2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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The person I know that had Hospice for over 2 years was a friend of the family. My beloved step-father (God rest his soul) had Hospice for only 3 months before he passed.

Hospice nurses and doctors are angels on earth.
I understand that hospice is called in when things are "terminal" and no one has an experation date. I lost my own mother to cancer in 2000.
I am also. a nurse. (no hospice experience )
I am surprised hospice comes to patients in nursing homes. Isn't that part of the job?
I'm confused.
Can't help but wonder what ICA's reaction is going to be when she hears this jury's verdict read in court. I don't think this girl has ever once been forced to accept responsibility for anything she's done. The realization that she IS going to be forced to accept responsibility for THIS is going to hit her like a mega-ton of bricks.

I think that is going to be the moment that she has a complete breakdown. She refuses to see that how she acts in court much less all the videos, text, evidence, and testimony is going to sink her. She keeps coming into court everyday happy! I am just FLOORED by it. When she's pronounced guilty, she's going to have a FIT that this jury found her guilty. I bet she'll breakdown again at the end of the sentencing phase.

Then again, she might not. There seems to be NOTHING that really sinks in with her, except maybe when they drag her out in handcuffs and take her to REAL prison where she won't be in protective custody anymore or to her cell to await her death. What a sociopath. She's going to be studied for YEARS to come.
I understand that hospice is called in when things are "terminal" and no one has an experation date. I lost my own mother to cancer in 2000.
I am also. a nurse. (no hospice experience )
I am surprised hospice comes to patients in nursing homes. Isn't that part of the job?
I'm confused.

When my sister was moved from hospital to hospice they told us that she could only have the room for 6 weeks :( If she was still alive then, she would have to be moved to a hospice 70 miles from my parents' home, if they had a space.

She died after about 5 weeks...
I had to leave this afternoon and spent it thinking about these 3 years...and how on this earth that JB could possibly even remotely float the idea he has of what happened to precious Caylee......did it take 3 years to come up with this or did it take that long to decide which story to use.....an innocent person would have been screaming "I am innocent" rather than stay locked away and smiling and laughing at every hearing lo these many months....I don't get it....I am trying to overlook her parents as by now I think they really understand the evil that is ICA....if they don't well then God help them. All those days ICA spent in JB's office working on her case ....why 3 years? What has took them this long? I do not understand.........none of any of this makes any sense...not anything the DT did, the family, the friends, nobody. I am dumbfounded as usual.
I understand that hospice is called in when things are "terminal" and no one has an experation date. I lost my own mother to cancer in 2000.
I am also. a nurse. (no hospice experience )
I am surprised hospice comes to patients in nursing homes. Isn't that part of the job?
I'm confused.

In a nursing home, I think Hospice care is simply another level of care.
I am sorry for all of the loved ones you lost. I don't intend to sound crass... I'm trying to make sense of CA'S testimony.
I understand that hospice is called in when things are "terminal" and no one has an experation date. I lost my own mother to cancer in 2000.
I am also. a nurse. (no hospice experience )
I am surprised hospice comes to patients in nursing homes. Isn't that part of the job?
I'm confused.
Hospice came in for my grandmother while in a nursing home. regular things were still taken care of by staff, but hospice Nurse was in and out until she passed.

I agree with the person that posted that Hospice folks are Angels.
In a nursing home, I think Hospice care is simply another level of care.
Thank you! That makes sense. My grandmother was on the Alzheimer's unit so things were handled differently.
The person I know that had Hospice for over 2 years was a friend of the family. My beloved step-father (God rest his soul) had Hospice for only 3 months before he passed.

Hospice nurses and doctors are angels on earth.

My mom had hospice for 3 weeks and my dad never made it to hospice. He died before they managed to show up.
And, during jury selection State and Defense asked potential jurors about blogs and blogging, not knowing they were not asking the correct questions.
Interesting. If someone asked me if I blogged about this case, I would truthfully answer no, and I have written way more in this FORUM than I have learned from any blog, although granted not much. This wrong terminology could end up hurting them.
Casey could be used as an example of how people don't grieve. I would love to know what the jurors are saying about her.


You are so right. The only time she grieves is for herself- loss of Tony, her freedom.
I'm confused...I thought they had a disk WITH his records.

You're right...............JB did say they had a disk with George's medical records. But, why is this important to the case? What could possibly be in George's medical records that would prove the defense theory about George?

The only thing I could come up with is George's suicide attempt, and the DT weaving a story around that as a sign of guilt.
Lurker chiming in re hospice & other things:

My SO's mom is in my home right now, under hospice care...they go ANYWHERE you are...nursing home, hospice facility, adult foster home, your own home etc...
They are (as another poster so aptly put) angels on earth.
They do also offer grief counseling in & out of the home (for all of us).
But I don't think there is a chapter on Lying Sociopaths in their textbooks ;)

That said - unless DT can prove Casey was replaced by an alien that looks like her during June & July of 2008 (X files anyone?) she has no way to avoid the needle and as liberal as I am...I think that's only fitting given the torture she most likely put that beautiful little baby Caylee through.
and how.. not that it will even get to her.. how would dr. sally (she isnt a dr and isnt even certified), how would she.. if FAR REACH here... allowed... how would she explain away the pole dancing?? grief?? my @!!

Actually, I believe her resume on the public speaker's bureau site says she has a Ph.d. So she is a doctor.

I think if Baez gets her in, it will backfire big time on him. As it (in my opinion) would open up the way for the State to show the video of ICA's reaction to the body being found.

The person I know that had Hospice for over 2 years was a friend of the family. My beloved step-father (God rest his soul) had Hospice for only 3 months before he passed.

Hospice nurses and doctors are angels on earth.

Hospice nurses and doctors ARE angels on earth. They helped my own family when my mother passed away. Hospice workers were like friends we'd known our entire lives. They truly embraced our family and got us through a difficult time.

SORRY for OT. :blushing:

You are so right. The only time she grieves is for herself- loss of Tony, her freedom.

I bet she grieved when she saw how handsome Tone L was when he appeared in court. :D
I was sad when I saw how hard (in their own way) that the As - Lee especially, tried to find Caylee and find answers. What a cold hearted thing she is. Wow. The lies are unbelievable.
My mom had hospice for 3 weeks and my dad never made it to hospice. He died before they managed to show up.
My mom died the Sat before Mon when they were supposed to show up a week before Mother's Day. Her Mother's Day gift was the dress we buried her in. So I guess that is why I ? what CA said.
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