2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Michael Warren - assoc. prof @ ....Pound lab is forensic lab....skeletonized, burned, fragmented or unrecognizable.....2 yrs director of POund human id lab.....PhD forensic anthro....post doctoral in pound lab....asst. prof since 8/07 then associate prof ....director in 2009 ....teach and research ......

16 - 18 times expert witness....2 other states Alabama & NY and FL =forensic anthropology.....special interest forensic anthro re:children....doctoral on fetal period liniar growth......involved in Caylee investigation of death...contacted by Dr. G and Schuultz on 12/15/08 - assist in remains...travel to Dist 9 ME office....photos of the remains as they appeared.....mandible in reference to skull when found....mandible was still articulated @ TMJ = in situ in place.......noteworthy - joint is a regular synovial joint articular disc movement of joint as hinge and anterior....on surface ...remains found on surface of the ground very rare find jaw with skull......in above ground deposition jaw was still on the skull....in Boznia and Kosovo decedents had tape over their face.....other than that usually disarticulated from skull (object - withdraw qustio)

nasal aperature - nose ....can you tell when in life the tape was over the nose and mouth/ no tape had moved.....possible single piece of duct tape cover nose and mouth...object overrule - consult literature scientific studies on growing children .....various landmarks on peoples' face......object - sustain.....tell us what you did...estimate ranges? which anical nasal aperature very bottom of nose ...nasal spinality very root of nose, bottom of teeth and airway....estimates of Caylee age.....1 landmark from mid eye to bottom of chin...other method used? video superimpostion....used in forensic anthropoligy.....unknown decedent in lab ....photo of the skull.....photo of person....putative suspected decedent ....take skull also take photo of individual using a comparison method to superimpose using anatomical landmarks ....determine if this is photo of that persons skull....bottom of the teeth....various points on skulll metric analysis....edge of orbits...point of root of nose...top head....contours of skull..... not identification of skull in this case.....tape could have cover ed nose a& mouth? use scale from FBI of skull and tape...superimpose scale same size....scaling is correct.....tape over the skulll....how to determine if face was there...take photo of skull and photo of decedent while alive....1:1 with scale of the tape using the skull....able to do that in this state.....QH - video marked = show how that process ability for tape to cover nose and mouth helps......noted previous objections by DT ....received in evidence as ....

HHBP - instruction to jury - evidence only to illustrate expert opinion - the expert is allowed to give opinion reliable only on subject of expert....you may believe or disbelieve any or all part of testimony.

publish to jury now.....

people look up in gallery ......kc not looking @ screen this time...face held solemn....animation to scale Caylee skull with duct tape over her face....duct tape ..

kc talks to DS .....DS and kc lean into each other......skull of her daughter and duct tape on video.....

kc shakes head while DS talking ....kc looking down...shake head ...scratch nose...arms folded....gallery people look up to monitors....kc continue to look down....DS talking to kc kc responds with a few words...not cover mouth....DS talks kc nods one or 2 word answers....leans into DS shoulder turns head and talks....DS leans in....kc open mouth breathe...shake head...kc shake head back forth...wipes mouth..

JA asks why tape goes up and down to show where tape could possibly go....tape is suffiecient to cover nose and mouth and make breathing impossible.....no further questions....


JB up - kc holding firm jaw looking down and away over to CM and getting paper prepared to take up to easel...Jb ...

soft voice ...good afternoon...you never saw...hired early in this case? consulted early in teh case....never saw duct tape attached to hair mat...strands of hair adhering.....photo ....quicktime movie from photoshop....design movies? don't know....give you very precise scale...image is the image....photo is from the internet....don't know how old Caylee was when photo taken....possible this could have occurred....possible it could covered nose and mouth....not testify that actually happened....posibble not...form of speculation? form of demonstration....speculation since don't know? right....can't testify duct tape anything to do with death.....associated with Caylee after death....don't know if duct tape had to do with disposal or death......JB draw a model ...see if agree...CAylee found on surface...below surface was hairmat? abve surface hair mat....above is mandible and then skulll on top.....hair generally on top.....duct tape found across front attached to the hair.....

jb draws on large paper.....scull!!! (his spelling not mine)

hair generally up here? turn for everyone to see....witness cannot...witness stand down...duct tape attached to her hair...observing photos....understanding based on consult and evidence @ scene @ one time her skull inside 3 bags....object -speculation hearsay....rephrase qustion....form opinions info her remains were in 3 bags at one time...understanding...canvas bag...only photos...shape round cylindar shape....photos saw not able to determine...don't recall handles....able to close bag? only saw photos...don't know if bag closeable...wrap Caylee remains or duct tape was in anatomical (object- compound argumentative assumes facts- rephrase)

over mandible and some portion ....attached to hair....mandible articlated with skull attached.....no way hair got under neath all this to explain....assumes facts not inevidence - JA can exlain - appraoch

JB sucks at Pictionary.

Good lord that's worse than I even thought!

Maybe JB is trying out for a gig as a tv game show host? Wants to get Pictionary back on the air?
I had to leave for a while for a meeting - did JP allow the animation in?? Has it been done yet if he allowed it in?
Baez is trying so hard to discredit the fact that the duct tape was placed over Caylees mouth and get someone to say that it was only affixed to her hair. Who is he trying to fool? Does he REALLY think a few strands of hair would hold the mandible in place?

Dude chose the wrong career.

Ohhh dear..is JB trying to suggest that the duct tape was not applied to Caylee face ( even tho jury has already seen pictures of total wrap around) but used to tape the bag up and somehow floated into the position???? Yikes :rocker:
Baez just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. He got Warren to confirm that the video was one "possibility" and simply "speculation".

Why not end there? Why muddy the water? It's infuriating!

(He talks, talks, talks - yet says nothing. Just like his client...)
Is JB drawing this to scale?:waitasec:

JB argues that the video may not necessarily be to scale since the photo was taken off the internet...yet...

JB gets out his handy dandy giant pad of paper and draws what appears to be a baked potato on plate according to a previous poster with his sharpie pen. Rut roh?
Single piece of tape was enough to cover the nose and the mouth.
Game point!

But weren't there THREE pieces of duct tape over the mouth area? Do you think Ashton is waiting to bring that point home in re-direct?
How can KC look so bored and put out at her murder trial? Not saying I prefer the faux emotion, but I can't get my head around the times she looks bored and impatient.
Stop JB you are making it worse for your client. Throw in the towel on this one. The one drawing looks like mickey mouse. Horrible awful for JB to continue this.
Jose Baez trying to testify again. I think if we are going to hear testimony the defendant should take the stand and tell the jury what happened.
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