2011.06.13. HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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These TH's on HLN keep saying that as mental health professionals they see her 'lack of emotional connection' as symptomatic of being a SA victim.

So tell us then, WHY is she so emotional now all of a sudden?

Are you guys saying that hours and days after the tragic death of her beloved child, she was able to text, and sext, and laugh and party and dance and FBook all night long--but now 3 years later, just a glimpse of the empty lot makes her hyperventilate?

i say good luck to them finding a dr who will agree with them.
SH thinks they will be hard pressed to find a medical expert that will say ICA's reaction to an accidental death is consistent with S abuse.

It is puzzling to me why so many people want to find some psychological basis to excuse (not just explain) ICA's vicious behavior.
A caller to Dr Drew just asked if he didn't think she had multiple personalities and Zanny took over ICA and killed Caylee. He tried not to smirk but said No, she does not exhibit ANY signs of it and patients with MPD are not usually violent.. He will get several calls like this- was it the sexual abuse- was it her terrible mother- was it her parents rescuing her from everything unpleasant .. it goes on ad nauseam.
Matt Semino, Huffington Post doesnt believe there was an accomplice. Believes its premeditated. Thinks the tears are only for the media and herself.

Asked by Dr Drew about her Glee she showed during the Garbage vs. Trash cross.
If he was never told IMO it's a big freaking deal! He was denied his parental rights! That is wrong on so many levels!

Not trying to speak for Bon, but I thought the question was what the significance the father's presence would be at the trial.
Dr. Drew....so far no LKB in sight and he goes "a lot of you have made up their mind about Casey...I kind of have too..." Refreshing on this channel. I refuse to watch Prime News, JVM, or anyone else who has LKB on.

Maybe if enough folks complained they might take her off,lol.......well we can dream right?
Sharpie Lady...grandma that started #ing hands of people waiting in line for court to keep the order.

He's definitely a guilty pleasure...and I agree with Burningsky that he does seem genuinely fascinated by this case.

I should cut him a bit of slack because he is new to this vs. seeing, reading, watching, assessing, dreaming, obsessing about it for 3 yrs.

Yes, I was a bit irritated with him the first couple of times he had this topic on his show, because his questions were so basic, and I think he was irritated at having to do it, but now he is as interested as the rest of us, and he has amassed a lot of information quickly.
One thing he has in abundance is common sense and good judgement and he knows a Con Artist when he sees one, and he knows ICA inside out already.
She could not con him...
It is puzzling to me why so many people want to find some psychological basis to excuse (not just explain) ICA's vicious behavior.
A caller to Dr Drew just asked if he didn't think she had multiple personalities and Zanny took over ICA and killed Caylee. He tried not to smirk but said No, she does not exhibit ANY signs of it and patients with MPD are not usually violent.. He will get several calls like this- was it the sexual abuse- was it her terrible mother- was it her parents rescuing her from everything unpleasant .. it goes on ad nauseam.

RE: BBM ABOVE; Because, unfortunately, people do not want to accept that a mother could do this to her own child UNLESS something (else) precursed/caused it (depression, past sexual abuse, poverty/act of desperation, etc.,). Although hundreds of children are killed every year at the hands of a parent, the woman/mother is allowed a plato of excuses for her behavior! And we wonder why we as women continue to be discriminated against - we're the first ones to offer up/accept these gender-based (BS) excuses. JMO ~
Sharpie Lady...grandma that started #ing hands of people waiting in line for court to keep the order.


He asked her what she thought- guilty/not guilty.... she answered Guilty but I don't think it was premeditated, I think it was accidental. Say whaaaaat?
Matt Semino, Huffington Post doesnt believe there was an accomplice. Believes its premeditated. Thinks the tears are only for the media and herself.

Asked by Dr Drew about her Glee she showed during the Garbage vs. Trash cross.

article by him: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matt-semino/casey-anthony-trial_b_862174.html

not him, but a good read entertaining summation about each day in court:

I am glued to the News coverage naturally. I would LOVE to see Dr. Arpad Vass get a reality show called The Body Farm that features that decay facility! That I would watch!
Just watching the Dr. Drew show. A lady who stampeded her way into the court room was talking about meeting CA and GA in lobby. She thought they were nice and loving (paraphrasing). What the freak is up with her and a lot of people now saying they believe KC guilty but it was an accident. Are we watching the same thing?? Duct tape, decomp and bugs in trunk, 31 days of hedonism, WTF. Seriously????
Not trying to speak for Bon, but I thought the question was what the significance the father's presence would be at the trial.

A voice for the child he was never allowed to know?
To show how evil ICA was to deny him access to his own flesh and blood.
To show that Caylee could still be alive had he known... perhaps he would have fought to custody.
and whatever else the SA might have learnedthat was relevant about ICA from the baby's DADDY!

RE: BBM ABOVE; Because, unfortunately, people do not want to accept that a mother could do this to her own child UNLESS something (else) precursed/caused it (depression, past sexual abuse, poverty/act of desperation, etc.,). Although hundreds of children are killed every year at the hands of a parent, the woman/mother is allowed a plato of excuses for her behavior! And we wonder why we as women continue to be discriminated against - we're the first ones to offer up/accept these gender-based (BS) excuses. JMO ~

Yes, hundreds of women kill their children without remorse every year. The profile is similar, women who didn't want the pregnancy, hid the pregnancy, just as ICA did. There is nothing very complicated psychologically about her, she is a selfish narcissistic brat who was incapable of caring for a dependent little child and wanted to be rid of her.
I am glued to the News coverage naturally. I would LOVE to see Dr. Arpad Vass get a reality show called The Body Farm that features that decay facility! That I would watch!
Me too! thank God we don't have smell-o-vision!
Just watching the Dr. Drew show. A lady who stampeded her way into the court room was talking about meeting CA and GA in lobby. She thought they were nice and loving (paraphrasing). What the freak is up with her and a lot of people now saying they believe KC guilty but it was an accident. Are we watching the same thing?? Duct tape, decomp and bugs in trunk, 31 days of hedonism, WTF. Seriously????

She talked like a groupie. I think Dr Drew thought she knew the A's and could contribute some information.... turns out she passed them in the hallway, clasped CA's hands and told her she hoped God would give her strength and with that was able to look into her soul and see the real CA! GA put his hand on top of hers and said Thankyou.
That was the extent of her interactions with them! I'm surprised she didn't ask for an autograph!
Apparently they were talking on JVM tonight that there is a mystery person for the prosecution that will be brought out towards the end. Any idea's of who it could be? I wonder if it will be a jaw dropper and they bring out Caylee's dad or something.
From Baez himself:

"Roy Kronk is a morally corrupt individual, ...who actually TOOK Caylee's body and hid her."

He used the word TOOK, which translates easily to stole, nabbed, grabbed...

:twocents: And by inference, Roy is a "body-snatcher"....not just any body but a very messy decomposing body:sick:. He also is an anatomist "par excellent" (without any known academic credentials, nor is he a chemist!) who managed to keep disarticulated bones within the correct body unit area and a disarticulated mandible in the anatomic placement. Add to his "skill set" the obvious fact that he is a MASTER GARDENER since he makes roots grow like magic up thru tattered clothing and bones. Then he's also a genius in the field of biohazard cleanup since NOTHING of biological nature was retrieved from or on him or his property. :maddening:
In reality, is he more like the Pitt Bull mix I :innocent: adore, the "individual" who has an idea/thought and WILL NOT give UP his goal.?:waitasec:
Interesting! What do you mean "towards the defense?" I don't understand that phrase. Sorry for being dense! :)


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