2011.06.16 Vigil Info *bump*

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Aug 21, 2008
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I was visiting the "It's all about Caylee" [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3445919#post3445919"]thread[/ame] recently and realized June 16th will be coming around again soon.

Do you have any special plans to remember Caylee on this day?

I was visiting the "It's all about Caylee" thread recently and realized June 16th will be coming around again soon.

Do you have any special plans to remember Caylee on this day?


OH My, you are so right..............time passes so fast............
i will by purple and pink balloons and have them tied to my front steps. i will continue to buy them until dec. 11th. rip little one.
i will by purple and pink balloons and have them tied to my front steps. i will continue to buy them until dec. 11th. rip little one.

I like this idea. I bought a little ballet slippers ornament at Christmas and put in on my tree in memory of Caylee, but found myself looking at it so much that when it came time to put it away, I decided to keep it out. So it's in my room, I look at it each night before going to bed and say a prayer for Caylee.
I'm not sure what I will do on June 16th, but I will be doing something.
On June 16th, 2008 I picked up my daughter from work. With my two granddaughters in tow we went to lunch to celebrate. It was my daughter's birthday. It was a beautiful day; we took pictures of the girls as they laughed and played.
Now, almost a year later, I remember that day in another way. While we were having fun and celebrating, little Caylee lost her life. This memory is indelibly etched in my mind. I will never again celebrate the birth of my daughter without remembering the loss of a beautiful child. Her special day will become Caylee's as well.
Every year, on that day, I plan to make a donation in Caylee's name to an organization involved with child abuse. Any suggestions on a worthy cause would be appreciated. I'm so jaded after the kidfinders network thing and I want to put my money where it will be most effective. There are so many Caylees out there. I think this is the best way I can commemorate her life.
I like this idea. I bought a little ballet slippers ornament at Christmas and put in on my tree in memory of Caylee, but found myself looking at it so much that when it came time to put it away, I decided to keep it out. So it's in my room, I look at it each night before going to bed and say a prayer for Caylee.
I'm not sure what I will do on June 16th, but I will be doing something.
I love your idea. I'm going to do the same thing.
On June 16th, 2008 I picked up my daughter from work. With my two granddaughters in tow we went to lunch to celebrate. It was my daughter's birthday. It was a beautiful day; we took pictures of the girls as they laughed and played.
Now, almost a year later, I remember that day in another way. While we were having fun and celebrating, little Caylee lost her life. This memory is indelibly etched in my mind. I will never again celebrate the birth of my daughter without remembering the loss of a beautiful child. Her special day will become Caylee's as well.
Every year, on that day, I plan to make a donation in Caylee's name to an organization involved with child abuse. Any suggestions on a worthy cause would be appreciated. I'm so jaded after the kidfinders network thing and I want to put my money where it will be most effective. There are so many Caylees out there. I think this is the best way I can commemorate her life.

This is a wonderful idea. June 16th is also my birthday so like you I was celebrating last year. It is hard knowing that this day was most likely Caylee's last. I would love to donate to an organization instead of asking for gifts. I most definately do not need anything and I would love to honor little Caylee.
I was visiting the "It's all about Caylee" thread recently and realized June 16th will be coming around again soon.

Do you have any special plans to remember Caylee on this day?


I think we should have a memorial thread set up for Caylee that day and then we can post our feelings just about her only-nothing about that wretched family that let her down!:twocents:
On June 16, 2008, my 14 year old Sheltie, Foster, my baby before I had children, was euthanized between 1:30 and 2:00 pm. He would have been 15 on June 19, 2008. It did not occur to me until later last summer that Caylee and Foster had departed this earth on the same day.
Since that realization, I have derived much comfort, especially on the many difficult days in this case that Caylee and Foster are together. Regardless of whether they left separately or together, now they are safe, warm and protected and no longer suffering from fear, pain or loneliness. Two beautiful, innocent, kind and gentle souls who will comfort each other through eternity.
For the rest of my life, June 16 will forever be a special day, not just because of what I lost, but because of what all of us lost. At least Foster had lived a full and happy life and it was merely his time to go, but the As and the rest of the world lost an innocent, healthy little angel way too soon.
I do not yet know what I will do every year on June 16, but I'll be sure to keep everyone advised and would welcome suggestions.
I like to think that Foster and Caylee are welcoming all the other innocents who have been taken from this world. Perhaps the best way to honor both of them is to find a way to save some of the other children from meeting similar fates. Maybe by June 16, 2009, we will have come up with something substantial to truly make a difference in this world...hey I can always hope. After all, that is only a little more than 3 months away, and I know we Websleuths can accomplish quite a bit in that timeframe when we set our minds to it.
Every year, on that day, I plan to make a donation in Caylee's name to an organization involved with child abuse. Any suggestions on a worthy cause would be appreciated. I'm so jaded after the kidfinders network thing and I want to put my money where it will be most effective. There are so many Caylees out there. I think this is the best way I can commemorate her life.


Marina, you've given me an idea. :idea:

When my father passed away due to complications of cancer, he had specified that donations to charityname* be made in lieu of flowers, etc. This just seemed to come 'out of the blue' to me, and after I learned a bit more about the charity it has been at the top of my list.

Sooo...I'm looking into the details of setting up a tribute site for Caylee w/ this well-known, reputable childrens charity.

