2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

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I hope Gerus and Bones didn't have to learn the hard way that it's best to steer clear of spiteful b*tches.
I was really disappointed as I couldn't find any footage of Mason and Baez at the end of the day yesterday - I so wanted a screen cap of Mason telling Baez to get lost when Baez was trying to make him get up and argue that subpoena. Drats!

Really? Oh that I would love to see.
goodmorning peeps! here is a link to the trial thread :) [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138973"]2011.06.07 TRIAL Day Twelve (Morning Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I was wondering why DS isn't arguing more of the scientific evidence.
When interviewed recently by the media, the owner of the tattoo shop said he would be a witness at the trial. I'm thinking on the defense side however, not the prosecution side, so you won't see him for a couple of weeks..

He tweeted last week that ICA needs to throw herself on the mercy of the court because she's headed for the needle with the way the trial is going.
My dogs are gathered around the computer with me eagerly awaiting to hear their fellow sniffers testify. It is their expert opinion that dogs can absolutely testify and they are so frushstrated that JB discriminated against them in a court of law. Their attorney, Mr. Mouthdog, may be filing a cease and desist order. Dr. Snuffaluffagus has agreed to be their character witness. In addition, they feel that their sniffers are equal to the charming, esteemed, HeWhoIsNotAChemist Dr. Vass, due to their large olfactories which have been employed in this manner for generations.

I, Lady of 3dogs, can testify to the fact that my dogs can sniff out an empty pizza box and tear it to shreds in a heartbeat. They don't have to put their heads in a bag and eat raw hamburger to achieve it either. Even though I am not a chemist, I can spell iron and know the symbol is FE. My dogs, who are not chemist, have never been to, nor will they ever go to Dope Manor with Yo Hand Vandersloot. Objection overruled. That's hearsay. I laid the Predicate. (Ok maybe his name wasn't Predicate, but he moved to another state and died in a car crash so whatever.) Sorry that may have been out of scope.
AT this time we would like to put into evidence exhibit 3DL, which will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that squirrels run away from my dogs in terror and would not be caught dead under the frame of any car.

And yes, my dogs believe that their esteemed colleagues will comport themselves in a professional manner on the stand and state "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". No, they are not chemist either.

We rest our canine case. What sayeth the idiot bloggers?

PS: This is what happens when you listen to this case for 3 yrs. Quick, Nursebeeme, get a double dose of meds ready.

Already my favorite post of the day:)
Boohoo. In class. Forced to miss out on everything that happens the next two hours.
Interesting dynamic at the defense table today - it's like no one likes each other and everyone's annoyed yet smushed together and trying to ignore that.
Hoping to get some school planning done and laundry folded...I feel like a housewife waiting for the latest news on the soap operas...

Bon-bons anyone...
I was also wondering why KC is allowed to use the laptop. I noticed that when JB is crossexamining, she takes his place and has access to the laptop. Maybe she is following her favourite forum?!
Happy and Perky - light (blue?) button down and a bun. Lots of smiles! Lots of Eyeborw* Waggles

*an homage to Iorn.

She always saunters in with a grin on her face, I expect her to high five someone soon. As this trial advances she just seems to lose the gravity of the situation. Granted, she may not get the death penalty, but I don't see her walking around Orlando doing the talk show circuit after this is over.
I'm here, but not sure where I am. When the trial starts for the day do we move somewhere else?

Let me say this........ Dr. Vass confused me greatly yesterday. (Soft pillows please). Maybe I'll get "more" out of his testimony today.
I was wondering why DS isn't arguing more of the scientific evidence.

Because JB's ego is so huge that no one else can do it with the right amount of sarcasm. He really dislikes experts and LE imo.
Thank you. I'm not seeing any trial videos since 5/28. :( Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?

She has 2 channels, 1947Sierra and Sierra1947. Try both, she keeps moving things around! HTH!
GD< she makes me sick. I am quite snarky today. I had better give myself a time out.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138973"]2011.06.07 TRIAL Day Twelve (Morning Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] this door is closing soon.. don't want anyone to get lost or lose a limb :) jump thru the portal to the trial thread
I'm here, but not sure where I am. When the trial starts for the day do we move somewhere else?

Let me say this........ Dr. Vass confused me greatly yesterday. (Soft pillows please). Maybe I'll get "more" out of his testimony today.

uh.. he's done. You will have to go read about it.
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