2011.06.14 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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All of the people she had very superficial relationships have commented that they thought she was a good mother.
But, CA, the person who saw her with Caylee the most, called her an Unfit Mother, and not just once in anger, but numerous times according to ICA and LA- How many times did she call her that in two years of this litle child's life and nothing was done. Either it was true, or CA takes these callous words very lightly..
Then called her Mother of the year when trying to cover up what she'd done..

Good point.
YIKES! The show I'm watching...turns out the daughter accidentally killed someone and the coach moved the body and covered it up. And I thought I was getting away from this case by watching this!

They will invade your dreams next. I have had so many court/police/angry with someone lying to me dreams since this trial started it's getting bizarre :maddening:
Did Eiglarsh just say on Behar's show that 'the State HAS TO PROVE this is what happened'??
DH says sociopaths regard the people around them as pieces of furniture.

Good one! Rearrange them as they see fit. Different day, different layout. Boss of everything, in control... I previously thought "chess board" but I like the furniture better.

For this reason I see LWOP. That and her age. However, I wouldn't cry a tear if she got DP.
All of the people she had very superficial relationships have commented that they thought she was a good mother.
But, CA, the person who saw her with Caylee the most, called her an Unfit Mother, and not just once in anger, but numerous times according to ICA and LA- How many times did she call her that in two years of this litle child's life and nothing was done. Either it was true, or CA takes these callous words very lightly..
Then called her Mother of the year when trying to cover up what she'd done..

Somebody also mentioned (forgive me if it was you) that most of the good mother comments were from young men (who may not have been looking that closely at her parenting skills or lack thereof). The fact that ME noticed and testified about the balcony incident and AH testified that not only did she babysit for ICA but that ICA confided her own mother didn't think she was very good, are telling to me. These women didn't know her very well either, but they were starting to look a little bit closer than the guys, that's for sure. And none of them spent as much time with her and her baby than did Cindy (whom I'm sure also saw another side of ICA much more frequently than her new friends, those kids she was trying to impress with stories of personal success and nannies, did.)
DH says sociopaths regard the people around them as pieces of furniture.

lol! so true. I'm a bean bag chair! At least that's how I usually feel.
In all honesty... in my personal experience the psychopath treats the furniture better than the family.
Taken from AC360 (CNN) about 9:42 pm CST

Andrea Lyon:

  • did not commit crime
  • not enough proof
  • refers to DT's opening statement
  • not privy to DT's decisions
  • thinking and proving what Casey has done are two different things
  • definition of behavior
  • tried based on negative character
  • difference between behavior and premeditated murder
  • hard decision to put client on stand

Paul Henderson (former prosecutor)

  • must look at the ENTIRE picture
  • all of the evidence must be taken into consideration
  • severe lack of truth coupled with behavior while daughter was missing

  • Casey must take the stand; does not see how she cannot
You know, as much as I've complained about how ill-informed and starry-eyed many of the talking heads have been on these shows, I must say I'm happy to see that almost all of them (DT moles excluded) have managed to notice and comment on the huge disconnect KC has with showing any real feeling about her dead daughter and the fact she only seems to show emotion when it's something concerning herself. Most of us have been pretty immersed in this case for several years, adding to our presumption of guilt with lots of evidence. For me, all it took was the first jailhouse call to see she couldn't have cared less and everything since then has reinforced that impression. I'm really glad to see that even if the media hasn't caught up, or been privy to some of the discovery we've studied, they have still pretty much come to the same conclusion, and with far less evidence than exists. A good and loving mother, who would not neglect her child, would not get on the stand and act bored to tears when her dead child is mentioned, would never have neglected a baby who may have "accidentally" drowned by covering it up and partying hearty. There is a giant dichotomy between her claims and behavior, then and now. I don't think the jury will miss any of that, I really don't. I think they will say "accident schmaccident".
Lol NG has to exagerate everything...she had the sidebar transcripts that were posted here earlier but had to say she wasn't supposed to have them, as though she and her staff did a late-night break-in...
I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that Vinnie and I are on the same page and we just might be right. I can totally see KC taking the stand and "admitting" Caylee drowned in the pool, however, GA was not there. In her panic, she imagined the entire scenario as it would have occurred if her parents knew that, because of her negligence, their precious granddaughter had died. Her mother had accused her of being 'unfit', her dad had a violent temper and was a strict disciplinarian and even her brother had joined forces with Mom, acting as if he didn't trust her to take proper care of Caylee. She might even say Caylee was having a fit to get in the pool, so she let her and only turned her eyes away for a second to make or answer a phone call. She was petrified at the thought of what her mother would say to her and what her father would do to her and she knew they would NEVER FORGIVE HER. Everyone in her family had already turned against her so she knew exactly what their reaction would be and couldn't face it, partly due to her own guilt "I can never forgive myself". She lied because she couldn't bring herself to deal with the horrible truth that Caylee was dead, so she created a new reality....a new truth.

