2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

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Made pancakes for me and the kiddos this morning, drove my oldest to band camp and I'm getting ready to fold piles of laundry while I listen to testimony. Kudos to all who put themselves thru listening to Baez yesterday afternoon, I just couldn't do it. Altho it might have been worth it to hear him object to HIMSELF. :floorlaugh:
My dogs are gathered around the computer with me eagerly awaiting to hear their fellow sniffers testify. It is their expert opinion that dogs can absolutely testify and they are so frushstrated that JB discriminated against them in a court of law. Their attorney, Mr. Mouthdog, may be filing a cease and desist order. Dr. Snuffaluffagus has agreed to be their character witness. In addition, they feel that their sniffers are equal to the charming, esteemed, HeWhoIsNotAChemist Dr. Vass, due to their large olfactories which have been employed in this manner for generations.

I, Lady of 3dogs, can testify to the fact that my dogs can sniff out an empty pizza box and tear it to shreds in a heartbeat. They don't have to put their heads in a bag and eat raw hamburger to achieve it either. Even though I am not a chemist, I can spell iron and know the symbol is FE. My dogs, who are not chemist, have never been to, nor will they ever go to Dope Manor with Yo Hand Vandersloot. Objection overruled. That's hearsay. I laid the Predicate. (Ok maybe his name wasn't Predicate, but he moved to another state and died in a car crash so whatever.) Sorry that may have been out of scope.
AT this time we would like to put into evidence exhibit 3DL, which will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that squirrels run away from my dogs in terror and would not be caught dead under the frame of any car.

And yes, my dogs believe that their esteemed colleagues will comport themselves in a professional manner on the stand and state "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". No, they are not chemist either.

We rest our canine case. What sayeth the idiot bloggers?

PS: This is what happens when you listen to this case for 3 yrs. Quick, Nursebeeme, get a double dose of meds ready.
Made pancakes for me and the kiddos this morning, drove my oldest to band camp and I'm getting ready to fold piles of laundry while I listen to testimony. Kudos to all who put themselves thru listening to Baez yesterday afternoon, I just couldn't do it. Altho it might have been worth it to hear him object to HIMSELF. :floorlaugh:

at about 17 minutes on this video..


enjoy the short version!
can anyone tell me how to stop the commercials on WFTV feed?

I couldn't stop the WFTV commercials.......so I open it and mute both screens then I open www.orlandosentinel.com and click on the live trial. Boom, great audio and no commercials all day long. I have 3 tabs open...

WS, WFTV and Orlando Sentinel. Works for me..hope it helps.
Hey did anyone notice that after court ended yesterday ICA was just tiding up the table, unplugging computers and this and that---almost like she was one of the staff instead of the defendant---it was odd--

She lives in the moment & she is stupid. As such, she currently views herself a part of a legal team & she's somewhat removed from the fact that she's a defendant.
Am I late to the 1st sidebar?
My 4 legged family member and I have been up for a few hours...had our morning walk...and breakfast...now waiting for the trial to start..and the rest of the family to wake up...I hope they all sleep in today..Noon would be fine...LOL the teenagers love to sleep in..but not the younger ones..
Thank you for the breakfast, I need some protein and iorn for the long day at trial today.

fruit and yogurt platter is lovely, but some of us don't like a sugar-high before noon :D I, too, like protein and whole grains in the morning. Keeps me satisfied until early afternoon. Bon Appetit!
Switch to a different feed? :waitasec:
haha, All the different feeds has issues with me. Akamai cuts out once in a while, Wesh is pretty good except before the end of day lag issues, and the PiP of casey is way to small. I cannot even find a contact information for WFTV website techs to ask about sound issues I also have on their feed but no where else.
I found Web Sleuths two summers ago when I was seeking some serious, reliable information on the ICA case. I was overwhelmed (to say the very least) by the amount of information, the educated opinions, the grounded-in-fact theories, and the good-nature and humor I found among the members here.

Over the past two years I have continued to visit WS to learn about other cases and to follow new stories that have developed during that time.

My life right now does not allow me to watch the trial every day, but I have a new favorite routine at lunch and in the evening: I pour over the trial and sidebar threads. I can't express strongly enough how much I appreciate all the posts--the summaries are beyond helpful and it's fascinating to read all the different takes on the events in the courtroom. The posts from yesterday's afternoon session (during the cross of Dr. V) had me--literally--laughing out loud all last evening.

Anyway, if I can maintain some currency with the trial (I'm usually reading to play catch-up to things that have already happened), I will try to break the "lurker spell" and participate in the threads as the trial progresses. But even if I don't, please know how much I enjoy reading all your thoughts, comments, and jokes. I feel very lucky to have found this group!
:seeya: Present and accounted for.

Does anyone know of another place to re-watch the videos from the day in Court besides WFTV? I sometimes like to go back and to catch things I missed while reading/posting here. Since WFTV implemented the 'Casey Cam', the videos don't include her reactions (or lack of). I know Patty G used to upload youtubes, but I haven't seen her post any in a bit.

Keeping the faith for Caylee.
I still don't know how the chloroform was used?? This sounds awful, but I pray that she did use the chloroform on Caylee prior to death. The thought of that precious baby being duct taped when she is completely aware of what is going on... and probably fighting until the very last breath... is unbearable.

I hope the jury realizes that we are never going to know every single thing that happened to Caylee on July 16th, 2008. That the monster that is sitting across the room from them will never come forward with that information. That even though she claims that Caylee had drowned that she has taken absolutely no responsibility for Caylee's death... even if it were an accident. She has diverted and blamed every single other person for this "accident." That alone should tell this jury that something just isn't right with this "story" she is telling today.

There is ample evidence that the jury has not seen yet that I believe will give them no doubt that Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered. That duct tape wrapped around a two-year-old little girls face is not an accident. That he being in the trunk of that car was not an accident. That her being wrapped in trash bags, a laundry bag and with her Winnie the Pooh blanket was not an accident. That her being placed in a shirt that says "Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages" was not an accident. That her being thrown into the woods like trash... to be eaten and torn apart by scavengers... was not an accident.

I will continue to pray for the jury... to give them strength and wisdom to find the truth behind all the antics of the defense.

ETA: Good Morning!!
I've noticed that for the past few days. It is :maddening::maddening:

I wonder if she thinks she will eventually be acquitted and Baez will then hire her to work at his law office?
If this is her plan then she obviously doesn't realize that after this trial Baez probably won't have a law office or bar credentials for that matter. :giggle:
Hey did anyone notice that after court ended yesterday ICA was just tiding up the table, unplugging computers and this and that---almost like she was one of the staff instead of the defendant---it was odd--

Ha!! Yep, I think one of these days, they're gonna forget all about her and she's gonna go home with JB....:crazy:
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