I could use some bona fide legal help with the terms, since, it would be most effective if it could be set up specifically for Caylee, but, I dunno if that use of her name, image, etc. etc. could become fodder for some problems.

Any legal eagles here that specialize in this sorta law and are willing to help me? :waitasec:

...on a side note, this tribute site allows the individual donating to designate a very-tasteful acknowledgement card be sent to someone they specify. The thought of stuffing the Anthony's mailbox with these cards letting them know how many people will be thinking of their loss, remembering Caylee, and how other children will benefit from donations in her honor...well...thats a thought I kinda like. :thumb:

*I didn't name the charity since I'm still researching.

Marina, you've given me an idea. :idea:

When my father passed away due to complications of cancer, he had specified that donations to charityname* be made in lieu of flowers, etc. This just seemed to come 'out of the blue' to me, and after I learned a bit more about the charity it has been at the top of my list.

Sooo...I'm looking into the details of setting up a tribute site for Caylee w/ this well-known, reputable childrens charity.

I could use some bona fide legal help with the terms, since, it would be most effective if it could be set up specifically for Caylee, but, I dunno if that use of her name, image, etc. etc. could become fodder for some problems.

Any legal eagles here that specialize in this sorta law and are willing to help me? :waitasec:

...on a side note, this tribute site allows the individual donating to designate a very-tasteful acknowledgement card be sent to someone they specify. The thought of stuffing the Anthony's mailbox with these cards letting them know how many people will be thinking of their loss, remembering Caylee, and how other children will benefit from donations in her honor...well...thats a thought I kinda like. :thumb:

*I didn't name the charity since I'm still researching.
This is a great idea and I'm anxious to participate when you get it all worked out. As I said in my post, I'm wary of unscrupulous organizations but I would put complete trust in an organization you endorse. I like the idea of the cards, too.
This is a great idea and I'm anxious to participate when you get it all worked out. As I said in my post, I'm wary of unscrupulous organizations but I would put complete trust in an organization you endorse. I like the idea of the cards, too.

I found a "Plan B" with the same charity if the legal stuff gets to be a problem. Will get back on this after researching "Plan A". Still would appreciate help from an attorney that actually knows WTH their doing :)

OK...back to June 16th.

Some great ideas already.

Any locals getting together? With the street being a dead-end and the school out of session it seems it wouldn't be too hard to get together for a candelight service or something...it'll fall on a Tuesday this year...FYI.
I am going to plant a new flowering shrub in the garden.
I found a "Plan B" with the same charity if the legal stuff gets to be a problem. Will get back on this after researching "Plan A". Still would appreciate help from an attorney that actually knows WTH their doing :)

OK...back to June 16th.

Some great ideas already.

Any locals getting together? With the street being a dead-end and the school out of session it seems it wouldn't be too hard to get together for a candelight service or something...it'll fall on a Tuesday this year...FYI.

I REALLY want to be a part of a candlelight service. Let's please be sure that we make this happen above all!
oooh, I think that I might borrow your idea! I like that a lot! :)

Please do! I know she was a colorful little girl and so sweet. So I am thinking along the lines of either a lilac or rose of sharon.
Wow. Has it been that long already?

I still think of the little angel every single day.

I still have as much hate and anger towards her mother as I did the day I accepted she murdered her little baby.

I still follow the case, I just can't believe it's coming quickly to the first anniversary of such a sad, sad day.

I think for this day, my daughter and I will write a little note to Caylee and all the baby angels, and tie it to a balloon, and send it off to heaven for the little sweet angel that has captured so many hearts.

Marina, you've given me an idea. :idea:

When my father passed away due to complications of cancer, he had specified that donations to charityname* be made in lieu of flowers, etc. This just seemed to come 'out of the blue' to me, and after I learned a bit more about the charity it has been at the top of my list.

Sooo...I'm looking into the details of setting up a tribute site for Caylee w/ this well-known, reputable childrens charity.

I could use some bona fide legal help with the terms, since, it would be most effective if it could be set up specifically for Caylee, but, I dunno if that use of her name, image, etc. etc. could become fodder for some problems.

Any legal eagles here that specialize in this sorta law and are willing to help me? :waitasec:

...on a side note, this tribute site allows the individual donating to designate a very-tasteful acknowledgement card be sent to someone they specify. The thought of stuffing the Anthony's mailbox with these cards letting them know how many people will be thinking of their loss, remembering Caylee, and how other children will benefit from donations in her honor...well...thats a thought I kinda like. :thumb:

*I didn't name the charity since I'm still researching.

i like this idea alot...i also like the shrub idea. i think a nice purple azela would look good in my garden.
I am going to plant a new flowering shrub in the garden.
What a great idea! I too will plant something, give it tender loving care and watch it blossom as Caylee is now in heaven!
I was visiting the "It's all about Caylee" thread recently...

*snipping & bumping my own* :blushing:

Slightly OT: If you haven't lately...please consider dropping in on the thread linked above and showin' her some love if/when you can. :hug:

Somethin' just doesn't sit right when I see that,

"Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1 (1 members and 0 guests)"

at the bottom of the screen. YKWIM?

OK...back to your June 16th plans...sounds like there'll be plenty goin' on in the garden that day too! :cool2:

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