2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I assume. JB finishes, recross if JA wants to wipe the gallery floor some more with this witness and make it extra shiny. I would say 15 minute break then but I'm assuming they will just break for the day after the unfortunate Dr runs from the stand.

recross now?

This guy was supposed to testify for 30 minutes this morning, right?

Yes, he'll have to run back to his hotel room to change his "it depends". :floorlaugh:
Why does JB keep bringing up "meat products" in relation to adipocere and the trunk? It's been more than proven that there were no meat products in the trunk.

Though I try to give him the benefit of the doubt at times, it TRULY appears to me that - were I a member of the Jury - he's completely dense. Or perhaps being deliberately obtuse. Neither of which is flattering.


Well, maybe he wants us to believe that there were meat products in Tony's fridge and they decomposed to the point that these paper towels were used to wiping the adipocere off and then discarded with their tobacco cans.

A bunch of bachelors, what can you expect?
Dude....... you haven't tested it yourself.

just say no!
Witness doesn't need to test it if someone says it's adiopose! He'll believe them. This is insane.

I don't think he has a good ability to think on his feet. He may be well read. But I am not sure about his cognitive processing ability.

All the witness needed to say was (assuming it to be true): "The pathologist tests for the presence of adiposea for me. As to it processing and the biological processes during decomposotion that's where my area of expertise is. In particular, my expertise is the decomposition of adiposea relating to entomology."
Does anyone know who the blond is? During the sidebar she went over to ICA and whispered with her. I am sorry if this has been asked previously.
Don't forget LDB got it on the record that George Anthony was compulsive about cleaning all of the cars every weekend. Even the cars of his grown adult children. Lee's truck was cleaned by George and he didn't even live at home.

That car was not seized until about 3pm on the day after Cindy called police. Cindy removed items from the car and sprayed it with Fabreeze. George went so far as to remove the battery before he went to work on the day Casey was found. IMO I think the jury would be free and have been lead to think that the car was thoroughly cleaned. That car was way too neat after having been abandoned. MOO

Has it been ruled out that GA (or someone) may have cleaned the car trunk with chloroform, or pesticide? Sorry, I know it's been discussed but not recalling.
Had to turn off the feed because my baby is in here colouring. What's the sidebar for?? Why is HHJP pizzed?
So this dude knows it's adipocere because someone tells him it is? And then backs that up by that's how he learns everything? Did I get that right? Seriously?

JA, buddy, you need to dial it back just a wee notch. Please. You're doing so good.
Look at JB laughing and chuckling at his own witness acting so out of line with that remark.
Wouldn't you agree that it's in the realm of an anthropologist?

It is in the realm of many expert
Dr. Vass is not an anthropologist to my understanding.

Didn't JB make a point that he is an anthropologist, not a chemist?
Wait what answer did JA just have stricken?? Sorry I'm doing more than one thing.
He's still saying someone else is saying this is adipocere and that isn't, isn't he? Not that HE HIMSELF knows.
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