2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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They're trying to discount Caylee ever being dead in ICA's car...IMO

IMO The defense is now FORCED to admit Caylee was in that car. They are forced now to claim George hid it there, unbeknownst to Casey, after finding a drowned Caylee, not attempting CPR, not calling 911 and after he agreed to help her hide the body. Good luck with that Jose!

So...George duct taped and hid the body in Casey's trunk...she didn't know and somehow Roy Kronk got a hold of it......probably from the PI's working for the Anthony's. How else would Roy have gotten a key to Casey's trunk?
Too many loose ends.........the chloroform for example. Where did she get it, could she have made it. Little things like that left just floating out there.
I think the state has enough to stand on it's on now if indeed the DT does rest without calling any witness. The only thing I get and this is because I know a lot more than the Jury does at this point is this: You know how you hear about a movie over and over from people and media hypes it, then you go watch the movie and it didn't live up to the hype. That is the feeling I have now with the state.

I must remember though the Jury doesn't know all that we do so they won't get that same impression I have.
IIRC they have had several of ICA's friends, including TL, testify that she had the pontiac, even drove them around in it. The defense kept making the point that her friends did not smell the decomp on 6/20 I believe. So they have established possession. The running out of gas in which both AH and TL assisted ICA at separate times. The neighbor witnessed ICA driving the pontiac and back it into the garage............so I think they have connected ICA to the pontiac from 6/16 through her abandoning it at the Amscott on 6/30. Hope that is the proper recollection FWIW.

Yes and for the same reasons the SA does not need the cell pings.
So, will goodies like the Home Depot tapes, the photobucket, and the tattoo, come in on rebuttal?
Who do we know that would be called as a witness(es) tomorrow that would need to fly to Orlando vs. someone who is local?
Too many loose ends.........the chloroform for example. Where did she get it, could she have made it. Little things like that left just floating out there.

After going to the site 84 times....and keying in " How to make Chloroform" I think it's safe to assume she made it.
dunno, but we do know that the witness won't be in until tomorrow around 11 am, so they are not local

Did HHJP state that there is only one more witness or was that just assumed?
Think of it this way: If the state takes months to put on its case then that leads me to believe they don't have that strong a case against the defendant to start with. I've listened to several lawyers and some who have been doing trials for many years say that the stronger a case, the less time it takes to prove it.
There is such a thing as overkill. This jury has already been sequestered for weeks, there really is no point in putting them through two more weeks of testimony if it's not necessary, and then they have to sit through the defense's case for another two weeks or so. These people deserve to have this whole thing over and done with so they can all go home. If the state hasn't been successful, two more weeks won't make a lot of difference.
Unless some are just hooked on watching the trial itself... makes no sense to me to drag it out.
...plus we REALLY do know so much about the case. Nothing really came as a surprise for us. We have the 31 days, the lies, the dog hits, the "bugs", the air sample, the decomp, the root banding, the duct tape...all the things we said were needed to get a conviction. I think JA (or LDB) will give one heck of a closing.
So, will goodies like the Home Depot tapes, the photobucket, and the tattoo, come in on rebuttal?
I've done some thinking about the Home Depot video. That was around the 4th of July and that was when GA and CA put those "paver/patio" stones down inside Caylee's playhouse - so that is what I think is on the Home Depot videos - nothing to see there.

Just my thoughts on why they weren't brought in.
IMO The defense is now FORCED to admit Caylee was in that car. They are forced now to claim George hid it there, unbeknownst to Casey, after finding a drowned Caylee, not attempting CPR, not calling 911 and after he agreed to help her hide the body. Good luck with that Jose!

So...George duct taped and hid the body in Casey's trunk...she didn't know and somehow Roy Kronk got a hold of it......probably from the PI's working for the Anthony's. How else would Roy have gotten a key to Casey's trunk?

