is no one home"...

Well it was funny and appropo back then....in the olden days before cellphones, texting, wikipedia and satellite TV....
I'm very impressed with Yuri! Of all the witnesses who've been on the witness stand in this case, Yuri is the most professional. He answers the questions with no hesitation, is confident in his answers and consistently looks toward the jury. He understands that he's not just answering the questions put to him, but he's informing the jurors. :)

I think I was posting something and got caught out in lala land and was on hold for about fifteen minutes before I could get back on - I knew for sure Yuri had walked in and the board was on fire! :rocker:
You're right. There are no specific time allotments.
My neighbor had hospice for close to 2 years also.

The person I know that had Hospice for over 2 years was a friend of the family. My beloved step-father (God rest his soul) had Hospice for only 3 months before he passed.

Hospice nurses and doctors are angels on earth.
I could not resist posting this:

Casey Anthony: She lies; we listen; it’s exhausting
Does listening to a pathological liar for hours take a toll on your mental health?

This is the test that Casey Anthony presents for trial followers. She’s just too much, isn’t she?


It was unbelievable - I was just drained yesterday and today.

God knows how her parents survived years and years of it - sort of explains why they are kind of loopy....
Sorry to blow your bubble. She won't crack. Sociopaths just don't. They feel nothing. She doesn't even need deoderant. She's as calm as cucumber. You really need to see these "non-humans" in action to begin to understand the bizarre that they are. She's enjoying every minute of this.


I have been married to one for 21 years. Dated for 6 prior to marrying.
Yes my life is pure hell- but this isn't about my twisted life.
IMO she might " crack act" if it serves her narcissistic need. In order to get special treatment, avoid the death penalty and make people feel.sorry for her.
NOT LIKE IT WILL WORK!!! but I can "absolutely" see her trying it.
Wells hasn't testified yet, nor Allen.

But, I was happy seeing Yuri on the stand again :innocent:

I'm curious about Wells and Allen. I heard Allen almost yelling at KC on the tapes....she deserved even worse. But Wells, because KC trusted him the most. He probably was not too hard on her.
Thanks again to everyone who posts the court proceedings as they happen each day. I can only check in from work on my phone and don't get to watch live.

I noticed several of you mentioned watching a link with a split screen - where you can view ICA and the witness at the same time. Does anyone know if there's a link to these recordings posted anywhere? Would love to watch them in the evening after work.

Thanks again for keeping the trial info posted!

It is on wftv - watch for the interactive link or you can look back on todays trial notes on what Tulessa's post says - she lists them all in usually one of the five or so posts at the beginning of each trial day thread (page)

I'm sorry but I am too tired to go back and look them up for you like I normally would - practically brain dead if I am honest. I swear I burnt out several million brain cells today.....
It's exhausting to try to listen and decipher what Jose is saying while arguing why he should be allowed to put on his last minute expert witness.

CA said she video taped Caylee on father's day because hospice had been called in for her dad. USUALLY hospice enters the picture when a person has less than 6 months to live
Am I correct? He is still alive - odd

Also If ICA is such a liar... the DT will just say all the love to mom dad and Lee was also lies...MOO.

As far as we know, KC's grandfather is still alive. You are correct that Hospice is usually call in when a patient is not expected to live more than a few months. But I know of situations where Hospice has been called in and the patient reverses and improves. In one case, a friend's mother-in-law had a stroke and couldn't swallow. She was put on a feeding tube and Hospice care, but about a month later her swallowing reflect began to work again and she steadily improved to the point of having the feeding tube removed and eating on her own again. That was close to a year ago and the woman continues to do well.
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