When you think about it, JB doesn't have to prove that any of the stuff in his opening statement was actually true....only that it was true in KC's mind. I just don't know how RK fits into this scenario, but then, maybe he doesn't have to.

Sorry don't know how to "snip". Didn't the cell phone records say Casey was on the phone or texting Tony ALL morning?:waitasec:
Good one! Rearrange them as they see fit. Different day, different layout. Boss of everything, in control... I previously thought "chess board" but I like the furniture better.

For this reason I see LWOP. That and her age. However, I wouldn't cry a tear if she got DP.

Chess Board. Ducks In a Row. Rearranging furniture. All work for the "control freak" at different times and under varying circumstances.

Chess Board: Strategic planning to get everyone into the places where you want them to be. Control freak calls the shots, and everyone takes their proper place on the game board.

Ducks In a Row: Control freak gets everyone into place on the same level playing ground. Anyone who steps out of bounds is in for trouble - big time. Do what the control freak (or Borderline, psychopath, sociopath) says - or else.

Furniture Rearranging: The control freak is highly in tune with Feng Shui: Everyone is his/her place and a place for everyone. This person goes here for this reason and that person goes there for another reason based on how well each individual responds to the management and manipulation by the control freak. Those who respond positively to the control freak - give in constantly, live in denial, make excuses, etc. will be well-positioned, while those who challenge or question the individual "in charge" will likely be banished to less desirable places. jmo (based on experience with a Borderline sister who tormented the family for years).
Sorry don't know how to "snip". Didn't the cell phone records say Casey was on the phone or texting Tony ALL morning?:waitasec:

YUP. She was texting and making and receiving calls ALL during the time the tragic 'accident' supposedly happened, There was an hour and a half break, from 10 am, when she was uploading Fusion pix, to 11:30ish, when she had a 19 min convo with Tony all about their movie date that night. I HOPE SA SHOWS THAT TO THE JURY. She was so very distraught after holding her dead child and 'crying and crying'---that an hour later she was laughing and flirting and planning her date. I hope the jury gets to hear that.
I'm keeping in mind that just because Casey told Lee and Amy that Cindy called her a bad mom doesn't mean it's true. I don't think anyone has said that they actually ever heard Cindy saying that Casey was unfit. Even Jesse G. never had such claims even though he did blame Cindy for their break up and said Cindy criticized Casey in front of him. That was about having no education plans or job that would even make a living if I remember correctly, and she'd probably just caught Casey in a lie about attending college or some job.
I'm keeping in mind that just because Casey told Lee and Amy that Cindy called her a bad mom doesn't mean it's true. I don't think anyone has said that they actually ever heard Cindy saying that Casey was unfit. Even Jesse G. never had such claims even though he did blame Cindy for their break up and said Cindy criticized Casey in front of him. That was about having no education plans or job that would even make a living if I remember correctly, and she'd probably just caught Casey in a lie about attending college or some job.

The only person I can think of is Amy H. I think Cindy told her that the day she called her to find where Casey was hiding out. I think so anyway.
Does anyone else think CA looks like she's lost some weight again? I think her face ooks thinner.

not sure about any weight loss but her face looks much smoother and firmer and the tone is more even than in the past

she's sporting a more flattering shade of blonde, w/ full-coverage (except for the nape) instead of highlights. looked perfect for the day of her full-tilt meltdown, when the top of her head was all that was visible on the witness stand
LORDY! I really hope NG knows the truth about Mr. Thompson tonight. I can just hear it.... "Bombshell tonight".... :sigh:
LIPPMAM is kind of confirming the wrong number theory. Says he thinks that is what happened and is working to confirm that.
Mr. Lippman confirming that GA CA & LA don't want her put to death, but they do want justice.
The defense attorney on Vinnies show, was trying hard. She was all enthusiastic, and saying there were lots of experts coming up, and they were going to refute thge hair in the trunk, and the chloroform. And so Vinnie stopped her and said, OK give me an alternate theory of what happened that fits the evidence. And she laughed because she HAD NO ANSWER. She gave up trying to give a reasonable answer to fit the evidence that would not make Casey guilty.
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