I think what the DT is saying is even LESS logical than this. I think they're claiming is there is no proof Caylee's body was ever in the trunk, because the forensics is just to be ignored, and that GA disposed of the body (and they're skipping over how he did it) and that Roy Kronk took a child's decomposing body and hid it until such time that he wanted to collect the reward (again, ignoring the botany evidence.) But really, I think the DT isn't even presenting a cohesive argument. They're presenting a flimsy "theory" and hoping they poke holes of doubt in everything that doesn't fit.
IMO When the State gives their summation and links everything together, dot to dot, the Jurors will convict ICA.

As nervous as I am, I still have to agree with you. I just can't see how they could come to any other conclusion. A reasonable person is not going to believe that Caylee died by accident and GA tried to cover up an accident by making it look like a murder. A reasonable person is going to come to the conclusion that the body was in the trunk with all the testimony to the smell they have heard. A reasonable person is going to see that ICA was driving around with the body. No reasonable person would believe that her behavior was due to abuse without a psychological person testifying to this fact. If I'm correct, the defense does not plan on calling one. I believe the SA will drive all this home in closing statements.

Now let's just pray we have an entire jury of reasonable persons.
They connected the laundrybag, the tape, the trash bags to the Anthony home. Also placed a heart shaped sticker on the tape.

I think I missed it. But the Winnie the Pooh blanket found...and the set collected from the Anthonys home that was missing a blanket. Was that distinction ever made? That the laundry bag MATCHED the one of a set found in teh garage. Was that specific point made?

I don't recall they made it clear they were matching bags, sold together or for that fact, the blanket that was missing. We know this, but I'm unsure this distinction was clarified, they way it should have been. I would have thought they would have lot or serial numbers that matched, and the same with the garbage bags with yellow tie handles?:waitasec:
Now that I have recovered from my intial shock, I'm thinking what the SA is doing makes sense. There have alot of witnesses to rebutt JB's theory...why not do that at the time JB presents it? Why call Tim Miller now? Call him after JB tries to put out his RK theory, then TM can testify about the water and everything and the jury will connect the two, rather than trying to remember his testimony from a week or two ago.

Why should the SA call RK? They know JB has to do it, so let JB put his case out there. I'm confident the SA has plenty to refute it and I think it's a good strategy to do that when JB presents it rather than in their own case. Why acknowledge or give credibility to anything JB said in his OS?
I've read many cases where jurors said if they knew about past convictions they would have certainly voted guilty. Showing Casey had a history of stealing from mother, brother, g-parents, bank account and piggy bank of Caylee's, and then a friend would certainly show this girl has no morals or conscience. The neighbors, etc. relaying arguments cussing at her mother, SP and RP's testimony about Casey would certainly show a very hateful, jealous, selfish, person imo. The laziness as well, no school, work, etc.

with all due respect, allowing that in only would prove she were a thief, not a murderer. the state is currently proving her to be a murderer.

the state's case might have originally been very different and more like we were expecting had JB not said in his OS that caylee was deceased the entire time. that lets a lot of what we know to be true become irrelevant.
I've done some thinking about the Home Depot video. That was around the 4th of July and that was when GA and CA put those "paver/patio" stones down inside Caylee's playhouse - so that is what I think is on the Home Depot videos - nothing to see there.

Just my thoughts on why they weren't brought in.

There are actually 5 tapes listed.
Last night I had a flash of LA getting on the stand for the defense and saying that there WAS molestation going on, just to save his sister. Please reassure me that he wouldn't do that, and if he did, would it work?
I think what the DT is saying is even LESS logical than this. I think they're claiming is there is no proof Caylee's body was ever in the trunk, because the forensics is just to be ignored, and that GA disposed of the body (and they're skipping over how he did it) and that Roy Kronk took a child's decomposing body and hid it until such time that he wanted to collect the reward (again, ignoring the botany evidence.) But really, I think the DT isn't even presenting a cohesive argument. They're presenting a flimsy "theory" and hoping they poke holes of doubt in everything that doesn't fit.

Oh I agree with you. But it seems like the DT left a little wiggle room and I was trying to FABRICATE a decent workable theory for them. IMO Casey did a louse job when she made up the story;) I was just trying to help them out.:floorlaugh:
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